Профиль пилота goldfishrock > Дневник

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Текущий корабль:
Дата регистрации:
21 окт. 2017 г.
Внесено расстояний:
Посещено систем:
9 114
Открыто систем:
4 764
1 215 992 763 кр.
Passage to Andromeda - Day #22

I encountered the strangest systems I've visited yet while flying today. Lyaisaa AA-A h609! Not only did it contain two black holes, it also had no less than 9 stars (in various stages of their lifecycles) and 18 planets. Some of the planets orbit incredibly lose to their host planets with the orbital periods in ours rather than days. This system also apparently contains the water world with the fastest rotational in the entire universe.

A7 & A7a

The Whole System

Up close and personal with an event horizon

Passage to Andromeda - Day #21

No exploration today

Passage to Andromeda - Day #20

Today I found a Glowing Green Water Giant (Eimbaith LW-W E1-290) while I was out and about in The Black. It appears to be well documented on EDSM. An interesting find non the less. Still making steady progress toward my next waypoint and enjoying the scenery as I go. I've been out here an awaful long time and never see anyone else save when I am near a fleet carrier, DSSA station or normal station. The universe is a big place and other commanders are few and far between out here.

Glowing Green Water Giant

Passage to Andromeda - Day #19

A fairly quiet day today. I did a few jumps toward my next waypoint and at one point found myself in the G2 Dust Cloud Sector JH-V c2-2851

I'm now turned firmly toward Beagle Point and heading for my next waypoint, Greeroi MT-O d7-3. Let's see what we find along the way......

Inside the G2 Dust Cloud

Passage to Andromeda Day #18

After leaving the safety of Explorer's Anchorage I headed back out into the black, firstly stopping by Sagittarius A*, just to say that I've visited it twice now. Now it's time to turn north and head for the next waypoint, Greeroi MT-O d7-3. I've not looked to see what systems of interest are in between as of yet so will just fly a random route and see what I discover along the way.

Arrival at Explorer's Anchorage

Stopping by Sagittarius A*

Passage to Andromeda - Day #17

On the way to Stuemeae FG-Y d7561 I decided to take a detour to see if I could find a rare Notable Stellar Phenomena inside the Hengist Nebula. As I entered the system I found myself 155k ls from the target and set out on my long journey there. Coming out of supercruise I was presented with a vivid red cloud with some sort of objects floating inside which turned out to be Metallic Crystals. A rather nice surprise was the award of a 50k bonus for the Codex discovery. I flew around for a while examining the crystal structures but didn't see any of the kind of electrical activity that I had expected. I decided to cut my losses and head back toward Stuemeae FG-Y d7561 and Explorer's Anchorage to finish this leg of my journey.

Fillin' up inside a neutron star

Inside the Notable Stellar Phenomena

Passage to Andromeda - Day #16

No exploration today

Passage to Andromeda - Day #15

No exploration today

Passage to Andromeda - Day #14

Time to carry on in my nice clean shiny ship. So now I am on course for Stuemeae FG-Y d7561 and in particular, aiming to dock at Explorer's Anchorage, a station that was commissioned and built during the Distant Worlds 2 expedition. It has been designated as Waypoint #4 for Passage to Andromeda.

I am using a mix of normal fuel stars and neutron stars to travel at the moment. So far on this expedition I haven't been using the Neutron Highway for the most part, however since leaving Colonia I have travelled almost exclusively using Neutron Stars. I do have a love/hate relationship with them..... they allow for quick transfer across the vast empty vacuum of space but at the same I get FOMO! I feel as though I am missing things, those little systems in between that may just harbour an undiscovered gem. So I try to mix it up a little, do some large jumps, stop, repair my drive and then some conventional jumps. It stops things getting boring.

I finished today by landing on the first planet in the Myriesly HN-I c23-3141 system which had a rather spectacular view of the Storms of Fenrisulfur Nebula(Myriesly CL-P e5-7383) a couple of light years away.

Using Neutron Star Boosts

Neutron Star and Star in close proximity

On the surface of Myriesly HN-I c23-3141 1

Passage to Andromeda - Day #13

Today I took some time out of the cockpit. I've been working really hard recently and the constant jumps through Neutron Stars takes it's toll on the ship. It's always a good idea to just stop, take stock of things, make repairs and relax every now and then.

Just sat anchored in the middle of space was strange. The quietness of the ship was deafening at times. After a nice breakfast of Honey Nut Cornflakes I got going with the cleaning. The place was a bit of a mess and needed dusting. I worked hard all morning to get it clean and tidy while my bot companions spent several hours on the outside of the vessel, making repairs and servicing the engines.

After lunch there was time to do a little reading, studied the navigation system looking a the next few days. Recalibrated the life support systems and then finally I got chance to fire up my PC to play some games, today it was Pro Cycling Manager 2022 and some Portal 2. I did stop short at loading Elite Dangerous as that would just have been weird, right?

Just watchin' the game, havin' a Bud....