Профиль пилота TH3ERAZ3R > Дневник

Имя пилота:
Текущий корабль:
Lt James McGraw [211215]
Дата регистрации:
7 янв. 2018 г.
Внесено расстояний:
Посещено систем:
9 673
Открыто систем:
3 867
33040112 0455 HAHN'S ESCAPE

Made it through my work shift, picked up my earnings and my power pay. Decided to spend a little on a new paint job for one of the SRVs. Looks good.

Heading out to Jackson's Lighthouse and got to talking on the comms to a few of the guys that are making the trip to Colonia too. Really nice guys. Anyway, wasn't paying attention to my fuel gage and ran it nearly dry, too dry to make it to a scoopable star. Fortunately, one of the guys, Belmurtoc, that I was chatting with in the comms was a FuelRat and not too far away. My thanks to him and the FuelRats. o7 Don't know how I'm going to live this one down, but it happens to the best of us, I guess.

Anyway, it's late, I'm exhausted and the dog is telling me she want's her treat and to go to bed.


33040111 0531

A pretty good shift and then hit the stars to pick up a paycheck in the Ngalia System. Took the creds and upgraded the Fuel Scoop to an 5A. Then decided to get a better AFM, a 5A and a lesser Fuel Limpet Controller, a 3A. I didn't see why I would need four limpets in the air at one time. So, in the end, this is my load out for the trip to Colonia:

[Type-10 Defender, Type-10 Explorer] [+1]

M: 2D/G Beam Laser [+1]

M: 2F/G Multi-cannon [+1]

M: 2F/G Multi-cannon [+1]

L: 2D/G Beam Laser [+1]

L: 2D/G Beam Laser [+1]

L: 3E/G Pulse Laser [+1]

L: 3E/G Pulse Laser [+1]

S: 1G/G Multi-cannon [+1]

S: 1G/G Multi-cannon [+1]

U: 0I Heat Sink Launcher [+1]

U: 0I Heat Sink Launcher [+1]

U: 0I/T Point Defense [+1]

U: 0I/T Point Defense [+1]

U: 0I/T Point Defense [+1]

U: 0I/T Point Defense [+1]

U: 0I Chaff Launcher [+1]

U: 0I Chaff Launcher [+1]

BH: 1C Lightweight Alloy

PP: 8C Power Plant

TH: 7B Thrusters [+1]

FD: 7B Frame Shift Drive [+2]

LS: 5A Life Support [+1]

PD: 6A Power Distributor [+1]

SS: 4A Sensors [+1]

FT: 6C Fuel Tank (Capacity: 64)

MC: 5D Module Reinforcement Package

MC: 5D Module Reinforcement Package

8: 8E Cargo Rack (Capacity: 256)

7: 7C Shield Generator [+1]

6: 5A Fuel Scoop [+4]

5: 5A Auto Field-Maintenance Unit [+1]

4: 3A Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller [+3]

4: 4G Planetary Vehicle Hangar [+1]

3: 3A Repair Limpet Controller [+1]

3: 1C Detailed Surface Scanner

2: 1C Advanced Discovery Scanner

Shield: 288.1

Power : 22.95 MW retracted (77%); 29.81 MW deployed (99%); 30.00 MW available

Cargo : 256

Fuel : 64 T

Mass : 1,788.50 T empty; 2,108.50 T full Range : 15.29 LY unladen; 13.44 LY laden

Price : 211,297,792 CR

Re-Buy: 10,564,890 CR @ 95% insurance

So, I have another shift to work tomorrow, then pick up a paycheck and head out to The Lighthouse to rally with the other Cmdrs that will be making the journey.

I'm getting pretty excited about it all. I've never been as far out in to The Black as we'll be going. It should be a great experience. I'm pretty sure that I've got what I need for the trip. All that I can afford to purchase at this time anyway.

Anyway, time to grab the dog and put her to bed so that we both can get some shut eye. It's great having a dog onboard. She's really the best travel companion one could ask for.

33040110 0427

I'm not even sure what time it is. It's been a long day. An Ion storm came through, which worried the dog, or whatever she is really, but she looks like a dog, which in turn caused her to continually wake me. Power outages made alarms go off in the station, which was another interruption to my sleep. I managed to pull off a pretty decent day at work and was happy to get out in the stars afterwards and managed to make one and a half runs. I'm still in the top 50%, but the rewards have risen too, so I'm pretty happy. Looks like the CG might end early though, but if not, I might have one or two runs in me tomorrow after my shift.

Heading off to bed now. Dozed off behind the stick for a few seconds tonight, which never is a good thing. It's one thing to be in deep space and shut the ship down and sleep in the pilots seat (I've done that on several occasions when the when the view out the cockpit is exceptional.), but another thing when moving though occupied space. Bad things can happen.

Anyway. A few more days and I'll be heading over to the rally point. I'm looking forward to being back in The Black.

Fly safe! o7

33040109 0520

I managed one run today, which help to solidify my position in the top 50%. Had a lot to do after my regular shift, so I wasn't able to get in the air, but an for hour.

Did manage to get a lot done online to help towards getting ready for the big trip to the Black Void, which starts this Friday. Lucky, I'm off that day, so can make the event at Jackson's Lighthouse.

I'm hoping the creds I make from the CG will land me a better fuel scoop, a 6A would be awesome, but I'll take a 5A if I can get it. Then I'll be equipped for the journey then.

Time to log off and catch some Zs.