KDT. Marc Necessarius Profil > Logbuch

Aktuelles Schiff:
Vipera Aspis [MA-01A]
(Asp Explorer)
Mitglied seit:
Übermittelte Entfernungen:
Besuchte Systeme:
Zuerst entdeckte Systeme:
7.100.876.684 Cr
Middle of the road or rather two-third of it.

How the things have change. I travelling on Colonia Connection Highway without being troubled about repairs. Occasionally I visit a bookmarked location to finalize scans of systems I have skipped when travelling to Colonia.

I am 30 jumps before Rohini.


I have reached my final goal in Colonia - I am allied with all major (controlling) factions as well as with all players factions - even if they are absolute meaningless. I am also at least cordial with all other factions I have met.

When I came to Colonia and visited some tourist beacons I started to think what else can I do in this wrecked area. Initially I wanted to visit all inhabited systems and return home. But I was a bit tired of long travels and there was no Colonia Connection those days.

I realized that I was already allied with Jaques and after visiting all inhabited systems I started to work on my reputation. I had to be selective when choosing a mission to not get reputation down by target faction, for this reason transporting biowaste to Deriso was not good idea. :) Usually I did mix with transporting people - almost everybody wants to see Jacues Visitor, Repairs Concluded or The Colonia Expansion.

Today I'm done and I coming back home to the bubble.

Three to go!!!

Only three factions left....

5+1 Systems To Go

As for today there are only 5 systems left, where I am not an ally with the controlling faction.

There is also a one secondary faction in Metztli I am only neutral with - all others know faction are cordial, friendly or allied.

Ship loss - first time for a long time

Today I got shot and died because of the lack of the oxygen. I couldn't reach the Rock on Chrysus any more.

But the main reason was that I had to answer the phone I was waiting whole day. ;)

Visited all inhabited systems in Colonia

Today I finally visited (and astronomically scanned) Canonnia and fulfilled one of my targets - to visit all inhabited systems here.

Working on acceptance ;)

After over a year (I did not play a lot during this time) I am allied with almost all player factions in Colonia.

Colonia Visit

I think I've been here before... Actually I was in Jaques Station before. :)