KDT. Caesar One Profil > Logbuch

Aktuelles Schiff:
Krait Mk II - AX [TR-01K]
(Krait Mk II)
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Zuerst entdeckte Systeme:
6.174.664.815 Cr
Black Treasure

Black Treasure is a visitor beacon for the black hole in the center of Traikoa FL-P e5-4. There are clouds of blue gas around the black hole. When coming close to the visitor beacon, the light warps around the black hole. Surprisingly, visiting the visitor beacon seems to be risk-free.

enter image description here

Federal Navy: Admiral

I reached the rank of Admiral in the Federal Navy. The initial ranking up went fast, I did them last month already, but specifically the two last ranks (from Rear Admiral to Vice Admiral to Admiral) were slow going - I spent time today to grind them through.

Next step is to do a big exploration tour. I am switching back into my Anaconda, equipping a huge fuel scoop (size 7), an AFMU unit (for repairs on the road in deep space, certainly when using the neutron super highway), a fighter hangar (to fly around on hard-to-land planets) and heatsinks (in case of overheating - let's hope I won't need this one), and off we go!

Imperial Cutter

I bought an Imperial Cutter - excellent ship to transport the largest possible quantities of goods, I can carry 736 units now. This will help in speeding up the Exphiay - Canopus round-trips in grinding up for Federation rank ...

Imperial Cutter

Guardian FSD Booster

I was able to buy a size 5 Guardian FSD Booster, after I delivered to the Guardian technology broker on Coney Gateway in LHS 1832 1 Guardian Module Blueprint Segment, 21 Guardian Power Cells, 21 Guardian Technology Components, 8 HN Shock Mounts and 24 Focus Crystals (the last two traded and bought on Peters Gateway in Ngalites). A big 10.5 ly increase in jump range!

The low sun and the mist gives this photo of the Guardian Ancient Data Terminal site on Synuefe NL-N c23-4 B 3 an eerie and almost threatening atmosphere. I took the Cobra Mk III instead of the Anaconda to be able to land closer to the site. On this Guardian structure I collected 21 each of the Guardian Power Cells and Technology components. Then I activated the Ancient Data Terminal and scanned (within the time limit) its core to obtain the Guardian Module Blueprint Segment.

Guardian Ancient Data Terminal

Hera Tani and Liz Ryder

Today was engineer day - I unlocked to rank 5 both Hera Tani at The Jet's Hole in Kuwemaki (with three times 15 Kamitra Cigars from Hammel Terminal in Kamitra) and Liz Ryder at Demolition Unlimited in Eurybia (with 200 landmines from Bryant Bastion in Calhuacan, after Engineer Invitation Contract from Eurybia Blue Mafia at Awyra Flirble in Eurybia for Boe Dock in Scylla, which took me 9 Exphiay - Canopus round trips over the previous 2.5 days to achieve).

With this I have unlocked all my target engineers (I am focusing only on the engineers that are important for exploration). For some reason all of them are female ...

Imperial Navy: King

I reached King in the Imperial Navy. Took me less than a week in total. After I reached Elite Trader I was Knight. To get from Knight to King (9 ranks up) I did 26 round trips Hickam Survey in Ngalinn and Mies van der Rohe's Claim in Mainani in a Cobra Mk III in 3 days.

Trade: Elite

While ranking up in the Imperial Navy, I reached Elite trader.

To get to Knight (the first 5 ranks), I did 3 days of trade runs in my Anaconda, mainly from and to Cemiess, Karadjari and Brihasatsa, and surrounding systems, netting me more than 350 MCr, and I got Elite Trader in the process.

First visit to Sol

After 1.5 days of round trips between Canopus and Exphiay (8 round trips), I reached the Federal Navy rank of Lieutenant Commander (first 9 ranks). Then I decided to use my Sol Permit that I received when reaching the Federal Navy rank of Petty Officer, and I went for a fly by of the continent Europe (not to be confused with the moon of the same name, see under the photo). Note how coastlines have receded (e.g. in the Low Countries) compared to the situation a millennium ago, presumably by global warming.

Sol Earth: view of Western Europe

Also worth visiting in the Sol system are:

  • the Cradle of Humanity visitor beacon and the Abraham Lincoln station above Sol Earth
  • the Galileo station above Sol Moon
  • the visitor beacon "Second Terraforming Attempt" and the station Mars High above the terra-formed Sol Mars
  • the ice geysers driven by water magma volcanism and the station Haberlandt Survey on the moon Europe circling Jupiter
  • the ringed planet Sol Saturn
Long Sight Base and Elvira Martuuk

When visiting the engineer Elvira Martuuk in her station Long Sight Base on Khun 5 (I unlocked her to rank 5, after providing her 3 Soontill Relics from Cheranovsky City in Ngurii), I took the opportunity to drive around in the crater and through the station in my SRV.

The vegetables are cultivated in large circular dome-shaped greenhouses.

Greenhouse dome on Long Sight Base

Grade 5 access: Felicity Farseer

I reached Grade 5 access to my first engineer, Felicity Farseer.