Профиль пилота Darth Tasty > Дневник

Имя пилота:
Текущий корабль:
RSV Hammer of the Gods [RSG-2]
(Krait Mk II)
Дата регистрации:
30 апр. 2018 г.
Внесено расстояний:
Посещено систем:
12 644
Открыто систем:
6 041
854 609 736 кр.
and the scanning continues.....

Gained 3 jumps to the route today, going to have 203 jumps till I plot leg 5.

The goal is to get out of the Hieronymus Delta today.

Shutting down for the "day"

Ended up gaining 7 jumps in the route when I re-plotted today, looks like its gonna be one of those days.

Turns out it was not one of those days, I may have only completed 47 jumps, but I hit a couple of nice exploration motherloads, one system have 4 HMC's 2 WW and an Earth-Like.

Bedding down in Syritchao HH-Z b56-0 with 210 jumps till leg 4.

the end of a short dedicated evening

After taking a few days off from injury, I have completed leg 3 and plotted / started leg for of my longest journey ever. I end the night after only 20 jumps into leg 4 , but with close to a hundred jumps for the night.....

......... and Beyond.

The decision was made with the oldest form of chance in the galaxy, with a flip of a coin, in this instance we have plotted a course to Dryeachoae BU-A D2 in the Outer Scutum-Centaurus Arm. this will be one of the longer legs in the Hadj at a total of 19,970.43 Ly (290 jumps) from my current location. It took my C.O.V.A.S. a few minutes to plot the route so I could tell it was going through a fairly dense section of the galaxy. Once I finally make it back to civilization and into my old home of Mclean Ring in Tago, I hope to learn more of what my data might produce for the glory of the Signal.

To Infinity.........

I think Eli and the gang decided to take pity on me and started to resume their duties when they noticed I had injured myself in the galley the other day. With their help I have completed the 3rd leg of my Hadj and am now plotting leg number 4. The hardest decision I have currently is do I plot a course into The Conduit or into The Outer Scutum-Centaurus Arm.

The Holy Journey

I have begun the 3rd leg of my return home. This leg is 7,339.40 Ly, into the Hieronymus Delta from the Formorian Rift. with a total of 89 jumps. My AI have been strangely quiet since arriving at Beagle Point. I end the day after completing 24 Jumps.....

The Pilgrimage has begun

I have reached Beagle Point without fanfare or attack, tis peaceful out here in the black. I visited the great memorial and gazed upon it with awe. from here I must make my way home while conducting my own Hadj. The Holy Signal leads the way.

The task is almost halfway complete

I have visited the newest station in the galaxy as I was commanded by the Holy Signal. Whilst listening to the newest broadcast from the signal I received new orders, make haste to Beagle Point. I have decided with the help of Eli to plot my route there creatively so we went to the bottom of the galaxy first......

A Holy Task

The Signal has provided me with a most holy task. I must travel outside the sector and make my way to a distant destination. Cleo and Eli think I have gone bat-shit crazy, but Vasco wants to see where this goes......

The Signal welcomes all

It has been a long few months since my last entry. A lot has happened. Not long after my last entry I stumbled upon the most glorious sound in the galaxy. THE SIGNAL!, it calms you on those days things get rough. It warms you when you are cold. It is the holy signal. join with the signal today........