CMDR Emanuel-Wynn profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
Le Loup Errant [EM1-79]
Member since:
Aug 5, 2019
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
Systems discovered first:
Thargoid Kill

Got my 1st Thargoid kill today. It wasn't too difficult.

They were attacking a agriculture vessel. In Kamaadhenu

Beyond Sag A*

So went a little further east than I initially planned before turning for Sag A.
Stopped off at the nearby station and cashed in. A cool 187 million credits. Not bad for the relatively short haul from Colonia. Decided to put off Beagle and I've decided WNW is a better path to sector 42. Seems apt given all my Hitchhikers Guide to the galaxy tattoos. From Sector 42 I shall then head for beagle

Rare materials farming in abundance

Discovered some Albidum Sinous tubers with some Prasinum tubers on the same planet in Leamuae FZ-B c2-42 (D1).

They produce so many rare materials for the FSD. Find these and you'll never be short. At my 1st location of 5 biological on the planet and I've increased my moderate and premium fsd booster materials of arsenic and yttrium by approximately 30 units

100,000 ly club

Made the 100k ly club today. A small step to exploration greatness. Marked it by discovering a neutron star with a high number of ww and terraform metal bodies. EDSM estimates a cool 12 million credits for the system.

Still heading due east for approximately 7000 ly before I head due north to Sag A. Just over 7000 from Colonia and already over the estimated 100 million since last docking. I best make it back alive


Made it about 2900 ly due East from Colonia so far. Seems some great pickings heading due east. Seems like every stop is holds a water world. Even managed to discover my 2nd Neutron. EDSM has me at estimated 50 million credits. Which is good going for 60 ly jumps. About 11,000 ly until I head due north to Sag A

Heading due east

After a sucessful mining operation near Colonia I've decided to leave the trusty ASP there and outfit a Krait Phantom for my travels. Transferred all the important modules and off I go.

1st impressions of the Krait are good. It's much more responsive than the asp. Just gets hotter quicker when scooping.

So due east and then due north on to Sag A

Near colonia mining

Found a good system for void opals near colonia. 100t relatively quickly and selling for 720k in Colonia.

May stay a while and get some upgrades to a new ship before heading back out to explore

Colonia Arrival

Made it to Colonia after completing a shift which squeezed in 7800 ly a base visit and a planet landing for FSD materials. So a good and productive watch overall.

Eoch Flyuae SJ-P d6-2859

Earth like world orbiting a neutron. Quite close in

Blua Eaec SK-M d8-1663

A useful system on the way to Colonia. On the neutron highway with 2 scoopable stars very close to the fsd charge