Профиль пилота Alan Hutchins > Дневник

Имя пилота:
Текущий корабль:
IKS Rotarran [012-DW]
Дата регистрации:
12 июня 2016 г.
Внесено расстояний:
Посещено систем:
10 538
Открыто систем:
7 436
Small Worlds Expedition 3

I have completed outfitting and engineering on My Anaconda the Challenger and my Imperial Courier the Intrepid, in preparation for Distant Worlds 2.

I have decided to participate in Small Worlds Expedition 3 to give the Intrepid a proper shakedown and to have some fun while waiting for DW2 and/or the next PF software patch.

I have taken the Intrepid to the system T Tauri which is the starting location for DWE3 and await the first meetup and mass jump tomorrow morning.

Elite Explorer

After a quick trip around the neighborhood and a lot of scanning along the way, got back last night and sold data to reach Elite rank in exploration. Got a permit for the founders world and moved my ships to Jameson Memorial. I'll stick around the bubble for a while to bring up my combat rank in order to access more Engineers.

Returned to the Bubble

Final Statistics on return to starting point. Pioneer (82%) Balance 287,352,270 (+102,006,305) Assets 354,663,555 (+102,006,305) Systems Visited: 5,179 (+1,301) Profits from Exploration: 253,886,849 (+102,278,083) Level 2 Scans: 58 Level 3 Scans: 49,097 (+1,310) Highest Payout: 2,915,016 Hyperspace Distance: 169,427.00ly (+61,362) Hyperspace Jumps: 5,318 (+1,316) Max Distance from Start: 28,476 SRV Distance: 878KM (+319) Played Time: 2W 3D 1H 18M (409H) (+83H) 1.2mil per hour

Return to Soul Sector

Returned to Base Camp station from Galactic Edge at Aiconk RS-U d2-0 Sold exploration data and made repairs.
Course plotted to Maia, 131 jumps remaining. Current Stats Pioneer (79%) (+29%) Balance 280,679,981 (+58,431,797) Assets  347,991,266 (+58,431,797) Systems Visited: 5,309 Profits from Exploration: 247,178,886 (+58,431,797) Level 2 Scans: 58 Level 3 Scans: 49,034 (+622) Highest Payout: 2,915,016 Hyperspace Distance: 161,129.00ly Hyperspace Jumps: 5,175 Max Distance from Start: 28,476 SRV Distance: 878KM Played Time: 2W 2D 19H 33M (403 hours)

31 May, 3303

Arrived at Crab Nebula this evening. Docked at Station X, Repaired and Restocked. Sold UC Data. Distance from Eleu, 7,115Ly New Stats Pioneer (43%) Balance: 208,487,004 (+17,338,118) Assets: 275,798,289 (+17,338,118) Systems Visited: 4,236 3,965 (+271) Profits from Exploration: 174,771,300 (+17,354,924) Level 2 Scans: 58 Level 3 Scans: 48,170 (+351) Highest Payout: 2,875,526 Hyperspace Distance: 121,908 (+9,775) Hyperspace Jumps: 4,362 (+273) Max Distance from Start: 28,476 SRV Distance: 578 KM (+12) Played Time: 2W 13H 13M (349H) (+17H)

25 May, 3303

Stopped at Flaming Star Logistics Centre to see the station and sell the little cartographic data I had so far. Repaired ship integrity. Distance from Eleu, 1,808Ly New Stats Balance: 191,148,886 (+5,802,921) Assets: 258,460,171 (+5,802,921) Systems Visited: 3,965 (+87) Profits from Exploration: 157,416,376 (+5,807,610) Level 2 Scans: 58 Level 3 Scans: 47,819 (+32) Highest Payout: 2,875,526 Hyperspace Distance: 112,133 (+4,068) Hyperspace Jumps: 4,089 (+87) Max Distance from Start: 28,476 SRV Distance: 566 KM (+7) Played Time: 1W 6D 20H 1M (+6 hours)

23 May, 3303: AL-12A Challenger Departure

Well, I'm off again. Been back in the bubble for 12 days, I've got a new ship engineered for 50+Ly, and I'm ready to go. Leaving the bubble tonight for no place in particular.

Pre Departure Ship Statistics Balance: 185,345,965 Assets: 252,657,250 Systems Visited: 3,878 Profits from Exploration: 151,608,766 Level 2 Scans: 58 Level 3 Scans: 47,787 Highest Payout: 2,157,308 Hyperspace Distance: 108,065 Hyperspace Jumps: 4,002 Max Distance from Start: 28,476 SRV Distance: 559 KM Played Time: 1W 6D 14H 42M (326 hours)

FSD Injections: 14 basic, 10 standard, 6 premium AFM Refill: 11 basic Outfitting: https://eddp.co/u/C1qXZluU Leaving Finny Dock @ Eleu. Course plotted for Rigel (20 Jumps)

Update: Heading toward southern edge. https://www.edsm.net/en/user/travel-map/id/9556/cmdr/Alan+Hutchins