Gal. Kartographierung > Routen > 103 Waypoints, 100k+ LY, from Bubble to Rho Cassiopiae to Srg A* to Bubble

This is my personal route i created over the span of the last few days. This is actually my first exploration, so i just put everything i found into a route and planned it out. This is a giant route, at least in my eyes, and will take a long time to complete. I was too lazy to write something to the systems, so if you dont know them just go to their respective page, where someone else did the work, lol.

I have notice that, for some reason, some Waypoints are "Not yet provided", so here are they in case anyone actually reads this:

32 Outott QM-W d1-56

54 Prua Phoe PE-O d7-1178

70 Stuemiae GI-A d14-1035

71 Xothaei GK-O c7-55

# System Coordinates Distance
#1 Skardee 89.46875 / -3.5625 / -2.625
#2 Alaunus (Lycaon (generation ship)) -0.65625 / -52.28125 / -5.96875 102,50 Ly
#3 HIP 12099 (Jameson's Demise) -101.90625 / -95.46875 / -165.59375 193,90 Ly
#4 Maia (Obsidian Orbital (and other settlements in the Pleiades)) -81.78125 / -149.4375 / -343.375 186,88 Ly
#5 Pleiades Sector AB-W b2-4 (Alien Crash Sites) -137.5625 / -118.25 / -380.4375 73,88 Ly
#6 T Tauri (Hind Mine / Hind Nebula (T Tauri)) -32.96875 / -206.40625 / -557.3125 223,60 Ly
#7 Synuefe VM-D c15-10 625.8125 / -82.6875 / -391.625 690,47 Ly
#8 HIP 23759 (Witch Head Science Centre / HIP 23759 Geysers / Witch Head Nebula / Barnacle Sites - Witch Head Nebula) 359.84375 / -385.53125 / -718.375 518,86 Ly
#9 BD-12 1172 (Spirograph Nebula) 577.875 / -452.6875 / -819.25 249,45 Ly
#10 Running Man Sector ZP-O b6-0 624.0625 / -431.53125 / -1037.1875 223,78 Ly
#11 Oort 589.375 / -428.84375 / -1061.59375 42,50 Ly
#12 PMD2009 48 (Orion Nebula Tourist Centre) 594.90625 / -431.4375 / -1071.78125 11,88 Ly
#13 Trapezium Sector AF-Z c0 (Barnard's Loop) 617.03125 / -421.625 / -1224.5625 154,69 Ly
#14 VY Canis Majoris 1576.0625 / -150.21875 / -922.53125 1.041,45 Ly
#15 Outotz NX-R d5-0 (Gottfried Koehler Depot) 1143.4375 / 1021.8125 / -1858.59375 1.561,10 Ly
#16 Thor's Helmet Sector FB-X c1-5 (Sagan Research Centre) 2704.96875 / -23.25 / -2470.78125 1.976,19 Ly
#17 Seagull Sector DL-Y d3 (Hell Port) 2608.15625 / -181.96875 / -2692.28125 289,18 Ly
#18 2MASS J07184084-2458274 3928.15625 / -449.78125 / -2435.96875 1.371,07 Ly
#19 Rosette Sector CQ-Y d59 (New Beginning / Rosette Nebula) 2345.96875 / -167.4375 / -4752.90625 2.819,79 Ly
#20 Jellyfish Sector FB-X c1-5 (Beta Site) 788.40625 / 255.46875 / -4946.4375 1.625,52 Ly
#21 Monkey Head Sector DL-Y d6 1128.84375 / 46.03125 / -6297.46875 1.408,92 Ly
#22 Crab Sector DL-Y d9 (Station X) 559.625 / -708.0625 / -6947.5625 1.146,86 Ly
#23 NGC 1931 Sector PD-S b4-0 (NGC 1931 Nebula) -743.84375 / 37.4375 / -6959.15625 1.501,64 Ly
#24 Soul Sector EL-Y d4 -5091.3125 / 98.15625 / -5502.21875 4.585,50 Ly
#25 Heart Sector IR-V b2-0 (Farsight Expedition Base) -5303.78125 / 130.34375 / -5305.40625 291,40 Ly
#26 Eafots GC-J c10-0 (Eafots Jumponium Depot) -5891.90625 / 513.59375 / -5741.0625 826,18 Ly
#27 Phrio Hypa TF-L d9-0 (Formidine Rift Depot) -8291.15625 / -99.53125 / -6656.59375 2.640,17 Ly
#28 Syreadiae JX-F c0 (Zurara) -9529.4375 / -64.5 / -7428.4375 1.459,56 Ly
#29 Rho Cassiopeiae -10467.1875 / -878.59375 / -5035.78125 2.695,72 Ly
#30 NGC 281 Sector QD-S b4-0 -6644.9375 / -879.34375 / -4341.25 3.884,84 Ly
#31 Bubble Sector PD-S b4-4 (Bubble Nebula) -6570.5 / 29.84375 / -2680.28125 1.894,99 Ly
#32 Not provided yet
#33 S171 8 -2474.3125 / 302.4375 / -1350.40625
#34 NGC 7822 Sector BQ-Y d12 (Gorgon Research Facility) -2454.1875 / 299.0625 / -1326.0625 31,77 Ly
#35 GM Cephei (Elephant's Trunk Mine / Elephant's Trunk Nebula) -2660.96875 / 180.15625 / -433.15625 924,22 Ly
#36 FW Cephei (Iris Vacations) -1415.78125 / 366.65625 / -355.3125 1.261,48 Ly
#37 North America Sector LC-V c2-3 (North America Nebula) -1891.46875 / -30.8125 / 150.5 800,07 Ly
#38 North America Sector TZ-O b6-4 -1886.875 / 5.40625 / 176.3125 44,71 Ly
#39 Sadr Region Sector GW-W c1-22 (Sadr Logistics Depot) -1792.125 / 52.65625 / 369.5625 220,35 Ly
#40 Veil East Sector DL-Y d54 -1916.34375 / -299.8125 / 490.375 392,76 Ly
#41 Veil West Sector DL-Y d68 (Funfair Geysers / Veil Nebula West) -1398.25 / -193.5625 / 418.90625 533,68 Ly
#42 Thor's Eye -439.84375 / -86.625 / 4205.15625 3.907,13 Ly
#43 Lagoon Sector NI-S b4-10 (Amundsen Terminal) -469.1875 / -84.84375 / 4456.125 252,68 Ly
#44 Lagoon Sector FW-W d1-122 (Attenborough's Watch) -467.75 / -93.1875 / 4485.625 30,69 Ly
#45 Bleia Dryiae BN-H d11-21 -739.3125 / -113.5 / 5041.5 619,00 Ly
#46 Bleia Dryiae FH-P b53-13 -722.25 / -55.375 / 5199.625 169,33 Ly
#47 Trifid Sector IR-W d1-52 (Observation Post Epsilon) -612.40625 / -31.5 / 5182.875 113,65 Ly
#48 Omega Sector VE-Q b5-15 (Omega Mining Operation) -1444.3125 / -85.8125 / 5319.9375 844,87 Ly
#49 Traikoa FL-P e5-4 (Black Treasure) -1504.375 / -18.53125 / 5040.96875 293,19 Ly
#50 Eagle Sector IR-W d1-105 (Eagle Sector Secure Facility) -2046.21875 / 104.40625 / 6699.90625 1.749,51 Ly
#51 Eagle Sector IR-W d1-117 (Eagle's Landing) -2054.09375 / 85.71875 / 6710.875 23,06 Ly
#52 Eagle Sector JH-V c2-4 (Eagle Depot) -2054.40625 / 114.0625 / 6704.1875 29,12 Ly
#53 CSI-06-19031 (NGC 6751 (Olympus Plateau)) -3105.78125 / -657.875 / 5557.09375 1.736,98 Ly
#54 Rohini (Eudaemon Anchorage) -3374.8125 / -47.8125 / 6912.25 1.510,30 Ly
#55 Skaudai CH-B d14-34 (Sacaqawea Space Port) -5481.84375 / -579.15625 / 10429.9375 4.134,73 Ly
#56 Not provided yet
#57 Clooku GR-U d3-112 (Fields of Elysium) -5769.03125 / -523.375 / 12108.75
#58 Gru Hypue KS-T d3-31 (Gagarin Gate / Vostok-1 Nebula) -4990.84375 / -935.71875 / 13387.15625 1.552,39 Ly
#59 Gandharvi (Caravanserai) -6703.5 / -157.84375 / 14108.03125 2.014,43 Ly
#60 Blua Eaec UL-G c13-385 -7000.4375 / -220.53125 / 14877.875 827,50 Ly
#61 Boewnst KS-S c20-959 (Polo Harbour / The Grand Formation / The Venetian Nebula) -6195.46875 / -140.28125 / 16462.0625 1.778,78 Ly
#62 Eoch Flya ZQ-U d3-251 -6381.75 / -1854.1875 / 17227.40625 1.886,25 Ly
#63 Kashyapa (Kashyapa - Vihara Gate) -8392.03125 / -701.03125 / 17555.125 2.340,60 Ly
#64 Eephaills SG-C c1-177 (Wind Chime Nebula) -10369.21875 / -449.4375 / 16915.84375 2.093,14 Ly
#65 Oephaif RJ-G d11-408 (Bonfire Nebula) -10646.21875 / 621.5 / 17838.15625 1.440,24 Ly
#66 Eol Prou RH-V d2-2311 (Graveyard's Gate) -9362.15625 / -989.34375 / 19730.09375 2.796,97 Ly
#67 Colonia (Jaques Station / Colonia (System) / Animula Spires / The Mosta-Murdoch Raceway) -9530.5 / -910.28125 / 19808.125 201,69 Ly
#68 Eol Prou AA-A h162 (Tartarus) -9623.625 / -917.1875 / 19792.96875 94,60 Ly
#69 Dryooe Prou KG-X c1-135 (The Peng Nebula) -9883.5625 / -1141.9375 / 20798.21875 1.062,36 Ly
#70 Kyloall CL-Y g1518 (Lithobreaker) -8671.5 / -80.3125 / 21826.875 1.911,62 Ly
#71 Agnairt YF-O e6-3128 (The Foschia Porpora Nebula) -9902.25 / -748.4375 / 23108.03125 1.898,02 Ly
#72 Stuemiae TH-G c25-192 (Icewind Veil) -9908.3125 / 399.8125 / 26915.46875 3.976,82 Ly
#73 Eorl Bre ZU-O a67-0 -8853.4375 / 596.90625 / 30377.21875 3.624,27 Ly
#74 Eorl Bre ZP-E d12-372 -7747.28125 / 671.03125 / 30735.75 1.165,17 Ly
#75 Not provided yet
#76 Scheau Byoe BA-A g2052 (The Majorelle Blue Gate) -5204.25 / -686.9375 / 34838.53125
#77 Fleasi MS-U e2-301 (The Mysterious Light) -1301.125 / 1299.65625 / 34131.96875 4.436,23 Ly
#78 Phipoea WK-E d12-1374 (Crown Of Ice) -497.09375 / 545.03125 / 28184.875 6.048,46 Ly
#79 Sagittarius A* 25.21875 / -20.90625 / 25899.96875 2.411,20 Ly
#80 Stuemeae FG-Y d7561 (Explorer's Anchorage) 28.6875 / -19.78125 / 25899.6875 3,66 Ly
#81 Stuemeae BA-A d6708 (Sagittarius A* Depot) 25.46875 / -17.6875 / 25891.53125 9,01 Ly
#82 Myrielk QX-X c28-1093 21.375 / 101.4375 / 25781.40625 162,28 Ly
#83 Nyuena RO-Z d184 (Nyuena Prime) 29.46875 / 1830.9375 / 25900.3125 1.733,60 Ly
#84 Nyuena ID-Z c1-10 29.96875 / 1837.75 / 25897.4375 7,41 Ly
#85 Pheia Scraa WU-O e6-272 -1614.28125 / 2264.90625 / 24519.21875 2.187,58 Ly
#86 Myriesly MS-T e3-3831 (Northern Lazur Remnant) -586.875 / 646.875 / 25214.8125 2.038,98 Ly
#87 Myriesly HN-I c23-6368 -631.625 / 118.25 / 25560.65625 633,29 Ly
#88 Myriesly HR-N e6-4354 ('Blink Of An Eye' Remnant (inc. Arboo’s Electric Friendship)) -530.125 / 38.84375 / 25725.90625 209,56 Ly
#89 Myriesly EC-B c27-381 (Amethyst Cloud Depot) -528.0625 / 38.875 / 25726.5625 2,16 Ly
#90 Myriesly DQ-G d10-1240 (Insinnergy's World) -401.84375 / 49.28125 / 25491.6875 266,84 Ly
#91 Byoomao JC-B d1-3681 -592.46875 / -58.65625 / 24669.875 850,51 Ly
#92 Zunuae OQ-O c6-3342 -436.09375 / 199.875 / 23541 1.168,61 Ly
#93 Great Annihilator (Great Annihilator Black Hole) 354.84375 / -42.4375 / 22997.21875 989,95 Ly
#94 Shrogea MH-V e2-1763 (Black in Green (Tourist Installation)) 971.03125 / 613.21875 / 21307.3125 1.914,51 Ly
#95 Dryau Ausms KG-Y e3390 (DSSA Buurian Anchorage / The Dryau Awesomes) -1523.75 / 1340.6875 / 20976.59375 2.619,64 Ly
#96 Whamboi KT-F d12-2262 (Red Prophecy) -1644.5 / 1169.3125 / 19212.0625 1.776,94 Ly
#97 Dryau Aowsy MR-W d1-6259 (Keelblack Rings) 432.71875 / 79.375 / 18295.84375 2.518,38 Ly
#98 Froarks GM-D d12-355 (Gleeson's Gem) -533.59375 / 209.6875 / 15375.09375 3.079,21 Ly
#99 Chroabs TI-S d4-58 (Goliath) -423.78125 / 1769.1875 / 14719.34375 1.695,32 Ly
#100 Bleae Aewsy IY-N b9-1 -290.09375 / 572.28125 / 11936.03125 3.032,70 Ly
#101 Blae Hypue VN-S d4-21 (The Gift (Hollow Veil Depot)) 1144.96875 / -727.375 / 12149.65625 1.947,86 Ly
#102 Gru Hypai DL-X e1-20 (Gru Hypai Stellar Remnant) 3384.125 / -364.15625 / 13444.4375 2.611,94 Ly
#103 Pro Aec TV-L b8-0 1241.03125 / 167.28125 / 8086.90625 5.794,69 Ly
#104 Syralia JT-V b7-0 (Gibb's Bridge) 1276.1875 / 1016.84375 / 5509.09375 2.714,43 Ly
#105 Cat's Paw Sector PD-S b4-7 852 / 59 / 5426.75 1.050,80 Ly
#106 CD-36 11341 (The Bug Nebula (NGC 6302)) 619.46875 / 65.25 / 3342.4375 2.097,25 Ly
#107 Blu Thua AI-A c14-10 (Hillary Depot) -54.5 / 149.53125 / 2099.21875 1.416,66 Ly
#108 Mammon (Mammon Monitoring Facility / Mammon (IC 1287 Nebula)) -358.375 / -8.75 / 933.53125 1.215,00 Ly
#109 Shapley 1 (Shapley 1 (The Fine Ring Nebula)) 513.21875 / 34.875 / 857.53125 875,99 Ly
#110 Musca Dark Region CQ-Y d68 425.4375 / 1.15625 / 274.28125 590,78 Ly
#111 HIP 83506 125.46875 / -36.8125 / 303.46875 303,77 Ly
#112 HIP 72043 (Institute of Galactic Exploration and Research) -22 / 118.5 / 58.78125 325,18 Ly