Gal. Kartographierung > Routen > Centaurus Reach to Tenebris (Bridging the Gap)

The object here is to assist other CMDR's navigate the GAP between the two arms of stars so that the journey is made easier for everyone. Now this is a well travelled route by a number of CMDR's including myself, however it's subject to your own capabilities and jump distances.

This route will allow a Ship with 61.5 Lys (minimum) cross the GAP with materials for Basic, Standard and Premium drive modifications. If you are below this level without any modifications I do not recommend you choose this route. One of the Jumps is 122.44 Lys and allowing for game tolerances, the above value is recommended.

Now on a 61.5Ly Range, I've done some basic calcs and you'll need to complete a minimum of 23 Basic, 9 Standard, 15 Premium Drive Modifications.

This involves some 47 Carbon, 32 Vanadium, 47 Germanium, 9 Cadmium, 24 Nobium, 15 Arsenic, 15 Yttrium, 15 Polonium.

Further information can be found on the shared document link below:

NOTE: with larger ranges, you can hop over some waypoints on the way across, this is quite normal but will alter you engine modifications and materials used accordingly. This was aimed at a ship with only 61.5 to 62Lys.

There are 9 waypoints with Materials for Drive Modifications and two of those waypoints contain all materials for exploration.

Good luck to you all...

# System Coordinates Distance
#1 Nueloo OU-V d3-0 28308.28125 / -25.03125 / 13403.75
#2 Swoaks TY-S d3-0 28338.8125 / -15.9375 / 13359.75 54,32 Ly
#3 Swoaks TY-S d3-1 28347.6875 / -19.375 / 13342.4375 19,76 Ly
#4 Swoaks PS-U d2-1 28361.46875 / 5.71875 / 13292.9375 57,18 Ly
#5 Swoaks QS-U d2-1 28416.875 / -10.40625 / 13262.75 65,12 Ly
#6 Swoaks LM-W d1-1 28403.25 / 4.4375 / 13208.3125 58,05 Ly
#7 Swoaks MM-W d1-0 28460.15625 / 19.09375 / 13207.5625 58,77 Ly
#8 Swoaks NM-W d1-1 28507.6875 / 10.46875 / 13204.65625 48,39 Ly
#9 Swoaks NM-W d1-0 28567.28125 / 13.03125 / 13216.1875 60,75 Ly
#10 Swoaks MR-W d1-0 28582.5 / 63.8125 / 13189.15625 59,51 Ly
#11 Swoaks HL-Y d0 28559.71875 / 79.21875 / 13133.46875 62,11 Ly
#12 Swoaks KG-Y d1 28586.25 / 45.09375 / 13106.6875 50,85 Ly
#13 Swoaks JG-Y d0 28546.1875 / 16.03125 / 13119.34375 51,09 Ly
#14 Swoaks FA-A d1 28530.0625 / 53.34375 / 13066.03125 67,04 Ly
#15 Swoaks DF-A d0 28501.0625 / 59.21875 / 13026.9375 49,03 Ly
#16 Bleou Aec LT-Z d13-0 28538.25 / 69 / 12974.0625 65,38 Ly
#17 Bleou Aec MT-Z d13-0 28587.71875 / 55.9375 / 12942.84375 59,94 Ly
#18 Bleou Aec OO-Z d13-1 28636.4375 / 32.40625 / 12976.28125 63,60 Ly
#19 Swoaks FF-A d0 28657.75 / 65.75 / 13026.09375 63,62 Ly
#20 Bleou Aec PO-Z d13-0 28701.5 / 34.125 / 13002.03125 59,10 Ly
#21 Bleou Aec PO-Z d13-1 28712.21875 / 15.90625 / 13014.75 24,67 Ly
#22 Swoaks IA-A d0 28735.90625 / -23.90625 / 13026.3125 47,75 Ly
#23 Bleou Aec QO-Z d13-0 28773.3125 / 9.4375 / 12976.59375 70,59 Ly
#24 Bleou Aec RO-Z d13-0 28823.34375 / -10.90625 / 12948.4375 60,91 Ly
#25 Bleou Aec NI-B d13-0 28834.25 / 8.78125 / 12914.84375 40,44 Ly
#26 Bleou Aec LN-B d13-0 28866 / 59.375 / 12899.65625 61,63 Ly
#27 Bleou Aec SO-Z d13-0 28901.125 / 28.78125 / 12937.03125 59,72 Ly
#28 Bleou Aec OI-B d13-0 28908.21875 / -14.03125 / 12892.25 62,36 Ly
#29 Bleou Aec PI-B d13-0 28977.625 / -19.34375 / 12860.0625 76,69 Ly
#30 Bleou Aec LC-D d12-0 28999.15625 / 25.875 / 12775 98,71 Ly
#31 Bleou Aec GB-F d11-0 29067.8125 / 64.625 / 12707.9375 103,50 Ly
#32 Bleou Aec DV-G d10-0 29146.78125 / 57.8125 / 12618.71875 119,34 Ly
#33 Bleou Aec EV-G d10-0 29227.03125 / 58.46875 / 12624.3125 80,45 Ly
#34 Bleou Aec HQ-G d10-0 29297.84375 / 40.75 / 12618.71875 73,21 Ly
#35 Bleou Aec DK-I d9-0 29338.65625 / 47.53125 / 12535.34375 93,08 Ly
#36 Synookaea OJ-I d9-0 29376.1875 / -15.40625 / 12543.8125 73,77 Ly
#37 Synookaea KD-K d8-0 29394.875 / -6.53125 / 12463.375 83,06 Ly
#38 Synookaea LD-K d8-0 29457.8125 / -12.875 / 12463.96875 63,26 Ly
#39 Synookaea MD-K d8-0 29541.65625 / -22.28125 / 12462.53125 84,38 Ly
#40 Synookaea IX-L d7-0 29558.90625 / -13.6875 / 12390.0625 74,99 Ly
#41 Synookaea FR-N d6-0 29671.4375 / -23.65625 / 12359.1875 117,12 Ly
#42 Synookaea GR-N d6-0 29722.40625 / -11.6875 / 12325.125 62,46 Ly
#43 Synookaea HR-N d6-0 29783.28125 / -13.3125 / 12295.125 67,89 Ly
#44 Synookaea MX-L d7-0 29864.59375 / -19.90625 / 12376.90625 115,51 Ly
#45 Synookaea JR-N d6-0 29938.78125 / -15.625 / 12301.84375 105,62 Ly
#46 Synookaea GL-P d5-0 30022.65625 / 14.40625 / 12289.03125 90,01 Ly
#47 Synookaea FL-P d5-0 30007.4375 / -3.0625 / 12226.03125 67,13 Ly
#48 Synookaea CF-R d4-0 30084.5 / -1.15625 / 12193.125 83,82 Ly
#49 Synookaea DF-R d4-0 30120.34375 / 25.84375 / 12160 55,78 Ly
#50 Synookaea ZY-S d3-0 30131.5 / 40.5625 / 12083.6875 78,52 Ly
#51 Synookaea AZ-S d3-0 30188.03125 / -11.40625 / 12062.375 79,69 Ly
#52 Synookaea WS-U d2-0 30234.1875 / 28.15625 / 11986.25 97,42 Ly
#53 Synookaea TM-W d1-0 30263.15625 / 13.34375 / 11966.75 37,93 Ly
#54 Synookaea YS-U d2-0 30339.71875 / -15.90625 / 11989.4375 85,04 Ly
#55 Whookio RI-Z d1-0 30429.1875 / -28.59375 / 11970.59375 92,31 Ly
#56 Synookaea WM-W d1-0 30506.4375 / -22.96875 / 11906.78125 100,36 Ly
#57 Synookaea SG-Y d0 30548.8125 / -18.625 / 11875.125 53,07 Ly
#58 Synookaea XM-W d1-0 30587 / -23.125 / 11898.625 45,06 Ly
#59 Synookaea TG-Y d0 30654.84375 / -13.34375 / 11863.25 77,14 Ly
#60 Bleou Aed EG-Y d0 30667.25 / -12.75 / 11820.25 44,76 Ly
#61 Oodgolf JO-Z d13-0 30742.78125 / 7.34375 / 11726 122,44 Ly
#62 Oodgolf HT-Z d13-0 30764.25 / 58.53125 / 11697.875 62,23 Ly
#63 Oodgolf KO-Z d13-0 30820.84375 / 52.9375 / 11723.1875 62,25 Ly
#64 Oodgolf IT-Z d13-0 30828.8125 / 65.3125 / 11661.96875 62,96 Ly
#65 Oodgolf JT-Z d13-0 30901.0625 / 59.5625 / 11665.84375 72,58 Ly
#66 Oodgolf GN-B d13-0 30993.375 / 55.1875 / 11609.96875 107,99 Ly
#67 Oodgolf JI-B d13-0 31098.8125 / 26.40625 / 11579.3125 113,51 Ly
#68 Oodgolf GC-D d12-0 31149.53125 / 34 / 11559.4375 55,00 Ly
#69 Oodgolf FH-D d12-0 31229.625 / 61.375 / 11504.1875 101,08 Ly
#70 Oodgolf CB-F d11-0 31309.1875 / 69.0625 / 11429.78125 109,20 Ly
#71 Oodgolf YU-G d10-0 31323.78125 / 94.21875 / 11396.1875 44,43 Ly
#72 Oodgolf AG-F d11-0 31341.5 / 135.78125 / 11419.375 50,78 Ly
#73 Oodgolf XZ-G d10-0 31397.53125 / 150.3125 / 11401.84375 60,48 Ly
#74 Oodgolf ZU-G d10-0 31426.90625 / 102.15625 / 11381.34375 60,02 Ly
#75 Oodgolf CG-F d11-0 31456.625 / 142.15625 / 11417.40625 61,51 Ly
#76 Oodgolf CG-F d11-1 31499.875 / 166.90625 / 11436.8125 53,48 Ly
#77 Oodgolf DG-F d11-1 31549.71875 / 135.8125 / 11422.15625 60,55 Ly