Gal. Kartographierung > Routen > BROKEN HARTS

Name: Broken Harts

Estimated departure date: Feburary 14, 3310 from Acants

Theme or destination: Eorl Auwsy SY-Z d13-2640 to investigate/search for the NSPs - Chryseum Void Heart

Estimated duration: Several weeks (to who knows when)(thinking of being back before the next big update?)

FC supported or fly on your own: FC supported by SDFC Bananageddon (V7W-G2G)

# System Coordinates Distance
#1 Acants -98.96875 / -48.1875 / -90.21875
#2 Pyroifoea SS-Y b15-0 3098.0625 / -1020.59375 / 5677.1875 6.665,55 Ly
#3 Blaa Hype TF-V d3-144 3895.5625 / -272.0625 / 12128.1875 6.543,07 Ly
#4 Gru Hypai DL-X e1-20 (Gru Hypai Stellar Remnant) 3384.125 / -364.15625 / 13444.4375 1.415,12 Ly
#5 Gru Phio DV-W d2-440 3581.71875 / -391.21875 / 15834.84375 2.398,71 Ly
#6 Eeshorps FG-F b43-21 (Eeshorps Nebula) 4039 / -419.34375 / 17792.625 2.010,67 Ly
#7 Mynoaw PZ-W d2-246 (Bizarro Moon) 3884.65625 / -338.875 / 18404.6875 636,33 Ly
#8 Mynoaw AA-A h26 (Singularities Playground) 4027.03125 / -307.34375 / 18527.5 190,65 Ly
#9 Whambooe GW-W e1-66 (Huggins Nebulae) 4177 / 419.90625 / 18520 742,59 Ly
#10 Mynoaw LC-L d8-1429 4667.40625 / -896.40625 / 18898 1.454,67 Ly
#11 Eorl Auwsy SY-Z d13-2640 4973.34375 / 183.53125 / 20660.8125 2.089,83 Ly