Профиль пилота Kris Afron > Дневник

Имя пилота:
Текущий корабль:
Hunter gatherer [LSV305]
(Asp Explorer)
Дата регистрации:
4 февр. 2019 г.
Внесено расстояний:
Посещено систем:
25 314
Открыто систем:
7 706
Sacaqawea Space Port

In the end I chose to arrive at Skaudai CH-B d14-34 (Sacaqawea Space Port). Nice to feel some real gravity under my legs for a change, even if it is only 0.27 G.

It's quite nice here, imbedded in a nebula and the local food isn't half bad either.

Netted nearly 60 mil CR on this leg of my return journey, but around these waypoints there aren't many undiscovered solar systems. So to continue I'm going to go off the beaten track again.

This time I think I'll drop below the galactic plane by a few hundred ly and see where I end up. The next starport is Rohini, one of the stations I visited when I started out on this journey. I'm sure i'll get there tomorrow sometime.

CMDR Kris Afron signing off.


A further 4 way points have brought me to Caravanserai in Grandharvi. These outposts save me having to overnight in an empty system, at least I can get out, stretch my legs and have a few drinks in a local bar with some colourful characters, mainly explorers like me.

On the way I diverted to a nebula that looked like a Thargoid.

enter image description here

I'll continue tomorrow, but as before I'll deviate from the normal path by going above or below the galactic plane. So far, that strategy has served me well, with plenty of newly discovered systems.

I haven't decided on my ultimate destination for tomorrow yet, so for now I'll have another beer with my most recent bar mate, and then maybe another...

CMDR Kris Afron signing off.

Heading home...

I managed to get access to Mel Brandon and I didn't need to set up a specialist combat Eagle, just added a few more lasers to the Asp and made 3 kills in a resource extraction site - that netted me 120k CR which was enough to open him up.

Blueprinted Re-inforced Shields.

I did a few more missions and decided to head back to Sol. Not sure if I'll be back around here again so I sold the Asp before I set off.

3 waypoints took me to Kashyapa, where I spent the night. I'd found plenty more undiscovered systems, including 1 black Hole, 1 neutron star and a sprinkling of white dwarfs on the journey so made a tidy 32 mil CR.

CMDR Kris Afron signing off.


So I'm sticking around Colonia for a bit, working up to access to engineer Mel Brandon.

I bought an Asp Explorer and fitted it out for trade. There are not many systems round here to trade with, so I did away with a fuel scoop to maximise the cargo space. 120 tonnes should be enough for some profitable missions for Colonia Council so that I can achieve "Friendly" with them to get the mission to visit Mel Brandon.

I'll have to fit out a combat vessel as well, Mel Brandon needs 100,000 CR combat bonds. An Eagle should be good for a few combat sorties in a resource extraction area. Once I've done that and brought Mel on board I can sell it.

So on with the missions for now.

CMDR Kris Afron signing off.

Made it to Colonia.

Well, I got here.

It was an eventful day. Late yesterday I waypointed at DUMBOI ZU-X E1-608 because the galaxy map showed it was a black hole. It was my first independent black hole discovery, but the day just got better, I hit two further pockets of black holes and in total discovered black holes at all of these systems,

Dumboi ZU-X e1-608, Dumboi ZU-X e1-4505, Dumboi ZU-X e1-3671, Dumboi ZU-X e1-8073, Dumboi ZU-X e1-6691, Dumboi ZU-X e1-5936, Dumboi ZU-X e1-4245, Dumboi ZU-X e1-1585, Dumboi ZU-X e1-2519, Dumboi ZU-X e1-594, Screakou OZ-O e6-449, Screakou OZ-O e6-4095, Screakou OZ-O e6-7243, Screakou OZ-O e6-1262, Screakou OZ-O e6-2163, Screakou OZ-O e6-3523, Screakou OZ-O e6-3010, Screakou OZ-O e6-2758, Screakou OZ-O e6-5151, Screakou OZ-O e6-4129, Screakou OZ-O e6-5554, Screakou OZ-O e6-306, Screakou CL-Y g723, Screakou OZ-O e6-769, Screakou OZ-O e6-2835.

That's 26 in all! I also bagged a few neutron stars and a couple of White Dwarfs in the same area.

Here's the BH at Screakou OZ-O e6-5151, there's some nice gravitational lensing.

Cashed in my hard won earnings at Colonia, totalled nearly 200 mil CR and got me Explorer Elite.

A great day at the office!

CMDR Kris Afron signing off.

Making good progress.

Still going to Colonia via the high galactic plane, have hit over 50 new systems.

Almost crashed when landing at Juenae DA-I a9-6 C1, but managed to pull out with about 50 metres to go. I eventually landed here to do some material collection and got my Sulphur and Iron storage maxed out.

There are so many stars here,

Made it to Waypoint 5, another 7 to go to get to Colonia, should take a couple of days with plenty of system scans.

CMDR Kris Afron signing off.

Now I'm heading back to The Bubble

Well I made a few CR around Sag A* visiting random systems and returning to Explorer's Anchorage with the data.

But yesterday evening I decided that enough is enough (especially after some idiot npc interdicted me on the return trip - I don't carry any cargo on P'Taq - it's for exploration. Anyway I evaded him easily, I hope I left his ship with some damage from the attempt) and started to head back to the bubble via Colonia.

I used EDSM to plot a route to Colonia, selected the first waypoint, rose above the galactic plane to avoid taking the route that everyone else might take and chose a different destination.

That was a good decision, practically every system I visited was unexplored and pristine. I bagged a few high metal content worlds and a couple of water worlds.

I'm resting for the night about 600 ly from Sag A* at Myriesly LI-I c23-7320.

CMDR Kris Afron signing off.

Change of mind.

Actually, in the end there was a third choice,

Hang around and do a bit of extra exploring. There's lots of unexplored systems around here.

So I'm going to stick around and do some random jumping in various directions and work my way back to Explorer's Anchorage with the new data. My first trip took me back to a system I came in through, this was really confirmation of the "First Discovered by Kris Afron" label, and very rewarding it was too, nice to see my name in lights.

I took a couple of hops from there and did a thorough scan of a couple more systems. I made sure that I mapped all of the planets at HYPIO PRI LF-D C29-2981 (only 5 so it didn't take too long). Planet B2 is an Earth-like which netted me a tidy sum.

Will do some more later.

CMDR Kris Afron signing off.

Made it to Sagittarius A*.

So, I got here.

P'Taq at Sagittarius A*

I took a pit stop at Explorer's Anchorage at Stuemeae FG-Y D7561 and sold my exploration data first, just so I didn't lose the creds and the acclaim for the discovered systems.

I made nearly 75 mil CR, not bad, but not really good for a couple of weeks work. I've made more than that in a single day trading and running high reward missions in the bubble. However an upside is the freedom from interdictions (and I don't really understand why these pirates bother for 2 tons of Biowaste or Hydrogen fuel, stupid bleeps).

The big question is "What do I do now?". I think I have two choices -

  1. now that i'm out here go for broke to Beagle Point
  2. head home and earn some more credits, visit Colonia on the way, get my reputation with all three major factions back to Allied. I'd have to do another expedition to get to Beagle Point of course - I always said i'd do a circumnavigation one day.

OK, choice made. Beagle Point can wait.

Colonia here I come!

CMDR Kris Afron signing off.

3rd Attempt at reaching Sagittarius A*

In system Dryoi Pri HG-S c6-1811

Today I start on the next leg of my journey to Sagittarius A*, I'm just over 4 mil Cr down on when I started a few days ago due to losing P'Taq when I crashed on high G worlds (twice, you'd think i'd have learned from the first one!).

The first crash was at Pru Aerb X1-T D3-1 planet A1, I was on a high angle of descent and thrusting down to try and improve the angle of approach to a geological site - whoops, that put me back to Observation Post Epsilon (planetary base) Trifid Sector IR-W d1-52 - actually it is an asteroid base.

This crash was not too much inconvenience and it didn't take me too long to get back.

But the second one really pissed me, I should have known better. At Stuemeae PT-7 D5 142 planet A3 I flew in too fast and Pow! The galling thing about that was that I was only 10 jumps from Sag A. That put me back to Observation Post Epsilon and 293 jumps away from Sag A - I nearly gave up and went home.

So here I am, having another try, 80 jumps to go, EDSM shows that i'm finding plenty of undiscovered systems (i'm not following a conventional path). I've discovered 3 neutron stars and one earth like so far, and EDSM is predicting nearly 40 mil CR, so that will cover my losses and more.

So, on with the journey, I hope to make it today.

CMDR Kris Afron signing off.