KDT. Merydian Profil > Logbuch

Aktuelles Schiff:
Starlight Tracer [4p5-dw]
(Diamondback Explorer)
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Besuchte Systeme:
Zuerst entdeckte Systeme:
1.349.755.628 Cr
Taking on some pirates

I figured Freebird (my freeagle) was cheapest to transport out here, much more so than my miner. And I had my fill of mining after meeting Selene Jean's initial mining quota.

So I've been bounty hunting. Made 4.2M Cr so far, putting me in the top 25%.

Hunting in Freebird

Sometimes, I'm a moron

I just fixed my ship ID plate to "4P5-DW". I don't know how I misread the designation the first time.

And I have pictures below with the wrong ID...

Waiting at the Omega nebula waypoint

Two days ago I arrived at the first waypoint of the journey. That’s kind of early, but at least I cashed out my exploration and codex data. I’m now 18% “pioneer”, on my way to “elite”. That also allied me with the controlling faction at the Omega Mining Operation.

On the way there I flew through The PW2010 sector. It was full young blue-white stars along with black holes and neutron stars. Sometimes multiple of those latter ones, quite rare and quite valuable. There were lots of metal body worlds there, something I had never seen before. I scanned as many of these systems in this sector as I could.

Being so early at Omega, I took a quick jaunt over to the Trifid nebula and back. Netted almost 4M more credits and a bump to 19%. I had figured if I ranked up 7% a week, I’d be elite on return from this 15 week journey. So I’m way ahead of schedule.

Maybe I’ll try to pick up another 1% with another flight. Or maybe I’ll map the whole system; it’s worth 450K already. But lazing about until the next waypoint is announced seems attractive too. We’ll see.

Cinnabar Moth Nebula

Beautiful red nebula, viewed from Traikaae YK-K b26-0.

Cinnbar Moth Nebula Cinnbar Moth Nebula

Tinné's Endevour

Nice view in NGC 6530 WFI 16706. Finding this vantage point also gave me an opportunity to try out E.D.I.S.O.N..

The star system is a green system, but I have 6 maximum power FSD boosts available and light-years to go, so I didn't stop to harvest any materials.

View of the gas giant

The View looks awesome!

Made it out to The View in HR 6164. It has an amazing magnetar, a fast-spinning neutron star. I wish the tourist beacon wasn't so ridiculously close.

HR 6164

The planet is about 3g's too. Been a while since I landed on a high-g world. One errant bounce due to control mishap then a gentle touchdown. In hindsight, it was a good thing I picked up a 3D shield generator.

The View

Encountered earth-like world

Encountered an earth-like world on the way to The View at PRAEA EUQ LY-Q C18-23 A 7. This is the first one I've ever discovered.

(Gah! There's that wrong ID plate again; I'm "4P5-DW"...)

Earth-like world

Preparation for DW2 campaign

These photos were taken on launch day!

Brook's Point

Waiting for departure at Brook's Point

My ship, the Starlight Tracer

Wouldn't you know it, I screwed up my ID plate. I'm actually "4P5-DW" (#6221). Doh!

Starlight Tracer Starlight Tracer

Launch at the tourist beacon

Ready for launch

Captain Merydian

Two co-captains. Sort of. Couldn't decide which I want to use. For exploration, lean slightly more towards the female avatar.

I’m not sure he likes the color of the SRV. She does, though.

Male avatar Female avatar