KDT. Vel Eshti Profil > Logbuch

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Pegasus Run 3305 - Days 1 & 2

It's been a surprisingly turbulent week, and as such my intended daily logbook submission has now turned into a series of quick compilations taken from bits of crumpled paper, coffee stained napkins, and one or two notes on the back of my hand.  But more on that in a later log.  For now, just the more memorable highlights of day 1 and 2. Here goes...

Day 1 - Enif to NGC-7822

While sitting at Enif awaiting the big group send-off, CMDR Flemish Jack decided it was time to go.  He turned his DBX rockets on and was gone in a flash.  However, he only mentioned it after he was a few systems away. It's not that he's a bad wingman.  It's just that the DBX is very fast.

By the time I received his transmission, I was juggling a portion of the fleet jump coordination and a computer problem.  Knowing I was falling behind, I finally decided the computer had the priority and was lucky to find a kind volunteer to step up and take over coordination duties.  

Sometime later I was able to catch up with Flemish in the Sadre System and we made a brief stop at the space potato there.  Btw, for the record... I was the one who started calling deep space outposts, "potatoes", which Flemish considered hilariously apt having actually seen one.  This happened after I saw an unprocessed russet potato for the first time at Hoss' Burgatory and Gift Shop, (Deck 4, Darwin Research Facility - best lab grown beef ever.  Try it!).  You're welcome, CMDR Flemish Jack.

After a quick turnaround we pointed our ships at NGC 7822 where we planned to stop for a bit of grub, club and sleep.  May as well enjoy these stations while we have them.

Day 2 - NGC 7822 to Base Camp, Soul Nebula

Not much to report here.  CMDR Flemish Jack jigged left out of station and I jigged right to stay off each other's research path.  I gathered a LOT of data and made some interesting research finds.  Such as this particularly lovely terraformable world and ringed water world.

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Also found an Earth-like world, but we've all seen what Earth looks like. Booooring.

Flemish transmitted that he had made dock in the Heart nebula and was heading to Base Camp over in the Soul nebula.  I wrapped up what I was doing and headed in.  Sold a satisfying amount of cartography data.

Not sure what Flemish has gotten up to since dock, but I am tired.  I settled for a couple shots of very expensive import scotch at a nearby bar and I'm now turning in for some well deserved rack time.

That is all for now.

Pegasus Run 3305 - The Saga Begins

So, it's been a while since my last logbook entry. I know you and your fellow logbook clerks up in station central have surely been asking, "but what happened to Vel and the AIM X Initiative?" Well, I am glad you asked. The simple answer is that bad luck won the day. I collected nothing more than cosmic rays and chipped paint. Nothing to report. Sorry.

So I did the responsible thing. I returned to Mason's Rock and embarked on a vodka fueled 2 week binge through every drinking establishment on "The Rock". If the doors were open, I was there. Space jock bars, miner dives, rock tender clubs; you name it. When I could no longer live with myself, I spent several months sobering up again and pulling odd jobs around station to fund Hofvarpnir into the yards for some much needed love.

Then it happened. While visiting the Deck 3 Lavatory, I happened across a much stained and abused advert for the Pegasus Run. I ran some quick figures in my head and realized Hofvarpnir would leave the yards a mere 3 days before the rendezvous date. Enough time for me to do a quick acceptance inspection, provision and get myself to Enif system. So I registered.

Consider yourselves up to date. I am now sitting off Enif 1 awaiting the start of the Great Undertaking. This time it will be good! This time I will find something not boring! With my trusty old time comrade, Flemish Jack flying off my wing.

By the way, Flemish has already left without me.

AIM X Initiated

So, after weeks of planning, making charts, plotting routes, and latest ship config thrown out the hatch, I have finally pulled the trigger on the AIM expedition out to Sagittarius A.

At least, I think that is where I am going. Like most of my expeditions, I have found the best laid plans are those not laid. My trusty Phantom is loaded for every contingency I can think of, meaning I can pretty much go wherever I please for however long I please. Still, Sag A is a bucket list item so I am sure I will end up there eventually. And from there? Who knows. Maybe it's high time I went pilgrimage to Beagle Point. Or, I may drift the cosmic winds and see where it takes me.

Okay, Dear Reader. Sorry to disappoint, whoever you are. You, the unlucky soul who gets to read and archive log uploads from every ship who makes dock. There is nothing special or acronymy about the name AIM X. If you consider it a lame name, blame the combination of a lack of coffee starting out today (big mistake); and the fact my ship's log maddeningly does everything in ALL CAPS! I simply got up to today, observed everything was ready and said, "I'm gonna aim that-away". I was doing admin at the time and it went into my log. Just like that. True story.

So obligatory Expedition preamble completed. Hopefully from here on out I'll have more interesting things to say. I'm currently nav-locked towards a Space Potato port I've nicknamed "Last Ditch Spud" just to amuse myself. I should arrive at the end of my current day cycle if nothing shiny distracts me. It will be my last chance to load up on any odds and sods I may have forgotten before I take the deep dive into the black. -Cheers