Профиль пилота Merydian > Дневник

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Текущий корабль:
Starlight Tracer [4p5-dw]
(Diamondback Explorer)
Дата регистрации:
18 февр. 2017 г.
Внесено расстояний:
1 186
Посещено систем:
6 374
Открыто систем:
3 304
1 349 755 628 кр.
More wonders

It's been a while since my last log entry (and I've back-dated this to keep things sane). Actually, I've been at waypoint 5 taking it easy, for reasons I'll go into next post. So its about time I got off my lazy butt and posted some more picture of the wonders of the galaxy.

Clockwork planets

We've all probably heard of "standard orbit". And in Byaa Ain QA-J C11-144 I am in standard orbit around planet 4. But wow! The third planet is so close! That doesn't look like standard orbit to me. Non-standard orbit

To infinity, and beyond!

That tiny spec in the middle is me, highlighted by infinity, itself an even tinier spec in the infinte cosmos. Infinity

Bullet Nebula

Viewed from Eor Aoscs WM-W D1-683 Bullet Nebula

Wandering toward waypoint 5

I've encountered another explorer, SlickPBW, several times now. We seem to have the same ideas regarding travel routing. It's odd to encounter someone out in the void between waypoints. Comforting and discomforting. As an explorer, you get used to solitude.

I found a green-banded planet that was reported by someone else (I don't remember who) but it wasn't totally green so it didn't count for that particular codex discovery category.

The "Crux" was rather spectacular. It would seems like quite a risky place to attempt a neutron boost jump if you'd get buffeted into some other neutron star's jet cones. Did it anyway.

Blua Hypa HT-F d12-1226 12

X marks the spot

Arrived at wayport 4 and a party was going on

I parked at waypoint 4 (Clooku EW-Y C3-197 5 G A) and encountered far heavier traffic than I have at any other time. I have no idea if there was a stacking contest going on or what, but there were a lot of ships maneuvering. In the picture below, you can see Starlight Tracer and my SRV. I should probably name the SRV sometime. It comes out of the bottom or backside of my ship. Starlight Dump? There's a probably a joke poop name if I think about it long enough. But I have better things to do.

I parked high on a plateau with the other ships. The geological site was way down below. Fortunately gravity was very low. I managed to bounce, roll and splat my way down the side to examine them. When it was time to return, I managed to hop back to the top on a single extended jet boost, which surprised me. I actually cleared the top of the plateau and then some.

Crazy ships

Beautiful nebulae

I think some of my favorite views thus far have been the nebulae. So many colors and patterns in space!

Flyiedgai Nebula

Flyiedgai Nebula

Fishnet Nebula

Fishnet Nebula

Octopus Nebula

Octopus Nebula

Guardian Ruins

I encountered my first Guardian ruins in Skaudai AM-B d14-138. I was hoping that I'd find some Guardian data for return -- I can outfit the Aurora Dawn with some better weapons/engines. Unfortunately, you need a Guardian structure for that, not ruins. I was bummed.

The relics I could collect require cargo space. Starlight Tracer has none; all interior space is devoted to exploration equipment, a pure exploration outfitting.

At least I'll get the Codex credits, whenever I find a port with an authority to sell it to.

Aerial view of ruins A relic tower A relic tower

These strange trees, called brain trees, were growing on the same planet.

Brain trees

And as long as I'm showing off weird life... this thing was in a ring system in the same system, I think, or a nearby one.

A mollusc

Curse you, stupid black hole! Collection of Wonders

Some lessons hurt. Perhaps neutron boosting into Skaude AA-A H294 to see the Collection of Wonders was a poor idea given that the primary is a black hole. That boost maybe had me coming in really hot. I dropped in so close it triggered an emergency exit from supercruise, leaving me way closer to an event horizon than I ever wanted to come.

I ended up going to Sacaqawea Space Port for repairs and to offload my latest batch of exploration data.

Photo album from Waypoint 3

Waypoint 3 has been quiet. There's no station or planetary base, but an abandoned settlement. Plus a few odd communication probes scattered about that are mostly quiet. Still, I did some local exploring, right up until I tried to land on the dark side of a high-G planet and biffed the landing, taking off a third of my hull armor. Once again, I'm glad I invested in some shields. "Why wasn't I using night vision?" you might ask? I was. It just wasn't helpful enough for the rough terrain under me. The radar image stank too.

So it was off to Rohini in 30 jumps for repairs, scanning as I went. That's where I finally realized "hey I forgot I turned off neutron star cone boosts in the course plotter!" and got back to waypoint 3 in under 20. Those neutron star systems should be worth some credits whenever we next come across civilized facilities. There's supposed to be something around 5000 Ly sort of in the direction we're heading. Maybe we'll get closer.

Otherwise, I suppose I'll wait until we near Sag A* and we build that base. I just need to be more careful landings. Note to self: for high-G worlds, land on the sunlit side where rough terrain can be seen.

Pyramoe PM-X B33-6 A 2 A

Distant sun

Eagle Sector IR-W D1-117

Preparing to jump out from Eagle's Landing, flying into the eclipse. Into the eclipse

Nyeajaae UG-R C19-2

Free floating crystals

Flyiedgiae UT-R d4-20 A

First time driving around a metal body. Nothing much to do here. It really is kind of like one solid ball of slagged metal. Lonely drive

Pru Aescs NC-M D7-192 - a P-01 anomaly

This was the first time I found one of these anomalies. P-01 anomaly

Pru Aescs NC-M d7-201


Starlight Tracer

While waiting for the announcement of WP3 at the basecamp at Roald's Landing on Omega Sector VE-Q B5-17 7 B, I figured I should take another photo of my ship. This time with the corrected registration :)

Starlight Tracer

Some other ships were waiting too.


Anemone tour

I took the anemone tour to complete my set. I also picked off the last Lagrange cloud type I hadn't scanned yet.

I'm 30% to Elite status.

Anemone I Anemone II Anemone III Anemone IV

Colored nebula tour -- and life!

I went on the colored nebula tour today for waypoint 1. I found some nice views, plus something unexpected: life forms in the nebula!


Roseum Lagrange Cloud in Omega Sector DM-M B7-16. Those spiky structures are primitive organic life. Roseum Lagrange Cloud

Luteolum Lagrange Cloud in Omega Sector AF-A d153. Did you notice the corrected ID plate? Luteolum Lagrange Cloud

Life forms

A rubicundum collared pod found in Trifid Sector DL-Y D157. Rubicundum collared pod

An albulum gourd mollusc in Omega Sector DM-M B7-16. Albulum gourd mollusc