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222.076 Stationen gefunden.
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Munoz Excavation Complex
Lycanthrope / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Diktatur Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 766 cr 116 t 21.979,72 ly
476,36 Ls      
Kambanda Horticultural Market
Lycanthrope / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Kooperative Agrikultur Fruit and Vegetables: 766 cr 15 t 21.979,72 ly
1.564,38 Ls      
Muller Botanical Holding
Lycanthrope / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Kooperative Agrikultur Fruit and Vegetables: 746 cr 20 t 21.979,72 ly
477,95 Ls      
Vercher Cultivation Facility
Lycanthrope / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Diktatur Agrikultur Fruit and Vegetables: 746 cr 20 t 21.979,72 ly
1.639,96 Ls      
Suk Excavation Platform
Lycanthrope / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Diktatur Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 739 cr 54 t 21.979,72 ly
2.693,53 Ls      
Kovalenko Excavation Enterprise
Lycanthrope / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Kooperative Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 766 cr 39 t 21.979,72 ly
2.687,76 Ls      
Phillips Horticultural Range
Lycanthrope / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Diktatur Agrikultur Fruit and Vegetables: 746 cr 20 t 21.979,72 ly
1.642,60 Ls      
Naidu Agricultural Habitat
Lycanthrope / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Kommunismus Agrikultur Fruit and Vegetables: 766 cr 39 t 21.979,72 ly
1.578,09 Ls      
Correa Hydroponics Complex
Lycanthrope / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Diktatur Agrikultur Fruit and Vegetables: 739 cr 54 t 21.979,72 ly
1.641,99 Ls      
Slusar Horticultural Collection
Lycanthrope / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Diktatur Agrikultur Fruit and Vegetables: 766 cr 39 t 21.979,72 ly
1.589,39 Ls      
Allard Drilling Territory
Lycanthrope / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Diktatur Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 766 cr 39 t 21.979,72 ly
2.674,64 Ls      
Ferenczi-Houlden Nutrition Nursery
Lycanthrope / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Diktatur Agrikultur Fruit and Vegetables: 746 cr 10 t 21.979,72 ly
1.643,65 Ls      
Senior Mining Territory
Lycanthrope / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Diktatur Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 739 cr 54 t 21.979,72 ly
2.687,77 Ls      
Sahaidachny Metallurgic Hub
Lycanthrope / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Kooperative Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 766 cr 15 t 21.979,72 ly
1.643,64 Ls      
Sohn Botanical Range
Lycanthrope / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Diktatur Agrikultur Fruit and Vegetables: 746 cr 10 t 21.979,72 ly
1.643,63 Ls      
Cardoso Cultivation Estate
Lycanthrope / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Diktatur Agrikultur Fruit and Vegetables: 746 cr 20 t 21.979,72 ly
477,39 Ls      
Winkler Extraction Base
Lycanthrope / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Diktatur Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 739 cr 54 t 21.979,72 ly
2.089,30 Ls      
Williams's Claim
Lycanthrope / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Diktatur Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 746 cr 20 t 21.979,72 ly
1.564,35 Ls      
Chatterjee Cultivation Garden
Lycanthrope / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Kooperative Agrikultur Fruit and Vegetables: 770 cr 9 t 21.979,72 ly
474,82 Ls      
Kamara Excavation Station
Lycanthrope / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Diktatur Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 739 cr 54 t 21.979,72 ly
2.089,32 Ls      
Gunther Drilling Facility
Lycanthrope / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Diktatur Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 739 cr 54 t 21.979,72 ly
2.687,75 Ls      
Corbin Mining Platform
Lycanthrope / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Diktatur Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 746 cr 20 t 21.979,72 ly
2.693,58 Ls      
The Crypt
Lycanthrope / Planetarer Sternenhafen
Unabhängig Kooperative Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 860 cr 1.813 t 21.979,72 ly
701,45 Ls      
Linsley Dredging Facility
Lycanthrope / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Diktatur Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 766 cr 116 t 21.979,72 ly
2.093,87 Ls      
Chaly Botanical Farm
Lycanthrope / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Kooperative Agrikultur Fruit and Vegetables: 766 cr 42 t 21.979,72 ly
984,72 Ls      
Saito Mineralogic Base
Lycanthrope / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Kooperative Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 766 cr 39 t 21.979,72 ly
2.692,44 Ls      
Vasylyshin Nutrition Hub
Lycanthrope / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Diktatur Agrikultur Fruit and Vegetables: 746 cr 10 t 21.979,72 ly
478,17 Ls      
Parkhomenko Extraction Site
Lycanthrope / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Diktatur Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 746 cr 20 t 21.979,72 ly
2.693,56 Ls      
Werner Agricultural Habitat
Lycanthrope / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Diktatur Agrikultur Fruit and Vegetables: 746 cr 10 t 21.979,72 ly
479,04 Ls      
Ndiaye Hydroponics Base
Lycanthrope / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Kooperative Agrikultur Fruit and Vegetables: 766 cr 15 t 21.979,72 ly
700,05 Ls      
Schunmann Dredging Complex
Lycanthrope / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Kooperative Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 766 cr 15 t 21.979,72 ly
2.692,46 Ls      
Thordarson's Territory
Lycanthrope / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Diktatur Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 746 cr 20 t 21.979,72 ly
2.082,67 Ls      
Sanchez Mineralogic Platform
Lycanthrope / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Kooperative Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 766 cr 159 t 21.979,72 ly
477,09 Ls      
Russo's Quarry
Lycanthrope / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Kooperative Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 766 cr 39 t 21.979,72 ly
2.668,39 Ls      
Degefa's Exploration
Lycanthrope / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Diktatur Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 739 cr 54 t 21.979,72 ly
982,44 Ls      
Molina's Prospect
Lycanthrope / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Diktatur Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 746 cr 10 t 21.979,72 ly
2.082,67 Ls      
Valdes Agricultural Hub
Lycanthrope / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Diktatur Agrikultur Fruit and Vegetables: 746 cr 10 t 21.979,72 ly
1.564,14 Ls      
Huntley Excavation Site
Lycanthrope / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Kooperative Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 766 cr 39 t 21.979,72 ly
2.089,33 Ls      
Avery Mining Base
Lycanthrope / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Kooperative Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 766 cr 15 t 21.979,72 ly
477,50 Ls      
Kvitka Nutrition Collection
Lycanthrope / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Kooperative Agrikultur Fruit and Vegetables: 766 cr 39 t 21.979,72 ly
1.557,89 Ls      
Linnett Excavation Platform
Lycanthrope / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Diktatur Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 746 cr 20 t 21.979,72 ly
1.564,36 Ls      
Faiers Extraction Site
Lycanthrope / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Kooperative Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 766 cr 39 t 21.979,72 ly
1.564,40 Ls      
Piazza Extraction Station
Lycanthrope / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Diktatur Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 746 cr 20 t 21.979,72 ly
2.693,55 Ls      
Ronis Mineralogic Reserve
Lycanthrope / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Diktatur Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 739 cr 54 t 21.979,72 ly
2.086,61 Ls      
Surly's Nest
Rodentia / Planetarer Sternenhafen
Unabhängig Kooperative Hightech Fruit and Vegetables: 908 cr 1.414 t 21.981,68 ly
35,58 Ls      
Fincham Excavation Facility
Rodentia / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Kommunismus Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 766 cr 398 t 21.981,68 ly
901,26 Ls      
Zimmermann Extraction Exchange
Rodentia / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Kooperative Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 766 cr 159 t 21.981,68 ly
1.382,10 Ls      
Otero Metallurgic Platform
Rodentia / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Kooperative Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 766 cr 225 t 21.981,68 ly
35,58 Ls      
Rey Metallurgic Base
Rodentia / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Kooperative Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 2.953 cr 1.615 t 21.981,68 ly
898,05 Ls      
Pylypenko Metallurgic Complex
Rodentia / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Kooperative Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 766 cr 225 t 21.981,68 ly
35,58 Ls      
Bunyan Drilling Base
Rodentia / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Kooperative Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 766 cr 84 t 21.981,68 ly
902,31 Ls      
Wamsteker Dredging Complex
Rodentia / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Kooperative Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 2.953 cr 606 t 21.981,68 ly
901,53 Ls      
Ludwig Extraction Exchange
Rodentia / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Kooperative Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 766 cr 225 t 21.981,68 ly
904,04 Ls      
Ukah Mining Station
Rodentia / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Kommunismus Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 766 cr 398 t 21.981,68 ly
899,83 Ls      
Baio Extraction Rigs
Rodentia / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Kooperative Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 766 cr 225 t 21.981,68 ly
899,41 Ls      
Salted Womb
Valac / Planetarer Außenposten
Unabhängig Kooperative Industrie Fruit and Vegetables: 860 cr 1.813 t 21.981,89 ly
1.074,52 Ls      
Qian Prospecting Platform
Valac / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Kooperative Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 775 cr 78 t 21.981,89 ly
1.077,46 Ls      
Quiroga Mineralogic Claim
Valac / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Kooperative Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 739 cr 289 t 21.981,89 ly
1.076,37 Ls      
Garrido Mining Site
Valac / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Kooperative Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 775 cr 146 t 21.981,89 ly
1.803,61 Ls      
Arya's Mine
Valac / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Kooperative Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 775 cr 207 t 21.981,89 ly
1.077,42 Ls      
Bedi Deposits
Valac / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Kommunismus Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 775 cr 207 t 21.981,89 ly
1.774,28 Ls      
Tsybulya Dredging Site
Valac / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Kommunismus Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 775 cr 207 t 21.981,89 ly
1.766,48 Ls      
Martin Dredging Site
Valac / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Kooperative Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 775 cr 146 t 21.981,89 ly
1.077,46 Ls      
Scholz Dredging Base
Valac / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Kooperative Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 739 cr 289 t 21.981,89 ly
1.076,14 Ls      
Keita's Claim
Valac / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Kooperative Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 775 cr 207 t 21.981,89 ly
1.077,19 Ls      
Heinrich's Prospect
Valac / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Kooperative Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 808 cr 379 t 21.981,89 ly
1.077,47 Ls      
Moy Extraction Hub
Valac / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Kooperative Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 775 cr 207 t 21.981,89 ly
1.807,05 Ls      
Kawle Excavation Complex
Valac / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Kooperative Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 775 cr 207 t 21.981,89 ly
1.800,30 Ls      
Becker's Burrow
Valac / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Kooperative Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 928 cr 883 t 21.981,89 ly
1.774,98 Ls      
Dalal's Burrow
Valac / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Kooperative Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 718 cr 144 t 21.981,89 ly
1.811,43 Ls      
Dara Dredging Exchange
Valac / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Kooperative Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 739 cr 289 t 21.981,89 ly
1.076,04 Ls      
Matsuda Mineralogic Enterprise
Valac / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Kooperative Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 739 cr 289 t 21.981,89 ly
1.818,30 Ls      
Oshpak Extraction Platform
Valac / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Kooperative Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 766 cr 225 t 21.981,89 ly
1.830,30 Ls      
Berhe Drilling Enterprise
Valac / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Kooperative Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 775 cr 146 t 21.981,89 ly
1.077,17 Ls      
Teklehaimanot Dredging Platform
Valac / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Kooperative Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 775 cr 207 t 21.981,89 ly
1.807,30 Ls      
Simon Drilling Enterprise
Valac / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Kooperative Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 739 cr 289 t 21.981,89 ly
1.075,61 Ls      
Uhm Excavation Base
Valac / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Kooperative Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 808 cr 379 t 21.981,89 ly
1.811,46 Ls      
Dovzhenko Dredging Facility
Valac / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Kooperative Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 775 cr 146 t 21.981,89 ly
1.803,60 Ls      
Ortiz Extraction Enterprise
Valac / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Kooperative Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 775 cr 78 t 21.981,89 ly
1.800,29 Ls      
Skov Excavation Facility
Valac / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Kooperative Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 775 cr 78 t 21.981,89 ly
1.077,42 Ls      
Tsybulya Mineralogic Site
Canonnia / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Kooperative Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 746 cr 20 t 21.981,90 ly
32.631,75 Ls      
Arcanonn's Legacy
Canonnia / Planetarer Sternenhafen
Unabhängig Kooperative Hightech Fruit and Vegetables: 915 cr 1.414 t 21.981,90 ly
29.775,80 Ls      
Wright Mining Complex
Canonnia / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Kommunismus Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 766 cr 39 t 21.981,90 ly
32.631,47 Ls      
Watanabe Deposits
Canonnia / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Kooperative Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 601 cr 18 t 21.981,90 ly
32.631,47 Ls      
Shvets's Burrow
Canonnia / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Kooperative Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 746 cr 10 t 21.981,90 ly
32.631,50 Ls      
Otto's Territory
Poe / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Demokratie Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 568 cr 90 t 21.982,16 ly
2.713,26 Ls      
Schmid Bridge
Poe / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Kommunismus Tourismus Fruit and Vegetables: 518 cr 293 t 21.982,16 ly
2.713,49 Ls      
Lafitte's Abode
Poe / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Gefängniskolonie Tourismus Fruit and Vegetables: 518 cr 293 t 21.982,16 ly
2.708,14 Ls      
Okamoto's Exploration
Poe / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Feudal Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 567 cr 41 t 21.982,16 ly
2.721,51 Ls      
Amaechi Metallurgic Installation
Poe / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Demokratie Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 518 cr 196 t 21.982,16 ly
2.715,92 Ls      
West Mineralogic Platform
Poe / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Demokratie Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 518 cr 196 t 21.982,16 ly
2.715,55 Ls      
Mani Mining Exploration
Poe / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Gefängniskolonie Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 518 cr 196 t 21.982,16 ly
2.716,66 Ls      
Neon Sanctuary
Poe / Planetarer Sternenhafen
Unabhängig Kommunismus Tourismus Fruit and Vegetables: 566 cr 73 t 21.982,16 ly
30,55 Ls      
Riches Extraction Station
Poe / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Gefängniskolonie Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 518 cr 196 t 21.982,16 ly
2.717,31 Ls      
Massey Visitor Lodge
Poe / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Gefängniskolonie Tourismus Fruit and Vegetables: 518 cr 293 t 21.982,16 ly
2.700,31 Ls      
Hah Dredging Facility
Poe / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Demokratie Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 518 cr 196 t 21.982,16 ly
2.715,98 Ls      
Welleweerd's Junction
Poe / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Gefängniskolonie Tourismus Fruit and Vegetables: 518 cr 293 t 21.982,16 ly
2.722,63 Ls      
Thordarson Prospecting Base
Kopernik / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Kommunismus Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 735 cr 279 t 21.983,35 ly
192,60 Ls      
Chiweshe Metallurgic Enterprise
Kopernik / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Kommunismus Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 641 cr 260 t 21.983,35 ly
192,32 Ls      
Saito Mining Installation
Kopernik / ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Unabhängig Kommunismus Abbau Fruit and Vegetables: 914 cr 781 t 21.983,35 ly
1.138,97 Ls