Advanced search > Stations

Found 9,693 stations.
Allegiance Government Economy Facilities Distance to Sol
Kirby Dock
Vasho / Outpost
Independent Democracy Industrial 263.05 ly
20,910.25 ls      
Robert Terminal
Vasho / Coriolis Starport
Empire Patronage Industrial 263.05 ly
309.10 ls      
Lopez de Haro Depot
Xuangeriva / Planetary Outpost
Independent Corporate Military 263.12 ly
1,426.37 ls      
Dickinson Platform
Kuwemaki / Outpost
Independent Corporate Extraction 263.97 ly
1,880.35 ls      
Porges Camp
Ajoku / Planetary Outpost
Independent Communism Colony 264.19 ly
1,080.03 ls      
Apianus Port
HIP 25879 / Outpost
Independent Theocracy Extraction 264.73 ly
65.77 ls      
Whitcomb Point
Ladakhi / Planetary Outpost
Empire Corporate Extraction 265.05 ly
2,461.27 ls      
Gerrold Barracks
Beara / Planetary Outpost
Empire Patronage Military 265.47 ly
684.37 ls      
Ashman Penitentiary
Belinichs / Planetary Outpost
Empire Patronage Colony 265.59 ly
1,705.37 ls      
Dawes Port
HIP 1419 / Ocellus Starport
Independent Anarchy Industrial 266.03 ly
210.29 ls      
McIntosh Horizons
Djerato / Coriolis Starport
Empire Dictatorship Industrial 266.17 ly
802.45 ls      
Vuia Dock
Alourovices / Coriolis Starport
Empire Feudal Industrial 266.91 ly
8.41 ls      
Arkhangelsky City
Alourovices / Outpost
Empire Feudal Industrial 266.91 ly
11.20 ls      
Smoot Survey
HIP 6761 / Planetary Outpost
Empire Patronage Military 266.92 ly
2,389.48 ls      
Margulies Arsenal
Lisaaka / Planetary Outpost
Independent Theocracy Military 267.29 ly
151,732.68 ls      
De Station
Bahilo / Ocellus Starport
Independent Corporate Industrial 267.47 ly
3,939.53 ls      
Hamilton Arsenal
Bahilo / Planetary Outpost
Independent Corporate Military 267.47 ly
3,927.21 ls      
Sukhoi Terminal
Negri / Ocellus Starport
Independent Theocracy Terraforming 267.74 ly
878.91 ls      
Bainbridge Barracks
Boman / Planetary Outpost
Empire Dictatorship Military 267.91 ly
909.80 ls      
Finlay Survey
Kureserians / Outpost
Independent Corporate Extraction 268.25 ly
22.48 ls      
Hale Prospect
Kureserians / Planetary Outpost
Independent Corporate Extraction 268.25 ly
335.14 ls      
Malvern Vision
Waimile / Outpost
Independent Communism Extraction 268.43 ly
5,395.90 ls      
Boulle Penal colony
HIP 17984 / Planetary Outpost
Empire Patronage Colony 270.24 ly
395,928.57 ls      
Rabinowitz Vision
Gallemi / Coriolis Starport
Empire Patronage Industrial 270.91 ly
594.43 ls      
Dyson Station
Iconti Shi / Outpost
Empire Patronage Industrial 272.03 ly
25.08 ls      
Borrego Ring
Caspiat / Outpost
Independent Corporate Industrial 273.14 ly
250.40 ls      
McKee Orbital
Caspiat / Coriolis Starport
Empire Patronage Industrial 273.14 ly
249.55 ls      
Mayer City
Caudji / Ocellus Starport
Empire Patronage Industrial 273.49 ly
1,377.49 ls      
Asami Port
HIP 20869 / Coriolis Starport
Empire Dictatorship Industrial 274.32 ly
852.26 ls      
Shajn Terminal
Eshu / Coriolis Starport
Empire Corporate Industrial 275.61 ly
1,742.52 ls      
Celsius Installation
Eshu / Outpost
Independent Democracy Industrial 275.61 ly
2,639.01 ls      
Amano Installation
Ingui / Planetary Outpost
Empire Dictatorship Military 275.63 ly
3,790.13 ls      
Brothers Platform
HIP 4062 / Coriolis Starport
Independent Anarchy Extraction 276.88 ly
125.82 ls      
Sweet Orbital
HIP 114333 / Coriolis Starport
Independent Communism Extraction 277.13 ly
2,155.95 ls      
Merritt Hub
Padh / Coriolis Starport
Empire Patronage Industrial 277.31 ly
231.56 ls      
Humason Orbital
Keiadiras / Coriolis Starport
Independent Anarchy Industrial 277.37 ly
4,214.72 ls      
Maury Enterprise
HIP 116263 / Outpost
Independent Communism Extraction 277.60 ly
4,759.80 ls      
Sopwith Dock
HIP 16038 / Coriolis Starport
Independent Corporate Industrial 278.30 ly
847.72 ls      
Abell Keep
Motilekui / Planetary Outpost
Independent Corporate Military 278.40 ly
1,464.19 ls      
Miyasaka Ring
Atese / Coriolis Starport
Empire Dictatorship Industrial 281.87 ly
1,461.64 ls      
Tuttle Platform
Bende / Outpost
Empire Patronage Extraction 284.21 ly
92.87 ls      
Mies van der Rohe Port
HIP 116663 / Outpost
Independent Democracy Extraction 289.15 ly
954.75 ls      
Chretien Oudemans Port
HIP 1781 / Coriolis Starport
Empire Patronage Industrial 291.48 ly
425.03 ls      
Sorayama Orbital
Nyament / Coriolis Starport
Independent Communism Industrial 296.70 ly
410.41 ls      
Halley Gateway
Nai No Kami / Coriolis Starport
Empire Patronage Industrial 299.62 ly
8,176.35 ls      
Louis de Lacaille Keep
Iota Tucanae / Planetary Outpost
Empire Patronage Military 304.26 ly
2,772.63 ls      
James K Winston
Exphiay / Orbis Starport
Federation Democracy Refinery 313.90 ly
860.82 ls      
Akiyama Hub
Shorodo / Coriolis Starport
Empire Patronage Industrial 315.54 ly
668.15 ls      
HIP 17044 / Mega ship
Independent Democracy High Tech 320.11 ly
1,834.01 ls      
Harvard Base
HIP 83506 / Asteroid base
Independent Dictatorship Military 330.44 ly
14.28 ls      
The Oracle
Delphi / Orbis Starport
Independent Patronage High Tech 357.20 ly
3,084.84 ls      
Foothold Orbital
Takurua / Orbis Starport
Independent Corporate Terraforming 359.23 ly
1,497.30 ls      
Ceres Tarn
HR 1185 / Planetary Port
Independent Patronage Extraction 368.15 ly
367.23 ls      
Copernicus Observatory
Asterope / Coriolis Starport
Independent Patronage Military 371.92 ly
83.39 ls      
Hudson Observatory
HIP 17694 / Ocellus Starport
Independent Patronage High Tech 378.41 ly
1,313.79 ls      
Pratchett's Disc
HIP 74290 / Orbis Starport
Independent Democracy Terraforming 379.25 ly
1,398.17 ls      
Kipling Orbital
Pleiades Sector KC-V c2-11 / Orbis Starport
Independent Cooperative High Tech 379.77 ly
321.92 ls      
Reed's Rest
Merope / Orbis Starport
Independent Patronage High Tech 380.17 ly
4,019.11 ls      
Omega Prospect
Merope / Planetary Outpost
Independent Patronage Extraction 380.17 ly
4,014.26 ls      
SMJL Central
Aditi / Coriolis Starport
Empire Corporate Refinery 380.60 ly
2,358.00 ls      
Moni's Hub
Maia / Outpost
Independent Democracy Industrial 383.31 ly
1,135.62 ls      
Agricola's Ascent
Pleiades Sector DL-Y d65 / Orbis Starport
Independent Patronage Military 387.81 ly
790.11 ls      
Seeker's Rest
Wregoe XQ-L c21-29 / Outpost
Independent Corporate High Tech 407.60 ly
1,508.97 ls      
Hauser's Reach
Robigo / Orbis Starport
Independent Corporate Refinery 436.81 ly
1,073.75 ls      
Bering port
Coalsack Sector KN-S b4-9 / Ocellus Starport
Independent Cooperative Extraction 485.52 ly
191.77 ls      
Fort Xeno
HIP 62154 / Orbis Starport
Alliance Corporate Industrial 487.52 ly
1,166.61 ls      
Newholm Station
Sothis / Orbis Starport
Federation Democracy Terraforming 494.49 ly
1,551.18 ls      
Crimson Exchange
HIP 10792 / Orbis Starport
Independent Feudal Industrial 498.74 ly
2,030.28 ls      
Song of Mecchi
Coalsack Sector VU-O b6-6 / Mega ship
Alliance Corporate High Tech 518.29 ly
88.37 ls      
Betancourt Base
Musca Dark Region PJ-P b6-1 / Coriolis Starport
Alliance Corporate Extraction 520.11 ly
172.38 ls      
Spirit of Nysa
Musca Dark Region PJ-P b6-1 / Mega ship
Alliance Corporate Military 520.11 ly
15.43 ls      
Hannu Arena
Musca Dark Region IM-V c2-24 / Asteroid base
Alliance Corporate Military 540.83 ly
6,408.87 ls      
Viridian Orbital
Mel 22 Sector GM-V c2-8 / Orbis Starport
Alliance Dictatorship High Tech 545.33 ly
249.18 ls      
Akyuz Base
Caister / Outpost
Alliance Corporate Military 900.08 ly
906.53 ls      
Horak Depot
Suluo / Planetary Outpost
Alliance Corporate Refinery 905.46 ly
251.80 ls      
California Freeport
HIP 18390 / Orbis Starport
Independent Feudal Refinery 953.72 ly
1,423.87 ls      
CB-11 Junoo's Leap
NGC 6530 Sector ZE-X b2-0 / Mega ship
Independent Corporate Refinery 4,215.56 ly
10.66 ls      
Medusa's Rock
Crescent Sector GW-W c1-8 / Asteroid base
Independent Communism Terraforming 5,005.92 ly
474.87 ls      
New Beginning
Rosette Sector CQ-Y d59 / Asteroid base
Independent Cooperative Terraforming 5,302.99 ly
1,702.07 ls      
Eudoxus Hithe
Rohini / Outpost
Independent Patronage Industrial 7,692.26 ly
495.35 ls      
Eudaemon Anchorage
Rohini / Ocellus Starport
Independent Patronage Industrial 7,692.26 ly
484.65 ls      
CB-42 Colonia's Endeavour
Gandharvi / Mega ship
Independent Corporate Refinery 15,620.45 ly
516.97 ls      
Gandharvi / Ocellus Starport
Independent Cooperative Industrial 15,620.45 ly
280.37 ls      
Promium Relay
Blua Eaec WW-E c14-1293 / Ocellus Starport
Independent Corporate Refinery 16,455.07 ly
1,879.43 ls      
Vihara Gate
Kashyapa / Ocellus Starport
Independent Feudal Industrial 19,470.49 ly
61.02 ls      
CB-51 Constellation
Kashyapa / Mega ship
Independent Corporate Refinery 19,470.49 ly
452.97 ls      
Martyrs' Rest
Kashyapa / Outpost
Independent Feudal Industrial 19,470.49 ly
453.05 ls      
Exodus Reach
Ratraii / Outpost
Independent Cooperative Industrial 21,997.12 ly
961.60 ls      
Colonia Dream
Ratraii / Coriolis Starport
Independent Cooperative Industrial 21,997.12 ly
26.04 ls      
Colonia Orbital
Colonia / Outpost
Independent Cooperative Tourism 22,000.47 ly       
1,009.75 ls      
Aragon Silo
Carcosa / Outpost
Independent Anarchy High Tech 22,017.71 ly
1,962.15 ls      
Amber Dock
Carcosa / Outpost
Independent Anarchy Service 22,017.71 ly
339.10 ls      
Robardin Rock
Carcosa / Asteroid base
Independent Anarchy Military 22,017.71 ly
6.36 ls