CMDR Gungho Gunston profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
Providence [GG-32P]
(Python Mk II)
Member since:
Jun 12, 2019
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
Systems discovered first:
807,493,533 Cr
Home at last

It has been 23 days since my last log submission and i am finally home. I only found out 1000 or so light years out that my Guardian FSD booster had shut itself down, i have no idea why or when, so, 30 remaining jumps turned into 15. I feel as if i have let Canonn Research down by not completing that part if the voyage but i DO plan to go back out there. The only question is, what ship will do the journey and how long will it be until i can recommit. I will have to re supply as i used quite a bit during that voyage due to faults and sun fuel scoop overheating. Give the Cutter its due, it is a very capable ship, but i doubt it will be doing any journey of that magnitude again.

Vulcan’s Gate.

At 112805023307, I finally leave the Errant Marches sector. It has been a trying time and I am thankful to finally be out of that zone. Maybe I will be able to plot a course directly to Shinrarta Dezhra soon.

At 1151, I reached the Elysian Shore and have been able to plot a direct route home. With around 18,519.30 Ly and 600 jumps left, I feel like I am finally on my way. I’m hoping for a Neutron Star to aid me on my journey but I am not banking on any turning up and I am a little apprehensive about going looking for them.

The long haul home

After what seems like an age, I have been forced to turn round and head back to the bubble. I managed to get as far as the Flyae Dryai FY-F d12-2 system in the Errant Marches, some 31,000 Ly from home, I had come to the conclusion that the jump range on my Cutter just wasn’t going to be enough. I thought my 34 Ly ship would have but alas. If I am going to be able to continue this journey, I am going to need at least double that, maybe even bite the proverbial bullet and go for an Anaconda, which is the last ship I wanted. I am having to manually compute my journey home as the ships records are not substantial enough.

Oh well, stuff happens....

Canonn Research Voyage Update.

Log Entry 11 Oct 3306 I really don't know where to start with this....... After what seems like an age and SO many jumps, i have reached a dead end. Duchess' meagre 33 Ly jump limit just won't take me to where i need to go next. I am currently in the Ryae Dryai FY-F D12-2 system while heading out to the Cyuefoo LC-D D12-0 system. There seems to be a massive void though which the ships computer just cannot plot, it seems. All the star charts and mapping algorithms that i bought with me have proved useless. I have no choice but to turn the big girl around and head back. Maybe i can pick up on one of the other routes and carry on, but for now, i cannot go any further forward. Duchess is looking decidedly bedraggled, although her systems are working well, nothing lower than 90%, however, i am slowly running out of resources for synthesizing heat syncs, so I'm going to need to do something about that soon.

Canonn Challenge Pt 2

Log Entry 18 Sept 3306 This next set of entries were quite concerning. The next findings on our list were something called Q Type Anomalies, according to the ships computer although I'm not entirely sure she was operating correctly. To be more specific, Q04, Q08 and Q09 Type Anomalies. The first on, Q08, produced some sort of shock wave that tried to short circuit our systems if we got within 150 meters of it. I managed to get pictures and a composition scan as I retreated. The second, which was a Q04, attempted a Hull breach attack on the ship. Once again, i was able to get pictures and a composition scan while retreating. The last one was a Q09. This one also attempted a sort of shock attack on the ship. I'm not sure Dad will appreciate me damaging his pride and joy if this continues. I may have to return to Shinrarta Dezhra for another ship. I'll have to see.

Canonn Challenge Expedition

Log entry 12 Sept 3306 (1430) Start Point. I will be starting my research voyage here. But before going, I'm going to visit the Megaship Gnosis. Should be worth going to visit, just for the records. Well here I am, at my start location, Thompson Dock in Varati Ssytem.

Stop 1, Oochorrs NF-L d9-12 Just enough room to set the old girl down facing the shards. Had to get the SRV out to have a look around and it was just as well, i picked up quite a lot of high grade raw materials from them so, job well done there.

Stop 2, 116 Tauri. D1, 1.6G planet, but i did an ok job of landing. Blatteum Bioluminescent Anemone at Signal source 3. Nothing much to look at, guess I should have waited until dark. Then we were on to D2. Here we found some Rubeum Bioluminescent Anemone. Again I should have waited until night fall to appreciate just how grand these anemone really are. Then we are on to Planets D7a and D8a. It seems these are pretty much the only planets with biological signals so i hope we find something. Once there, I noticed that they are both close to ringed planets. I was treated to quite a sight flying between D7 and its rings to get to D8a. I also discovered that my SRV composition scanner had not been configured as a fire group so i had missed out on a few of the specimens. Oh well, i managed to get some good pictures.

Return Home

After quite an exhaustive time away from home, I have returned to give the ship a small break, try to arrange a few minor upgrades, mainly the sensors package which, for some unknown reason, I have left as grade E...… Anyway, I have just purchased a grade D sensors package and am hoping to add a long range upgrade to this before my next excursion, which I am planning on heading out to the Clockwork Rings.

Update after 8 montths

After 8 months of grinding for materials, I have finally managed to gain the assistance of 9 engineers. Enough to buy a new exploration ship and upgrade it to a reasonable standard. The Flying Dutchman and I have been assisting Canon Research with their locating of the Abandoned Settlements. I will be able now to do those long distance journeys maybe even go and see the Clockwork Rings, something I have been promising myself for a VERY long time

Engineering my ship

I have decided to go in searrch of the engineers. Having sort out Elvira Martuuk, i had to do a bit of surface prospecting for materials to get her started. I also had to visit a few material traders in order to complete the list of items she needed. I can away with a Grade 3, thermal resistant Shield Generator, stripped down components so that i did not loose any of the exploration capability for the ship. I recieved invites almost immediately from Marco Qwent, who i know does engine upgrades, so i am currently, in the process of doing data missions for the federation and Sirius Corperation to gain access to Marco's engineering abilities. I may even throw in a bit of my Cartographic data to speed up the process

Return to the Bubble Day 19

At last....... After an all day event, I have finally reached Shinrarta Dezhra. Docking at Jameson Memorial was a monumental occasion and it seems like a lifetime since I left Sol. It is time to put the DBX to bed for while, although, as I said a while back, I won't be selling it. I'm sure I will find jobs for her to do in the not too distant future. I now have to concentrate what I want to do next, which I haven't even considered yet. But, for now, I'm taking a well earned break.