CMDR Qprime profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
JUMPER [Q-005]
Member since:
Apr 6, 2019
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
Systems discovered first:
553,113,763 Cr
That made up for it! :D

Found another system with THREE earthlike planets in it. Just sold the data after mapping the whole system - over 7 million credits. Guess they weren't too happy with the patchwork job done by 2 dozen different commanders - having everything on the same map from the same source is worth a pretty penny apparently!

Well that F***ing sucked.

First time ever having to self-destruct in an SRV due to being utterly stuck. So I scanned some random ice moon, and went town to a geological site that popped up. This one was bad terrain, worst I've ever seen. Barely found a spot to land - went and scanned the formations and gathered some outcrops like I always do - then returned to the ship -- except that I got stuck under the front fuselage and had to dismiss the ship to get out of it since thrusters auto-disengage that close to your vessel.

Now the problem... my ship couldn't find anywhere to land when I called it back. Eventually it decides to park itself on top of the cliff at the edge of the ice valley I'm in. Which is like... 2.5km in altitude above me, up damn near 90-degree incline ice cliff.

So I tried to climb the cliff, and tried, and tried... and gave up. Then I tried to follow the valley hunting flat spots to call my ship down to. Found a few - but that damn thing still landed up on the cliffs anyway. God almighty was it tough going - the bottom of this canyon was a jagged mess of ridges and ruffles. After what must have been 2 hours if faffing about down there and getting really creative with boosting I finally got hard jammed between 2 narrow ridges and couldn't even use the maneuvering thrusters to budge the srv in any direction at all.

I was stuck good, no ship, nowhere to go, nothing. "you have run out of moves - game over"

Kaboom. one self-destruct later, i gave that planet the finger and hope very much so to never see it again. GAH how annoying.

Martuuk at longsight base maxed out (FINALLY!)

GOD THAT TOOK FOREVER. That region of space is just rice-rice-rice-rice-rice I swear. Anyway, elvira martuuk is now fully unlocked at level 5, so I'm scramming the hell outta that area until I actually NEED her services at some point. On my way to visit Farseer for old time sake, see if she can make me any useful toys because... well, it's been that long that I dont remember xD

found a material trader! well after I needed it though -- i just gave in and went to one I already knew and kept on chugging afterwards. Then on my way to felicity I just now found a new one! sigh what're the odds...

Raw materials bays starting to fill up.

Some of my raw mats holds are starting to hit max capacity so I'm heading to high-sec extraction economy systems looking for a materials trader -- mapping as I go of course.

the mapping... continues.

Not much to say really. Nothing new discovered in the past day or 2, honestly mostly just confirmation scans of data people already created - even if I am nice enough to put it all on paper at the same time for the first time.

still making buddies with my engineer... still working my way to exploration elite. The going on... goes on.

God other commanders are lazy! xD

sigh I feel like a stellar cartographic equivalent of a quilter. SO MANY HOLES TO PATCH. y'all are so focused on the money and getting your name in at least one place in a system... sigh yeah... had a lot of systems lately where I find one bite out of the apple and have to deal with the whole remaining thing.

...if you want something done right....

R.I.C.E. Rice, baby!

Rocks & Ice - 'Rice' - far as the eye can see. Bum luck on the 'jackpot' watch so far as randomly bumbling around and hoping for something valuable to show up. LOOOOOOOOOTS of 'rice' catalogued and sold over the last few days - a few typical gas giants in the mix, but nothing noteworthy.

Slowly but surely the crawl continues.

Worn out. Didn't even finish one system today. Bad me.

Yeesh this system is LOADED with geological sites. Hundreds - and I do mean plural. I only check out 1 per planet as a rule to stop myself from, well, never leaving a system basically but STILL. x.x I'm beat, i'm calling it a night. I'ma finish this pile tomorrow.

Scanning n' selling.

Got my new mechanically inclined buddy up to level 4, working my way to level 5. Picking random systems is slow going, but i'm getting a lot of 'first mapped' credits. :D mildly amusing considering i'm right on the border of the bubble.

Making friends... with engineers.

Got those blasted relics delivered. Sold my cargo rack immediately afterwards - good riddance. Extra dead weight I dont need. Been roaming around the shell 20-40ly away from khun hoovering up discoveries and selling them at farsight outpost for cred with my new engineer 'buddy'. Almost to the point where she lets me have the 'good stuff' already!