CMDR Denvorn profile > Fleet > Orca [#19]

Commander name:
Current ship:
Achilles' Retribution [DEN-C1]
(Krait Mk II)
Member since:
Sep 2, 2018
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
Systems discovered first:
Echoes of the Void [DEN-05]
0 / 0
Outfitting links:
Ship statistics
Jump range Mass
Max Unladen Laden Total unladen Total laden Hull Unladen Laden
24.57 ly 23.69 ly 23.69 ly 161.50 ly 161.50 ly 580 t 722 t 754 t
Speed Boost Minimum mass Optimal mass Maximum mass Optimal multiplier
312 m/s 395 m/s 540 t 1,080 t 1,620 t 100.00%
Integrity Explosive Resistance Kinetic Resistance Thermal Resistance Caustic Resistance
713 -40.00%  (509) -20.00%  (594) 0.00%  (713) 0.00%  (713)
Core internal
Status Priority Health Power Mass
Reactor bay [5D] Power Plant
On 1 100% 15.3 MW 87.25 % 8 t
Bulkheads [1I] Lightweight Alloy
On 1 100% 0 t
Thruster mounting [6D] Thrusters
On 100% 5.67 MW 37.06 % 16 t
FSD housing [5A] Frame Shift Drive
Increased FSD Range (Grade 4)
On 100% 0.67 MW 4.39 % 25 t
Environment control [6D] Life Support
On 100% 0.72 MW 4.71 % 16 t
Power coupling [5D] Power Distributor
On 100% 0.56 MW 3.66 % 8 t
Sensor suite [4D] Sensors
On 100% 0.31 MW 2.03 % 4 t
Fuel store [5C] Fuel Tank
On 1 100% 0 t
Optional internal
Status Priority Health Power Mass
Internal slot (Max class 6) [6E] Economy Class Passenger Cabin
On 1 100% 40 t
Internal slot (Max class 5) [5A] Auto Field-Maintenance Unit
On 100% 2.73 MW 17.84 % 0 t
Internal slot (Max class 5) [5E] Shield Generator
On 100% 1.56 MW 10.2 % 20 t
Internal slot (Max class 5) [5B] Fuel Scoop
On 100% 0.6 MW 3.92 % 0 t
Internal slot (Max class 3) [2E] Economy Class Passenger Cabin
On 1 100% 2.5 t
Internal slot (Max class 2) [2E] Economy Class Passenger Cabin
On 1 100% 2.5 t
No hardpoints.
Utility mounts
No utility mounts.