Advanced search > Stations

Found 38,419 stations.
Allegiance Government Economy Facilities Distance to Sol
Hale Arsenal
Aten / Planetary Port
Independent Democracy Military 53.41 ly
1,708.76 ls      
Evangelisti Reach
Aten / Planetary Outpost
Independent Corporate Colony 53.41 ly
80,753.92 ls      
Ramon Depot
Aten / Outpost
Independent Corporate Extraction 53.41 ly
80,748.01 ls      
Bamford Terminal
G 180-18 / Outpost
Federation Democracy Extraction 53.45 ly
1,778.64 ls      
Hale Port
G 180-18 / Coriolis Starport
Alliance Cooperative Industrial 53.45 ly
12.15 ls      
Pavlov Bastion
G 180-18 / Planetary Outpost
Alliance Cooperative Military 53.45 ly
1,336.86 ls      
Vizcaino Beacon
G 180-18 / Planetary Outpost
Federation Democracy Refinery 53.45 ly
12.05 ls      
Gutierrez City
Khepri / Orbis Starport
Independent Corporate Agriculture 53.45 ly
4,122.72 ls      
Hooke City
Khepri / Orbis Starport
Independent Corporate Industrial 53.45 ly
4,026.09 ls      
Banks Port
Khepri / Coriolis Starport
Independent Corporate Agriculture 53.45 ly
428.19 ls      
Guidoni Orbital
Khepri / Orbis Starport
Independent Dictatorship Agriculture 53.45 ly
4,149.99 ls      
Bernard Orbital
Khepri / Outpost
Independent Dictatorship Industrial 53.45 ly
3,945.62 ls      
Artyukhin Beacon
Khepri / Planetary Outpost
Federation Corporate Refinery 53.45 ly
4,154.28 ls      
Kettle Base
Khepri / Planetary Outpost
Federation Corporate Military 53.45 ly
756.31 ls      
Oxley Base
Khepri / Planetary Outpost
Federation Corporate Colony 53.45 ly
753.04 ls      
Parise Hub
LP 91-140 / Outpost
Independent Theocracy Extraction 53.47 ly
120,454.38 ls      
Palmer Refinery
LP 91-140 / Planetary Outpost
Independent Theocracy Refinery 53.47 ly
120,469.05 ls      
von Helmont Beacon
LP 91-140 / Outpost
Independent Theocracy Extraction 53.47 ly
120,496.49 ls      
Serebrov Station
LFT 444 / Coriolis Starport
Independent Patronage Industrial 53.48 ly
1,703.06 ls      
Nasmyth Station
Sekhemet / Coriolis Starport
Federation Corporate Industrial 53.65 ly
314.68 ls      
Vittori Gateway
Sekhemet / Outpost
Federation Corporate Industrial 53.65 ly
1,083.45 ls      
Papin Point
Ra / Planetary Outpost
Federation Corporate Colony 53.65 ly
9,623.55 ls      
Ellison Orbital
Ra / Orbis Starport
Federation Corporate Industrial 53.65 ly
130.91 ls      
Chu Silo
Ra / Planetary Outpost
Federation Corporate Military 53.65 ly
4,055.41 ls      
Kandrup Beacon
Ra / Planetary Port
Federation Corporate Industrial 53.65 ly
55.28 ls      
Roemer Landing
Ra / Planetary Outpost
Federation Corporate Industrial 53.65 ly
94.27 ls      
Kazantsev Dock
Ra / Orbis Starport
Independent Cooperative Industrial 53.65 ly
94.21 ls      
Deslandres Holdings
Ra / Planetary Outpost
Independent Cooperative Colony 53.65 ly
1,214.77 ls      
Delbruck Settlement
Ra / Planetary Outpost
Federation Corporate Industrial 53.65 ly
131.05 ls      
Taine Landing
Ra / Planetary Port
Independent Cooperative Industrial 53.65 ly
94.27 ls      
Mueller Oasis
Ra / Planetary Outpost
Federation Corporate Colony 53.65 ly
1,534.69 ls      
LeConte Dock
Ra / Orbis Starport
Independent Cooperative Industrial 53.65 ly
55.25 ls      
Gohar Gateway
Ra / Planetary Outpost
Federation Corporate Industrial 53.65 ly
131.03 ls      
Lehtonen Hub
Ra / Orbis Starport
Independent Cooperative Agriculture 53.65 ly
335.00 ls      
Avicenna's Inheritance
Sopdu / Planetary Outpost
Federation Democracy Refinery 53.76 ly
47.16 ls      
Duckworth Orbital
HN Bootis / Coriolis Starport
Independent Democracy Industrial 53.79 ly
592.13 ls      
Markov Asylum
9 Puppis / Planetary Outpost
Federation Democracy Colony 53.83 ly
1,704.57 ls      
Fuglesang Horizons
9 Puppis / Coriolis Starport
Independent Democracy Refinery 53.83 ly
1,744.54 ls      
Horowitz Installation
Khnum / Planetary Port
Federation Corporate Military 53.85 ly
20,439.34 ls      
Dana City
Khnum / Ocellus Starport
Federation Corporate Industrial 53.85 ly
198.89 ls      
Akiyama Station
Khnum / Outpost
Federation Democracy Refinery 53.85 ly
20,692.48 ls      
Wylie Beacon
Khnum / Planetary Outpost
Federation Corporate Colony 53.85 ly
20,526.01 ls      
Kondratyev Terminal
Khnum / Outpost
Federation Corporate Industrial 53.85 ly
20,434.74 ls      
Pogue's Claim
Khnum / Planetary Outpost
Federation Democracy Colony 53.85 ly
20,453.66 ls      
Bowersox Ring
Khnum / Coriolis Starport
Federation Corporate Industrial 53.85 ly
289.11 ls      
V886 Centauri / Fleet Carrier
Independent Fleet Carrier Fleet Carrier 53.98 ly
960.58 ls      
V886 Centauri / Fleet Carrier
Independent Fleet Carrier Fleet Carrier 53.98 ly
769.86 ls      
V886 Centauri / Fleet Carrier
Independent Fleet Carrier Fleet Carrier 53.98 ly
962.69 ls      
V886 Centauri / Fleet Carrier
Independent Fleet Carrier Fleet Carrier 53.98 ly
5.56 ls      
Holdstock Silo
V886 Centauri / Planetary Outpost
Federation Democracy Military 53.98 ly
2,383.14 ls      
Garriott Terminal
V886 Centauri / Outpost
Federation Democracy Refinery 53.98 ly
773.95 ls      
Rescue Ship Cornwallis
V886 Centauri / Mega ship
Independent Corporate Rescue 53.98 ly
769.90 ls      
V886 Centauri / Fleet Carrier
Independent Fleet Carrier Fleet Carrier 53.98 ly
961.63 ls      
Tanner City
V886 Centauri / Ocellus Starport
Independent Democracy Refinery 53.98 ly
950.51 ls      
V886 Centauri / Fleet Carrier
Independent Fleet Carrier Fleet Carrier 53.98 ly
959.28 ls      
Spirit of Laelaps
V886 Centauri / Mega ship
Independent Corporate High Tech 53.98 ly
769.39 ls      
V886 Centauri / Fleet Carrier
Independent Fleet Carrier Fleet Carrier 53.98 ly
959.52 ls      
Alpha Circini / Fleet Carrier
Independent Fleet Carrier Fleet Carrier 54.01 ly
0.00 ls      
Ramaswamy Outpost
LFT 568 / Outpost
Federation Corporate Extraction 54.14 ly
1,379.14 ls      
Alvarez de Pineda Freeport
Ross 249 / Outpost
Federation Confederacy Refinery 54.20 ly
5.95 ls      
Farmer's Inheritance
Ross 249 / Planetary Outpost
Federation Confederacy Extraction 54.20 ly
5.96 ls      
Bennett Enterprise
Kadi / Planetary Outpost
Federation Corporate Industrial 54.24 ly
402.58 ls      
Marshburn Station
Kadi / Ocellus Starport
Federation Democracy Industrial 54.24 ly
402.58 ls      
Wakata Landing
LP 792-20 / Outpost
Federation Corporate Refinery 54.32 ly
1,056.69 ls      
Wood Depot
LP 792-20 / Planetary Outpost
Federation Confederacy Military 54.32 ly
2,601.99 ls      
Jun Terminal
LHS 317 / Outpost
Federation Democracy Industrial 54.32 ly
2,674.35 ls      
LHS 317 / Fleet Carrier
Independent Fleet Carrier Fleet Carrier 54.32 ly
282.21 ls      
Zoline Depot
LHS 317 / Planetary Outpost
Federation Corporate Military 54.32 ly
705.17 ls      
Northrop Port
LHS 317 / Coriolis Starport
Federation Corporate Industrial 54.32 ly
214.28 ls      
Agnesi Bastion
LHS 317 / Planetary Outpost
Federation Democracy Military 54.32 ly
1,605.39 ls      
Henry Orbital
LP 673-13 / Outpost
Federation Democracy Industrial 54.32 ly
71.72 ls      
Besonders Depot
LP 673-13 / Planetary Outpost
Federation Corporate Extraction 54.32 ly
528.19 ls      
Murray Port
LP 673-13 / Coriolis Starport
Alliance Patronage Industrial 54.32 ly
55.93 ls      
Gurney Station
LP 673-13 / Outpost
Federation Democracy Industrial 54.32 ly
96.11 ls      
Atwater Orbital
LP 673-13 / Ocellus Starport
Alliance Patronage Industrial 54.32 ly
21.15 ls      
Freud Colony
Ehi / Outpost
Independent Theocracy Extraction 54.33 ly
5.97 ls      
Low Orbital
LHS 2764a / Coriolis Starport
Alliance Dictatorship Industrial 54.33 ly
554.37 ls      
Euclid City
Helios / Outpost
Alliance Corporate Industrial 54.34 ly
740.45 ls      
McArthur Ring
Helios / Coriolis Starport
Alliance Corporate Industrial 54.34 ly
753.63 ls      
Cardano Colony
Helios / Outpost
Alliance Corporate Extraction 54.34 ly
1,053.39 ls      
Aldiss Dock
Helios / Orbis Starport
Alliance Corporate Extraction 54.34 ly
421.82 ls      
Carleson Ring
Daha Deti / Coriolis Starport
Federation Corporate Industrial 54.34 ly
246.40 ls      
Leonov Dock
G 138-40 / Coriolis Starport
Independent Democracy Industrial 54.35 ly
989.99 ls      
Simak Point
G 138-40 / Planetary Outpost
Federation Confederacy Colony 54.35 ly
1,760.59 ls      
Kuipers Arsenal
G 138-40 / Planetary Outpost
Federation Democracy Military 54.35 ly
1,010.08 ls      
Planck Orbital
Ross 115 / Outpost
Alliance Corporate Refinery 54.35 ly
9,968.39 ls      
Parker Enterprise
Balatu / Outpost
Federation Democracy Extraction 54.36 ly
3,747.89 ls      
Haise Dock
Balatu / Coriolis Starport
Federation Democracy Extraction 54.36 ly
2,636.46 ls      
Chapman Terminal
LP 694-16 / Coriolis Starport
Federation Corporate Industrial 54.37 ly
816.64 ls      
Howe Platform
Hyperion / Outpost
Federation Democracy Refinery 54.37 ly
2,152.09 ls      
Molina Relay
LFT 214 / Outpost
Federation Democracy Refinery 54.37 ly
237,290.68 ls      
Fozard Penal colony
LFT 214 / Planetary Outpost
Federation Democracy Military 54.37 ly
2,435.21 ls      
Guerrero Terminal
LP 90-39 / Outpost
Federation Corporate Refinery 54.37 ly
42.77 ls      
Key Dock
LTT 569 / Coriolis Starport
Federation Corporate Industrial 54.38 ly
485.98 ls      
Hollatja / Fleet Carrier
Independent Fleet Carrier Fleet Carrier 54.38 ly
424.51 ls      
Popper Keep
Hollatja / Planetary Outpost
Independent Feudal Military 54.38 ly
424.59 ls      
Fulton Landing
Apollo / Outpost
Federation Democracy Refinery 54.38 ly
16.95 ls      
Gooch Base
Apollo / Planetary Outpost
Federation Corporate Refinery 54.38 ly
16.96 ls      
Reisman Station
Apollo / Outpost
Independent Patronage Refinery 54.38 ly
11.52 ls      
Payson Plant
Apollo / Planetary Port
Independent Patronage Refinery 54.38 ly
16.96 ls