绘制银河系星图 > 路径 > Perseus return to Colonia

says what it is

# System Coordinates Distance
#1 Oevasy SG-Y d0 (Semotus Beacon & Salomé's Reach) -1502.15625 / -2.625 / 65630.15625
#2 Pyrie Eurk QX-U e2-0 (Distant View in Blue) -1643.875 / 136.8125 / 62150.1875 3,485.64 Ly
#3 Chua Eohn RC-D c15-0 (Golgotha Twins) -982.15625 / -181.78125 / 58457.75 3,764.77 Ly
#4 Thuecheae MT-Q e5-8 (The Seldowitch Nebula) -2270.5 / -62.9375 / 53714.3125 4,916.72 Ly
#5 Plaa Chraei YD-K d8-20 (Space Potatos) -1488.84375 / -21.3125 / 48334.125 5,436.83 Ly
#6 Blae Flyuae KH-V e2-0 (Jewelry Box) -1936.125 / -753.03125 / 43007.71875 5,395.00 Ly
#7 Dryiquae IR-N e6-0 (The Gates of Tartarus) -4092.96875 / -1148.1875 / 41122.1875 2,891.95 Ly
#8 13 MU SAGITTARII (13 Mu Sagittarii) -6507.34375 / -1394.53125 / 35624.09375 6,009.90 Ly
#9 Iwaitt EB-W d2-3587 (Anulus Extimus) -4700.375 / -730.96875 / 32501.65625 3,668.11 Ly
#10 Eord Blooe AA-A h344 (Smorgasbord) -6747.4375 / -1599.46875 / 28315.53125 4,740.08 Ly
#11 Byoomiae UY-A d2780 (The Many Moons of Troy) -7399.28125 / -893.625 / 24570.125 3,866.68 Ly
#12 Colonia (Jaques Station / Colonia (System) / Animula Spires / The Mosta-Murdoch Raceway) -9530.5 / -910.28125 / 19808.125 5,217.18 Ly