Картографування Галактики > Маршрути > SWS//Asphodel V9M-NHV // Bubble - Sag A*

Bubble Sag A* Sightseeing Tour

12 Feb 0600UTC Departure from HUANGAIS

# System Coordinates Distance
#1 Huangais 72.53125 / -12.03125 / 10.71875
#2 HD 175876 (Heaven's Lathe) -644.1875 / -472 / 2299.3125 2 441,91 Ly
#3 Lysoorb FW-N e6-15 (The Rings of Atreus) 777.4375 / 245.0625 / 7886.46875 5 809,60 Ly
#4 Synookio EI-J d9-1 (Neon Beacon) -60.625 / 384.25 / 12546.75 4 737,08 Ly
#5 Blu Ain WY-S e3-5312 916.625 / 71.28125 / 14986.65625 2 646,91 Ly
#6 Shrogaae KK-A d983 (The Brain Forest) 4959.03125 / 149.96875 / 20725.90625 7 020,42 Ly
#7 Dryio Prao BQ-Y e6596 (Blue Venn Nebula) 1410.53125 / -967.34375 / 20942.09375 3 726,52 Ly
#8 Shrogea MH-V e2-1763 (Black in Green (Tourist Installation)) 971.03125 / 613.21875 / 21307.3125 1 680,69 Ly
#9 Myriesly MS-T e3-3831 (Northern Lazur Remnant) -586.875 / 646.875 / 25214.8125 4 206,75 Ly
#10 Myriesly HR-N e6-4354 ('Blink Of An Eye' Remnant (inc. Arboo’s Electric Friendship)) -530.125 / 38.84375 / 25725.90625 796,33 Ly
#11 Sagittarius A* 25.21875 / -20.90625 / 25899.96875 585,04 Ly