CMDR Stephen Hunter profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
luxury taxi [ST-02D]
Member since:
Jan 2, 2017
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
Systems discovered first:
7. New fuel scoop!

After doing some research, I flew to Gridiuhet, where while I wasn't able to buy a new ship, I was able to buy a much better fuel scoop. Turns out that I only had a basic 1E scoop and I've now gone up to a 3B... which is much, much faster.

I've got about five million in my account now and with the journey I'll be able to do, I'll be able to buy an Asp Explorer for raw cash instead of a trade-in... but I fancy taking this the whole way to Colonia.

6. Starting on the Colonia run

I'm starting on a trip out to Colonia with my Diamondback Explorer; first 'waypoint' being Mammon on the Colonia Highway. I may not take this ship all the way there - if I can buy a better ship, I will. Almost certainly an Asp Explorer.

The Discovery credits will be massive - I've already hit Trailblazer...

Rescue mission

Recently did an escape capsule recovery mission; had to land on a planet and get my SRV out on a rather bouncy ride to collect the injured guy, then get him back to my ship to get him back to his people.

Not a huge payday, but rescue missions aren't about the pay.

Heading back to the Pleiades

Currently hauling some Beryllium to Electra to help repair a station. I've found the best way to do a refuel is to cut your engines to the minimum for super-cruise and wait.

May need a good book though as it takes a while.

(NB - Try to upgrade your fuel scoop)

3. Joining Operation IDA

Having seen an article about the help they need, I'm going to be heading over to BD+41 1865 to assist with Operation IDA station repairs. Now to find some suitable commodities.

2. Bagging a Master Criminal

I've now travelled as far as Konejandi, but I can see from the galaxy map that I still have a long way to go. Jump, cooldown, jump cooldown can quickly get repetitive, but I did liven my trip up a bit when I found a source of weapons fire, headed over and discovered there was a wanted criminal called Paul Keen there. Master Class, Viper Mark III. He may have been a skilled pilot, but my powerful weaponry made relatively swift work of him, assisted by other pilots joining in. 3,080 CR in my bank account and now at 33% Mostly Harmless.

Andree Arena doesn't have much in the way of outfitting; I had a look but saw nothing that would improve my ship.

Christmas dinner tomorrow than onwards towards Maia.

1. Heading back to Maia

Commander's Log, Stardate - or rather regular date 22 December 3303

Hearing reports of the Thargoid attacks in the Pleiades region, I have decided to head over to assist humanity in its time of need. When your ship is a Viper Mark IV with a roughly 10 light year jump range, this is easier said than done.

I started out in Czernovale and am going to make my way over to Maia over the next few days. I have a fuel scoop, but there is only so far one can go in a rapid succession of jumps before you run out of heat sinks or need to take a break for whatever reason.

I have now jumped to Rho Cancri and stopped there to restock. Recalculating my route for the KGBFOAM stars one needs to scoop from, I have another 80 jumps to go.

If anyone can direct me to areas of Thargoid activity, this will be greatly appreciated.