Community Goals

  • July 7, 2016
  • Finished

    The Dangerous Games: Rare Smuggling

    End: Jul 7, 2016

    For much of the past month the galactic community has been captivated by the Dangerous Games, a semi-official competition organised by some of the galaxy's largest factions to determine which wields the greatest degree of power and influence.

    Three events have taken place so far, with pilots from across the galaxy fighting fervently to support their chosen group. With the ‘Wildcard' stage of the competition over, it is time for the main event to begin.

    Trinity Avon, a reporter for The Sovereign, explained how the Rise to Power will work:

    “There are six factions taking part: the EG Pilots, the Alliance Elite Diplomatic Corps, the Border Coalition, GalCop, the Interstellar Communist Union and the Social Eleu Progressive Party. Over the next three weeks, there will be a series of campaigns in which each faction will try to rally as much support as possible. The faction that dominates its rivals will join the ranks of the galaxy's most powerful.”

    The first Rise to Power event requires pilots to gather Gilya signature weapons for their chosen faction and deliver them to Gohar Station in the Jaradharre system. The faction that accumulates the most Gilya signature weapons will be declared the winner of the first heat. Participating pilots are reminded that Gilya signature weapons are illegal in Jaradharre, and local security forces have been placed on high alert.

    The event begins on the 30th of June 3302 and will run for one week.

  • July 1, 2016
  • Finished

    The Battle of Daramo - Federation

    End: Jul 1, 2016

    The Daramo system is currently under Federal control, but recent reports indicate that both Imperial and independent forces – the latter under the rule of Pirate King Archon Delaine – are attempting to wrest power from the Federation. The Federation is evidently not about to capitulate. In a statement, Admiral Yorke of the Federal Navy said:

    \"The Daramo system is of considerable strategic value to the Federation, and we will not surrender it without a fight. We have issued an emergency call to all Federation-aligned pilots – you are needed in Daramo!\"

    The Empire, predictably, has responded in kind. Captain Danvers of the Imperial Navy said:

    \"In the interest of the wellbeing of the citizens of Daramo, it is imperative that Imperial law be instated as soon as possible. If the Federation is allowed to retain control of the system, the people of Daramo will be sure to suffer.\"

    The Independents of Daramo have stepped in to coordinate operations on behalf of the Federation, while the Vaka Citizens of Tradition have been authorised to oversee the Imperial campaign. Both factions have set out week-long operations to take control of the system, which will begin on the 23rd of June 3302.

    Top 5 CMDRs: 42,714,844CR + Global Rewards Top 5%: 28,476,563 CR + Global Rewards Top 10%: 22,781,250 CR + Global Rewards Top 25%: 17,085,938 CR + Global Rewards Top 50%: 11,390,625 CR + Global Rewards Top 75%: 5,695,313 CR + Global Rewards Top 99%: 1,100,000 CR + Global Rewards

  • June 30, 2016
  • Finished

    Defending Graill Redd

    End: Jun 30, 2016

    30 JUN 3302 Authorities in the Graill Redd system have reported a sharp increase in the number of criminals operating in the area. Apparently, organisations in neighbouring systems – the Citizen Party of G146-60 and the Workers Party of G 176-29 – are attempting to cultivate discord in the system in order to pave the way for the introduction of communism.

    To counter this threat, the Graill Redd Liberals have placed a kill order on all wanted ships operating in the Graill Redd system, and have promised to reward pilots who deliver bounty vouchers to J. G. Ballard Gateway.

    The campaign begins on the 30th of June 3302 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

  • June 28, 2016
  • Finished

    The Battle of Daramo - Empire

    End: Jun 28, 2016

    No rewards as Fed CG won as per post on Frontier Forums....

    The Daramo system is currently under Federal control, but recent reports indicate that both Imperial and independent forces – the latter under the rule of Pirate King Archon Delaine – are attempting to wrest power from the Federation. The Federation is evidently not about to capitulate. In a statement, Admiral Yorke of the Federal Navy said:

    \"The Daramo system is of considerable strategic value to the Federation, and we will not surrender it without a fight. We have issued an emergency call to all Federation-aligned pilots – you are needed in Daramo!\"

    The Empire, predictably, has responded in kind. Captain Danvers of the Imperial Navy said:

    \"In the interest of the wellbeing of the citizens of Daramo, it is imperative that Imperial law be instated as soon as possible. If the Federation is allowed to retain control of the system, the people of Daramo will be sure to suffer.\"

    The Independents of Daramo have stepped in to coordinate operations on behalf of the Federation, while the Vaka Citizens of Tradition have been authorised to oversee the Imperial campaign. Both factions have set out week-long operations to take control of the system, which will begin on the 23rd of June 3302.

    Top 5 CMDRs: 10,125,000 CR + Global Rewards Top 5%: 6,750,000 CR + Global Rewards Top 10%: 5,400,000 CR + Global Rewards Top 25%: 4,050,000 CR + Global Rewards Top 50%: 2,700,000 CR + Global Rewards Top 75%: 1,350,000 CR + Global Rewards Top 99%: 500,000 CR + Global Rewards

  • June 23, 2016
  • Finished


    End: Jun 23, 2016

    Every year, thousands of people disappear into the vastness of space. Some simply venture out too far and lose their way. Others are abducted by pirates and sold into slavery, their identities irrevocably erased. Others still may suffer more mysterious fates.

    For many, these disappearances are a fact of life - an inescapable consequence of living amoung the stars. But Pranav Antal, leader of the technologically progressive enclave Utopia, is unwilling to simply accept such losses. The simguru, as he is known, has launched a campaign to gather exploration data with the aim of discovering why so many of those who traverse the depths of space vanish.

    \"The purpose of this campaign is to acquire concrete information about those disappearances so we can do more to prevent them. But I must stress that even if we are able to locate missing individuals, it is likely that they will be too far from our base of operations to make rescue possible. This is an intelligence-gathering operation only.\"

    Utopian representatives have promised to reward pilots who deliver exploration data to Terry Port in the Garaoku system. The campaign begins on the 16th of June 3302 and will run for one week.

    To be eligible for rewards you must sign up as an active participant before delivering Exploration Data to Terry Port in the Garoku system.

    Top 10 CMDRs:18,374,300 CR Top 10%: 15,206,400 CR Top 25%: 10,137,600 CR Top 50%: 5,068,800 CR Top 75%: 2,534,400 CR Top 99%: 500,000 CR