CMDR Zekonnd profile > Logbook

Commander name:
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Member since:
Feb 14, 2016
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
Systems discovered first:
Too much to do

Although I almost reached Thor's eye on Thursday already, I made no progress towards WP2 up to now. My interest in exploration, and the missing need to be at the waypoint on time degrades my motivation thoroughly. And the usual Christmas todos and dates in the evening seem to be more important than flying towards the goal. I am unhappy.

Waypoint #2

Reached Hillary after a smooth 1000 ly flight. Met some invisible cmdrs, was friended and friended one. At least a few words of chat today. Now i am already 500 ly away.

It has started

Yesterday 400 pilots started to the Colonia Christmas Carrier Convoy. Linked several new friends, but found none. So after the beacon driven mass start, most people went their own way. So did I, and reached the Shapley 1 Wolf Rayet star alone.

Final countdown

Finally, most questions I had were answered by the procedures document. And Miami as well as the other systems are now specified.

Last things done:

  • Done: Loadout ship, store weapons and modified modules and buy additional modules for storage (Class 3 AFM, 6E Cargo Rack, Class 6 Cabins First/Economy class, Class 5 Cabins First/Economy class, Prospector and Collector Limpets, Refinery)
  • Done: Decide which cargo and buy 32T of it: Bought 32t of Mineral Extractors
  • Done: Make screenshots of status information
  • Done: Prepare Galaxymap for scoopable stars filter, activate Beacon and Orbit Lines
  • Done: Find Discord Android app
  • Todo: Train scooping
  • Done: Note required key bindings
  • Undecided: Prepare ShadowPlay with my graphics card
And counting

More than a week to go. The first hop will be about 2000ly - should be no problem to do this in three days. But what will the command order me to do?

Nonetheless, if I will succeed in participating that month, I will buy myself a paint job. Vibrant yellow presumably.

Confirmation for CCC roster

Relief this time, as I find my name on the roster as carrier #381. Typically, the emotions of my previous entry are now replaced by planning and deciding. Now, what has to be done?

  • Done: Decide for the role. For a tanker, there is not enough space in my Asp, and I did not want to be a fighter. So now I will go as an unarmed low scale carrier and I will have to do what others say. As if I like that. But being a freelancer sounded not inside enough.
  • Done: Register for the Expedition: #381
  • Done: Register on EDSM: #100
  • Done: Use EDDiscovery to monitor my position on EDSM
  • Done: Apply for Discord channels FleetComm and CCN
  • Done: Ask Jeeves to make me carrier
  • Done: Join the Fleetcomm in game private group
  • Done: Finish all missions
  • Done: Plan ship loadout and think about the future - after the expedition is before the expedition
  • Done: Enter all basecamps and dates into calendar, set first WP in game
  • Done: Test and prepare headset
  • Done: Max out the 5A FSD. Done a long time ago (51%)...
  • Todo: Loadout ship, store weapons and modified modules and buy additional modules for storage (Class 3 AFM, 6E Cargo Rack, Class 6 Cabins First/Business/Economy class, Class 5 Cabins First/Business/Economy class, Prospector and Collector Limpets, Refinery)
  • Done: Sell prospector ship
  • Todo: Decide which cargo and buy 32T of it
  • Todo: Make screenshots of status information
  • Todo: Prepare Galaxymap for scoopable stars filter, activate Beacon and Orbit Lines
  • Todo: Find Discord Android app
  • Todo: Train scooping
  • Todo: Note required key bindings
  • Undecided: Prepare ShadowPlay with my graphics card
  • What else?

-> Ship loadout

I am part of it

Today I registered for the CCC Christmas Carrier Convoy Expedition to Colonia. I almost cannot believe it. Enough money, the right time, I am in the bubble, my FSD has +51% jump range, and I registered! And I am looking forward having to learn much about mass flying and grinding light years away. Wao. Will I reach Sagittarius A* after that?