Профиль пилота Saberwolve > Дневник

Имя пилота:
Текущий корабль:
(Asp Explorer)
Дата регистрации:
23 марта 2018 г.
Внесено расстояний:
Посещено систем:
7 477
Открыто систем:
4 301
Colonia To Beagle Point!

Commander's Log - July 20, 2018:

Apparently in an adult beverage fueled state, I picked up a new Dolphin to dart around near Colonia. enter image description here

But my time at Colonia was a bit short-lived. After making a spur of the moment decision, I decided to make the push to Beagle Point to join the 65,000 light year club! Time between communications and logs will be a little bit further apart as the journey is likely to be a long and difficult one, and probably highly monotonous.

So that plan is bee-line from Colonia to Beagle Point, see the sights there, then come back to Colonia by way of Sagittarius A. Then, onward to the bubble. Voyager will definitely be living up to her name on this one. She's been fully stocked and repaired, and we're off!

Until next time Jaques Station! enter image description here

Colonia at Last!

Commander's Log: July 19, 3304

Today, I made the final push into Colonia. First time back in months. And of course. Someone interdicts me, however, I was able to jump out before they could even finish the interdiction.

A few jumps later, I jumped into the system and pulled into Jacques Station where I traded in my scanned data for a nice, cool, 24 million credits and my name on a few systems as first discovered. enter image description here

Now, off to find a bar and celebrate the journey!

Colonia or Bust - Part 3

Commander's Log: July 18, 3304

Today was led off with a bit of excitement as I began the final legs of my journey toward Colonia. I could tell that I was getting closer as more and more stars began dotting my canopy. enter image description here

I could however tell that a bit of "space madness" was beginning to set in as I accidentally flew too close to a star while setting up for my next jump causing some minor hull and system damage. I'll need to make sure to stock up on some adult beverages as I've heard it on good authority that it helps cure and prevent space madness. enter image description here

I've also run a bit low on heat sinks, with only one remaining. I'll need to make sure I stock up on the necessary components to be able to synthesize more before continuing out from the Colonia region. Lastly, I'm looking forward to selling all that scanning data that I've collected. There'll definitely be a few unique planetary scans in there!

I will complete my final push to Colonia tomorrow as I have about 2000 light years remaining on my journey. I think I'll celebrate at a station bar once I get there!

End Log.

Colonia or Bust Part 2

Commander's Log: July 17, 3304

Made great progress again today toward Colonia. At last check of the galactic maps, I still have roughly 8,000 light years remaining before entering Colonia. I decided to land on a planet to change things up a bit and had fun opening up the throttle on the SRV.

enter image description here

However, much to my surpirse, I encountered another vessel landed on the same world as me! Given that it looked like a Clipper at quick glance, I did my best to make my way as far away as I could, and it appeared that he either didn't see me, or wasn't interested in me.

enter image description here

While slinking away from the Clipper, I came across two escape pods. I couldn't be sure whether or not they were attacked by the Clipper I encountered, but I scooped them up and brought them aboard the Voyager.

Toward the end of my travels on this day, I ran across an Earth like world, which made me nostalgic for the Sol system.

enter image description here

End of Log.

Colonia or Bust! - Part 1

Commander's Log - July 15, 3304:

After prepping my Diamondback Explorer, Voyager, by shedding some weight and then loading her up with supplies, I began my long journey from HIP 18327 to Colonia. enter image description here

The ultimate goal is to make it even further into the black (possibly Beagle Point or maybe Sagittarius A and out in that direction), but first a stop over near Colonia to resupply and repair, and maybe even see some of the sights.

Along the journey today, I encountered the wreckage of another Diamondback vessel in the Bleia Eohn KW-E C14-11 system, and was only able to recover a small survey data cache. The rest of the ship appeared to be a total loss with no survivors. enter image description here

I made a few stops to break up the monotony of the travel by scanning a few of the systems I jumped into. It was in the Drojeae KX-R D5-37 system where I encountered a neat land-able planet with its own set of rings around it. Aside from that, the flight was pretty uneventful, and I was able to make good progress on my journey, managing to complete about a third of the journey to Colonia without much incident.

End personal log.