CMDR dinasi8995 profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
Raven Totalis [N61W89]
(Cobra Mk III)
Member since:
Dec 20, 2018
Distances submitted:
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Systems discovered first:
10,007,080,341 Cr
Falling into the Abyss

20:34 UTC, System Pyra EOP PK-C D14-2: My first system into the Abyss, 108 jumps from Beagle Point.

More Formidable Before the Last Leg

Formorian Frontier has has been more lucrative through normal exploration. Discovered many systems with multiple terraformable worlds. We've been warned the Abyss is abysmal; traveling through it already has proven tough as trying a directs plot has been futile, allegedly because of permitted/locked systems. For the first time in the journey I'm taking the complete 'scenic' route through the POI's; with Spring Break upon me I may reach the destination in a week!

An Empty Vault

As I cross into the Formorian Frontier, Newton's Vault was a sparse, lonely journey. It seemed my FSD jumps were longer in duration through much of it. While I have tailored my FSS searches to speed up my traveling, many of the systems into which I jumped didn't have much of what I search for. Was warned by a Squadron mate that the Abyss is even worse; maybe I'll need coffee and a magazine.

Sparse Become The Stars

Having moved into the Newton's Vault region, the star density has dropped off noticeably. Near the center regions there'd be 20 systems within 5-7ly; now it's back to 19-20ly, as it was during the early part of our journey. I'm doing my best to jump-scoop-jump, but those water-ammonia-earth worlds....

Why I Teach Math

As we slog to WP11, my estimated remaining distance seems accurate. With our current extended travel to WP11, Beagle will be 27k+ away; I had previously estimated ~28k. At some point approaching WP11 I may have to Jump-scoop-jump. FSS/Mapping consumes time, and M-F I don't have much of it to travel. Even weekends I'm fortunate to get 2-3 hours a day on-console. I'm currently 198 jumps from WP11; I may have to Jump-scoop-jump 98, so that next week I can leisurely do the remaining 100, especially with a Minimum Day next Friday.

High g success

Made my first successfull high g landing this week in the Vegnoae WE-R e4-8157 system. Easy, slow, found a spot, tapped the thrusters and down she went! What even brought me to the planet (2) were the bio signals, which turned out to be Biolumenescent Anemones. Encountered another LaGrange storm, inhabited by rubeum metallic crystals and solid mineral spheres. Didn't linger too long after my experience in the last storm; got better photos this time.

Doing the Math

We are headed now towards WP10 of the Distant Worlds 2 Expedition. Viewing the galactic map and the bookmarked waypoints, Beagle Point, our destination, is WP15. I've travelled 35,000 light years, and the estimated total distance of DW2 is 65,000 light years. When we reach WP10 I'll be at about 37,000 light years travelled. 5 remaining waypoints, about 28,000 light years remaining on the journey, is as average of about 5,600 ly per waypoint. Now knowing how to focus my FSS searches is reducing the time I spend in system discovering.I feel more comfortable travelling these vast distances within the prescribed time. DW2 has helped me reach my exploration goals (Elite status), and further improved my exploring skills and focus.