绘制银河系星图 > 路径 > Tour the Universe (Part I)

This is my first larger expedition. The waypoints include some of the largest real stars you can find in our galaxy, some interesting nebulas as well as some points of interest i've found here on EDSM.

The route will be continued with part two. As I'm planning those routes spontaneously , part two will be published when I'm done with it.

This route is 27.501,82 lightyears. I have a jump range of almost 55 lightyears, so you're good to go with about the same jump range. You can start this route from the bubble as the first waypoint is not far from it.

Have fun and fly safe.

# System Coordinates Distance
#1 R Doradus 157.375 / -128.96875 / 6.90625
#2 Mira -45.375 / -352.78125 / -220.9375 378.30 Ly
#3 Enif -536.59375 / -363.03125 / 236.1875 671.09 Ly
#4 HR 8292 -552.25 / -358.78125 / 237.0625 16.25 Ly
#5 Chi Cygni -549.375 / 30.8125 / 212.4375 390.38 Ly
#6 Albireo -383.90625 / 32.03125 / 200.53125 165.90 Ly
#7 T Cephei -573.6875 / 147.34375 / -153.78125 418.15 Ly
#8 Sadr -1794.6875 / 53.6875 / 365.84375 1,330.27 Ly
#9 North America Sector NN-T c3-14 -1875.59375 / 9.78125 / 191.65625 197.01 Ly
#10 North America Sector DL-Y d14 -1905.5 / -28.03125 / 122.875 83.99 Ly
#11 Veil East Sector DL-Y d23 -1924.96875 / -310.5 / 501.5625 472.83 Ly
#12 KY Cygni -4871.9375 / 15.75 / 1124.28125 3,029.66 Ly
#13 Crescent Sector GW-W c1-8 (Medusa's Rock) -4842.1875 / 210.8125 / 1252.21875 235.16 Ly
#14 IRAS 21124+4604 (NGC 7048) -5596.3125 / -166.15625 / 117.21875 1,413.87 Ly
#15 Csi+47-21046 (NGC 7026 Nebula) -5998.96875 / 41.875 / 104.6875 453.39 Ly
#16 Preae Eurk YU-G d10-0 -7066.65625 / 103.21875 / 1133.4375 1,483.93 Ly
#17 Blaa Eop ZE-A g0 -7754.84375 / -39.5 / 1652.53125 873.74 Ly
#18 HIP 101364 (Cygnus OB2-12) -8040.375 / 94.25 / 1353.875 434.30 Ly
#19 Blau Thaa AA-A h0 (Sarpanit) -8571.9375 / 577.03125 / 1620.6875 766.05 Ly
#20 HD 193634 -8575.65625 / 147.375 / 2035.9375 597.54 Ly
#21 V404 Cygni -7458.9375 / -284.65625 / 2263.5 1,218.81 Ly
#22 V1357 Cygni -7095.375 / 401.25 / 2396.8125 787.67 Ly
#23 QZ Vulpeculae -7855.5 / -460.40625 / 3939.4375 1,923.52 Ly
#24 Drojuae RI-K d8-3 (The Valley of the Lonely Giants) -8240.875 / -1208.8125 / 3543.65625 930.20 Ly
#25 Thailoe UO-A e4 (Existence in Desolation) -7666.9375 / -816.8125 / 4196.59375 953.62 Ly
#26 Csi+19-20105 (NGC 6886) -7731.75 / -1205.90625 / 4445.90625 466.64 Ly
#27 Traikeou AA-A h0 (The Traikeou Wolf-Rayet) -6959.4375 / 148.59375 / 5198.375 1,731.28 Ly
#28 Traikeou OY-Q d5-15 -7220.3125 / 660.78125 / 4601.90625 828.35 Ly
#29 Lgm-1 (LGM-1 Pulsar) -7533.46875 / 557.34375 / 5124.125 617.64 Ly
#30 V1487 Aquilae -5763.96875 / -31 / 5690.84375 1,948.96 Ly
#31 Rohini (Eudaemon Anchorage) -3374.8125 / -47.8125 / 6912.25 2,683.32 Ly