Профиль пилота Mathew Child > Дневник

Имя пилота:
Текущий корабль:
lady jane [830126]
(Krait Phantom)
Дата регистрации:
14 авг. 2016 г.
Внесено расстояний:
Посещено систем:
11 071
Открыто систем:
5 920
2 862 975 350 кр.
jump tracking

Decided not to bother tracking the daily jumps here - not an interesting read. However once I have reached my waypoint I will summarise

mid session break

left with 115 jumps on the clock

Start session 21/9/19

Replotted Jumps 131 +1 from last session, but overall nett = 0

End session 2019/19

Short one Today, 9 Jumps leaving 130 left

start Session 20/9/19

Replotted course 139 Jumps. - l from previous session

End of session 19/9/19

finished for the day with 140 Jumps to go.

Decision Moot for now

They are both too far away to plot just yet. Still need to get over 5k ly closer

Plotted a route to Pria Free YE-Q D5-14, 5.7k Ly away. 152 Jumps (for now)

Traversed the Tyros Ridge

Reached Blie Free ZF-W C2-2 system having travelled interarm via the Tyros Ridge to an area named the Bleak Lands. It seemed aptly named as there was a dearth of systems with were either star only or full of rocks. Slim Pickings for the explorer.

I still intend to revisit Sagittarius A* on my way home. The question is to I plot course directly or via Explorers Anchorage?

The pros and cons are Sag A First - means that my return to the bubble will be from Anchorage and probsbly not as well travelled as the route from Sag A itself

Anchorage 1st - Means I can cash in my exploration data (assuming the facilities are there, which would be daft if they weren;t) and give the Capricorn the overhaul she deserves

2bn Credits!!

I have reached the estimated scan value of £2bn Credits. I know this milestone wont be accurate, due to discrepancies between members and non-members of EDSM, but still its a milestone nonetheless.

The milestone occurred in the Striechaea QF-D d13-2 system, part way through my traverse of the Tyros Ridge.

Plotting Return Leg 2

Explorers Anchorage is still over 39k Light years away and as such the navicom cannot calculate a route. Tried a star a bit closer but the plotting still fails - I suspect the gap between Arms is the issue and will have to make a boosted jump to start with.