绘制银河系星图 > 路径 > The DSSA Buurian Anchorage - A DSSA Initiative carrier [Empyrean Straits, +Z]

The route of the DSSA Buurian Anchorage, the Buur Pit's contribution to the Deep Space Support Array.

Message from the Buurian Anchorage management:

EDSM Route is now obsolete!

Please refer to the EDSM Expedition Page

End message

UPDATED: 22 Jun, 3306

Any questions, please contact me: CMDR Eagle131, expedition lead/carrier manager. o7

# System Coordinates Distance
#1 Tewanta -69.21875 / 88.09375 / 21.03125
#2 Traikaae CH-Y c10 (Labirinto) -361.4375 / -24.15625 / 4095.375 4,086.35 Ly
#3 Pyramoe PM-X b33-6 (The Arkgamanon Mountain Range) -483.5 / -354.71875 / 6068.90625 2,004.74 Ly
#4 Ellairb SJ-B b42-10 (Lair of Unicorns) -1658.9375 / 259.09375 / 10089.5625 4,233.69 Ly
#5 Synookio EI-J d9-1 (Neon Beacon) -60.625 / 384.25 / 12546.75 2,933.95 Ly
#6 Eok Flyuae AQ-P e5-2798 (The Impossible) -1881 / -1107.71875 / 17922 5,867.97 Ly
#7 Throerdy AA-A h88 (Choream Gigantum) -2924.875 / 1937.5625 / 19475.6875 3,574.54 Ly
#8 Dryau Ausms KG-Y e3390 (DSSA Buurian Anchorage / The Dryau Awesomes) -1523.75 / 1340.6875 / 20976.59375 2,138.25 Ly