CMDR Fi0x profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
(Krait Phantom)
Member since:
Feb 20, 2017
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Systems discovered first:
6,535,914,949 Cr
#100 Route to Sol
  • 3304 29.OCT
  • 09:45
  • After leaving the 16th waypoint and jumping towards the 17th one, I took some sleep after some jumps. Now I've just reached the waypoint, which is a system with only a giant type O star.
  • Since there's nothing else in this system to explore, I'm leaving and heading towards the 18th waypoint. It's 6800Ly away and the ships navigation system calculated 91 jumps to reach it.
  • Cmdr. Dangerous double Elite Fi0x
#99 Route to Sol
  • 3304 28.OCT
  • 14:34
  • Plotting a route to the 16th waypoint wasn't very easy. My flight computer couldn't calculate all 7000Ly at once, so I had to plot the first half and when I passed about half the distance, I plotted a new route to the waypoint.
  • Like many other waypoint of this expedition, this system doesn't have anything interesting in it, just one star and some gas giants.
  • Cmdr. Dangerous double Elite Fi0x
#98 Route to Sol
  • 3304 27.OCT
  • 21:29
  • The 15th waypoint is the first one after many jumps that's more interesting than just a few stars and planets. It contains a black hole and one other star and is surrounded by a blue nebula.
  • Close to the black hole everything is blue and it looks nearly unrealistic because of the space bending ability of the black hole.
  • Before I'm going to jump to the next waypoint, which is 7000Ly away, I'll take some sleep.
  • Cmdr. Dangerous double Elite Fi0x
#97 Route to Sol
  • 3304 27.OCT
  • 19:56
  • The Beacon I've scanned in Beagle Point was a memorial Beacon.
  • list text hereI've just reached the 14th waypoint of the expedition I'm following. It is only 1200Ly away from Beagle Point and contains only 2 stars and some planets.
  • The next waypoint is 2000Ly away. Hopefully I can get there soon, because I'm getting tired now and I don't want to make this part of the journey in more steps than necessary.
  • Cmdr. Dangerous double Elite Fi0x
#96 Beagle Point
  • 3304 27.OCT
  • 18:55
  • I've reached Beagle Point! Sadly there's no other ship here right now, even if this is a very popular system. But there is a probe in this system which I'm going to scan for more information.
  • Once I've scanned it, I'll start flying back to Sol with a stop at Jaques Station in Colonia.
  • Cmdr. Dangerous double Elite Fi0x
#95 Beagle Point
  • 3304 27.OCT
  • 12:08
  • I've reached the 12th waypoint, which is the last one before Beagle Point. The system contains 2 class T stars and one class B main star, as well as some planets.
  • Beagle Point is now 10k Ly away, which will take me approximately 150 jumps in my current ship.
  • Cmdr. Dangerous double Elite Fi0x
#94 Beagle Point
  • 3304 26.OCT
  • 18:43
  • The way to the 11th waypoint wasn't as I expected it to be.
  • The first half of the route had less neutron stars than I thought, but still many more than the route between waypoint 9 and 10. But the second half wasn't any more in the centaurus arm, which meant, that there were less stars overall and especially less neutron stars.
  • Some systems I jumped to had nearly no others in jump range and out here it appears as if they also have less planets inside of them.
  • Cmdr. Dangerous double Elite Fi0x
#93 Beagle Point
  • 3304 26.OCT
  • 14:34
  • The distance to the 10th waypoint didn't took me as long as I expected to cover. I also didn't expect to find any neutron stars on my way from the 9th waypoint to this system, but I was abled to do several neutron star boosted jumps!
  • With only one break to sleep a while, it took me only about 60 jumps to get here.
  • The next waypoint, which is 8600Ly away, is behind the centaurus arm, which should have more neutron stars than the gap I crossed previously. The ships computer calculated 111 jumps to reach it.
  • Cmdr. Dangerous double Elite Fi0x
#92 Beagle Point
  • 3304 25.OCT
  • 16:50
  • After leaving the 8th waypoint, I forgot that the neutron stars out here are getting less and less. So it took me many jumps to reach the 10th waypoint, which has no interesting stars.
  • But even though I'm not close to the core anymore, I still found some neutron stars after the 9th waypoint. Since I travelled through a part of the norma arm, I expected some of the neutron stars. But the route to the next waypoint leads me through the gap betwen the norma arm and the centaurus arm, which means that there might be no neutron stars at all that might give my fsd a boost.
  • Cmdr. Dangerous double Elite Fi0x
#91 Beagle Point
  • 3304 24.OCT
  • 18:57
  • The 8th waypoint is a neutron star that spins extremly slowly. In the system are also 2 other starts, but none of them is of higher interest for me.
  • Unlike the last waypoint, which was located inside a nebula, this one is just a few Ly below one.
  • I'll start travelling towards the next waypoint now, but I'm certain that I can't reach it without some sleep.
  • Cmdr. Dangerous double Elite Fi0x