CMDR Mokel DeLorean [GPL] profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
Simon Marius [DMC-19]
(Diamondback Explorer)
Member since:
Aug 31, 2016
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
Systems discovered first:
30 km SRV race at BP2

It is quite busy here at Beagle Point. Today we went for a 30 km race towards a mountain. Here is the finishing line photo:

I finished 3rd, Henkka has won. But he is from finland, so that was somehow to be expected^^

Earth-likes never get old

Especially if you find two of them orbiting each other.

Unfortunately they are at a distance of 7.3 Ls, so you can barely see the other ELW just above the horizon.

Three Amigos

Meetup of all three DeLoreans in Colonia :-)

Freddy will head to the western side of the galaxy for the DECE mass tag system before returning and going to Beagle Point via Sagittarius A*.

Mokel will directly go to Beagle Point.

And Larissa will follow the waypoints of the BPE towards Beagle Point.

If all goes well they all should meet there on May 5th. May the 4th be with us ;-)

Green glowing giant

Thanks to CMDR Beamsucker I had some nice places to visit, and ond of them was this glowing green gas giant:

A really rare view!


I have been quite for a while now, but that's for reasons. Unfortunately CMDR Freddy DeLorean has lost his ship shortly before Beagle Point, and that has screwed up my entire timetable.

But here we are now. The plan was to take Mokel and Larissa also to Beagle Point for the meetup of the DECE and BPE on May 5th. And the plan still holds true.

Both are ready for takeoff. Mokel's Type-9 is capable of 34 Ly, whilst Larissa's Orca can do well above 50 Ly. The first stop will of course be Colonia. Let's go!

Mining for the good purpose

Is it the community goal? Or my personal credit balance?



Why am I here? What have I done?

I got my combat decal

Unfortunately only the silver, bronze and standard ones. I missed the gold one by half an hour. Anyway, the bronze looks good on a standard Chieftain:

A bunch of Anacondas

And they are all golden.

Deep below

Unfortunately I was distracted for the last couple of days, and so my friends arrived at the Zurara, and already left again. What a pity :(

Maybe we can meet up on the way back to our home system. But first I have to go somewhere else. Rho Cassiopeiae, which already stood for too long on my wishlist of to-visit systems.

Back in the old days it was one of the hardest to reach star systems. Nowadays it still takes some planning and (at least for me) some jumponium to get there, but every Ly increase in our ships jumpranges makes it easier of course. I was completely out of arsenic, so I made a stop on a rocky moon to fill that up before plotting the route. I found four or five pieces of polonium as a side product, very very nice!

After takeoff from the moon my ship's computer brought me down to -370 below the galactic plane. After that I had to do several manual jumps to dive even further down to Rho Cassiopeiae. Maybe if I had taken the time I wouldn't even have to use the precious jumponium, but oh well. Time is more precious I guess.

Now that is an impressive system!

The F super giant is 44k Ls away! The B star is 3k Ls away. And did you spot the small brown tauri star? It is a shy 40 Ls in front of me^^

The entire system has formed just 2 million years ago. Really really impressive.