CMDR Mokel DeLorean [GPL] profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
Simon Marius [DMC-19]
(Diamondback Explorer)
Member since:
Aug 31, 2016
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
Systems discovered first:
Back at the Zurara

Even though in my deepest heart I am an explorer, sometimes I like to buckyball. Which I did here. I went the 12k Ly from Maridal to the Zurara without a stop in under 4 hours. Maybe even close to 3 hours, I didn't stop the time.

So here I am again, waiting for two friends of mine who I overtook. They should arrive tomorrow.

Heart and Soul

Just passing between those two, on my way to the Zurara again.

Thargoid materials

I was curious how the thargoid materials look like, so I took some high resolution photos:

A first step into Jen Elabog

We have managed to succesfully challenge the Jen Elabog State Services. Since today we are at war with them, and if we win, we will take over their Sarrantonio Point. I took the chance to give the Chieftain a first try. I was not too happy with the shields, but the manouverability more than compensated it.

After handing in the first 500k CR combat bonds I switched to my good old Corvette. I was very surprised how the enemies hammered on my shields (I think they can take more than 3000 MJ with very high resistances), and also my Elite fighter pilot didn't survive longer than maybe 2 minutes. Things have changed a lot as it seems.

Anyway, here is my old Corvette fighting against an enemy Corvette:

It is only the first day of the war. Depending on the numbers I will either continue to fight there, or upgrade some of my many ships tomorrow.

Scouting for scouts

I followed the call to collect materials from the recently appeared Thargoid scouts. So basically I have been scouting for scouts^^

I have found quite a few of them. Unlike the interceptors they are very aggressive, but not too much of a thread for a big ship like the Defender. Which gave me the opportunity to take a photo like this one:

I guess it will be easier to take good photos if we come back in a wing.

Unlocking Guardian tech

I went back to the Guardian structures in order to unlock some of the Guardian technology. A long term member of our faction helped me with his knowledge. Still, things didn't work too well for us. Many data retrieval processes failed, and we both did not know why exactly.

My friend had to leave at some point, but I had enough information to continue on my own. So I spent literally hours to gather some loosy four blueprints. I am done for the moment. I have to learn more about the Guardians before I will give it another try.

The beast

Come in a Dolphin, leave in a Federal Corvette.

Our driving school took place on a little moon in Deciat, and because ship transfer costs for small ships like the Dolphin are affordable, I finally took my spare Corvette back home to Maridal. This is the green beast taking of from Farseer Inc after getting a nice jump range boost:

Still awaiting its first mission though. But when the day comes, its huge PAs will strike hard!

Driving academy

Today I helped another commander to get familiar with the wave scanner of his SRV. Whilst explaining him the different signatures and sounds we came across this thing here:

What a masterpiece of architecture on a dead and boring moon!

Trading in a wing

Skip the Chieftain for a moment, I went back to my beloved Type-9 HEAVY :-)

It was recently upgraded by Lakon Spaceways, so it can now carry a whopping 700 tons of cargo!

We formed a wing with some other Type-9s and started delivering goods to a station with high demand of Palladium. Until there was no Palladium on stock in a bubble of 50 lightyears ;-)

Good thing is, the mission rewards for delivering the Palladium helped a fairly new commander to upgrade his own Type-6 Transporter. So maybe soon he will also pilot one of the big fat space cows.

The new Alliance Chieftain

Hey, look what I just bought:

It is fully equipped, but still needs some engineering. And, first and foremost, some testing of course.