Galactic News

  • 23 September 3301
  • GalNet Weekly Powers Update Incoming

    In the early hours of tomorrow morning (7.00am GMT), the GalNet monitoring of powers’ activities will go offline for a short period while the latest data is assembled.

    Any pilots who operate for one of the powers must deliver any cargo or vouchers before this time to ensure their activities are registered.

  • Pirates Target Pegasi Refugees

    Reports are pouring in from the Amitrite system of pirate attacks on refugees fleeing the Pegasi Pirate War. The transports pouring from the Pegasi sector are often overloaded and poorly equipped, making them easy prey for the pirates. Additionally, many of the families fleeing the region bring only their most prized possessions with them, making them particularly attractive to the miscreants who lurk in Amitrite's many asteroid belts.

    Representatives of the Defence Force of Amitrite have warned that their forces are stretched too thin for them to respond to every distress call, and they are urging refugees to avoid the system entirely. Those who feel they have no option but to enter the system have been encouraged to fly in convoys for mutual protection. The DFA added that any efforts to eliminate the pirates in Amitrite would be welcomed.

    Commander Quade

  • 22 September 3301
  • Shelter from the Storm

    Yesterday, Utopia added its support to the Mushin government’s call for help as the Pegasi Pirate War continues to displace millions of citizens.

    The head of the Utopian relief effort, Adjudicator Adric Claavis, released the following statement:

    "The people of Utopia cannot stand idle while others suffer such misery. We will do everything in our power to assist in this relief effort, bringing hope to those who have lost so much in this bitter conflict.”

    “Utopian ambassadors have asked the Kumo Crew for passage through their space to allow access to Mushin. In addition to delivering humanitarian supplies, Utopia will welcome any refugees who wish to begin new lives, away from the fighting, on our worlds."

    Commander Gan

  • Aisling Duval Praises the Munshin System

    Princess Aisling Duval has issued a statement praising the efforts of relief workers in the Munshin system.

    "War is a plague on our galactic society, and like all disease it most affects the poor, the hungry, and the downtrodden. It is therefore with great pride that I look to the Munshin system. There one sees true examples of Imperial citizenship, and true heroes. Any person can fire a laser, but only a true Imperial can see the humanity in another person. I extend my gratitude to the people of the Munshin system, and to the Libertas Cooperative, who are working so hard for the victims of the Pegasi Pirate War. The tireless commanders ferrying medicines to Ocrinox's Orbiter are likewise to be commended."

    The princesses’ critics immediately accused her of overlooking the pilots fighting in the Pegasi Pirate War, saying: "Every day, brave men and women of the Imperial Navy are killed in this war. Where is Princess Aisling's support for their families?"

    Commander Quade

  • GalNet Weekly Security Digest

    In this weekly report, the latest GalNet data is assembled to present ten minor factions experiencing civil unrest or lockdown in their systems (*).

    Here are 10 of the 492 minor factions in lockdown:

    • Law Party of Misisture

    • Worker's Party of C Hydrae

    • 37 Xi Bootis Gold Advanced Ltd

    • Lung Dynamic Exchange

    • Movement for Venetic Progressive Party

    • Cailli Purple Electronics Org

    • Federal Congress

    • Smei Tsu Legal Network

    • Pongo Regulatory State

    • Workers of Bellaung Free

    Lockdowns increase the security rating for a system but also have a negative effect on the system’s wealth. Increased bounty hunting activity can shorten the lockdown period.

    Here are 10 of the 744 minor factions experiencing civil unrest:

    • Djabushis Systems

    • La Tenha Travel Systems

    • Drug Empire of Norweilemil

    • Lakluita Gold Energy Inc

    • Yupini Limited

    • Perktomen Exchange

    • Kadrusa Gold Life Services

    • BD+47 2112 Gang

    • Andine Jet Brotherhood

    • LP 45-128 Blue Galactic Holdings

    Civil unrest is caused by illegal activity within the system as well completing contracts from more nefarious sources. The wealth rating and standard of living will suffer when a system contains civil unrest. Combat missions and activities can be utilised to end civil unrest.

    * Data is correct at time of publishing.

  • A Galactic Treasure Hunt

    Alfred Jeffress, the reclusive philanthropist, has released an intriguing statement. In a press release, the eccentric billionaire announced his intention to initiate a galaxy-wide treasure hunt – and to give a share of his vast fortune to the winner. This is the first public statement from Jeffress in several years, as the humanitarian – who made his fortune trading rare and exotic goods – has spent much of the past decade on an extended galactic tour.

    According to the press release, Jeffress has “hidden” a mystery object somewhere in space. The first person to find this object and deliver it to a specified location will win the competition. The press release also contains a riddle that Jeffress claims will lead participants to the mystery object:

    “A vision of the Devil and Orion’s hounds will start you on your path.”

    The announcement has prompted a flurry of speculation and excitement, and hundreds of pilots have already taken to their ships to search for the mystery object.

  • 21 September 3301
  • Chancellor Blaine Confirms Senate Investigation

    At the start of the day’s deliberations, Chancellor Anders Blaine declared that a Senate investigation into the claimed connection between Princess Aisling Duval’s office and the insurgent group Emperor’s Dawn was to be undertaken. The investigation will begin immediately, despite the Senate being in closed session until the succession is decided.

    In response, Aisling Duval stated that she would comply in any way she could with the investigation. She also said that her own security teams had discovered some alarming information that she would share with the investigation committee.

    Meanwhile, the hunt for Patron Damon Clarke continues. Several of his associates were arrested by the Internal Security Service in the early hours of the morning and subjected to questioning.

  • GalNet Weekly Economic Report

    In this weekly digest, the latest GalNet data is compiled to show the economic state of a short list of minor factions and the star systems they inhabit (*).

    Here are 10 of the 3,113 minor factions currently enjoying an economic boom:

    • Labour of Har Itariu

    • United Nganji Labour

    • LHS 2931 Gold Major Network

    • Imperial Law Party

    • Crimson Allied Incorporated

    • Defence Party of Branglal

    • Santjalan Jet Organisation

    • Karamojola Dynasty

    • Liberals of Ngolibardu

    • Ambiri allied

    When in boom, the wealth of a system is increased for the duration and all trade missions have double the effect on influence. Boom can also positively increase a minor faction’s influence. Boom can be entered by consistent trade profits and completed trade contracts. Booms tend to last until they naturally expire or until some other indicator takes precedence, such as famine.

    * Data is correct at time of publishing

  • 20 September 3301
  • Senator Patreus Calls for Senate Investigation

    As Senator Denton Patreus prepared to enter the Senate to continue the deliberations over the succession, he issued an angry demand for a full senate investigation into the reported links between Emperor’s Dawn and Princess Aisling Duval’s office.

    “While I sympathise with the princesses’ situation, having experienced a similar shock, I cannot allow that sympathy to influence my judgement. When a member of my household committed the most heinous of deeds, I submitted myself to the security services and gave them every access they needed.

    “We cannot wait to act, and I call upon the senate to commence an immediate and full investigation into any links between Princess Aisling and Emperor’s Dawn.”

    After the initial flurry of information from the Imperial Herald, no new facts were released today. Patron Damon Clarke remains at large, and the considered opinion is that he has fled the Empire.

  • Federal Research Programme Terminated

    Reports have begun circulating that the Federal research programme established last week to study the so-called ‘anomalous extraterrestrial objects’ (or AEOs) has been terminated. This news comes only a week after the inauguration of the project.

    According to a source at Fort Harrison, where the programme was based, study of the objects was brought to an abrupt halt by the station governor, Aoishe Quaid. Apparently, Quaid ordered the head of the project, Professor Ishmael Palin, to immediately cease his research. The reason for Quaid’s decision is not known, although it is not believed to have been informed by concerns over public safety.

    A second source from Fort Harrison, who asked not to be named, had the following to say:

    “Frankly, I don’t think it was Quaid’s decision at all – I think she was pressured into shutting the programme down. She was enthusiastic about the project and had a lot of respect for Professor Palin, so this change of direction just doesn’t make sense. The question is, who forced her to cancel the research, and why?”

    The objects under study were described as quasi-organic in nature and capable of broadcasting location data across vast distances. Their discovery was widely considered the scientific find of the decade, and the cancellation of the project will no doubt provoke a strong response from the scientific community.

    Professor Palin declined to comment on the Governor Quaid’s decision.

  • 19 September 3301
  • GalNet Weekly Expansion List

    Each week, GalNat presents a list of 10 of the 1,338 minor factions currently expanding into new systems (*).

    • 23 Arietis Gold Transport Ind

    • WW Piscis Austrini Comms Limited

    • Halbara Purple Public Inc

    • LTT 16456 Resistance

    • Official Kosha Dominion

    • HIP 24986 General and Co

    • Values Party of Peneng Wa

    • Natural Wababaye Party

    • CD-52 187 Empire Consulate

    • HIP 50352 Legal Inc

    Expansion occurs when a minor faction reaches a sufficient influence rating and there is a populated system within striking distance. The act of expansion is a costly one, and the wealth and development rating suffers during the period of expansion.

    * Data is correct at time of publishing.

  • Local Faction Helps Ready Munshin

    The task of resettling Pegasi Sector refugees is underway at Ocrinox's Orbiter in the Munshin system. Hundreds of independent pilots have already helped to deliver vital medicines to Ocrinox's Orbiter.

    Leading the effort is a previously unheard-of local faction called the Libertas Cooperative. Made up of freed Imperial Slaves and their descendants, the group states that it is dedicated to helping the Empire's least-fortunate. Members of the cooperative are manning docking bays and working overtime to unload cargo ships, and several independent commanders are working in concert with the group to increase the flow of medicines into the system.

    The government of Munshin praised the quick action and dedication of the Libertas Cooperative, while a spokesman for the cooperative invited Pegasi Sector refugees to seek employment with the Libertas Cooperative.

    Commander Quade

  • Aisling Duval Issues Statement

    Following yesterday’s revelation of alleged links between Princess Aisling Duval’s office and the Emperor’s Dawn insurgency, Princess Aisling today issued a statement denying any knowledge of the connection.

    “It has come as a bitter surprise to me that any of my trusted advisors could have conducted business with the animals that murdered the Emperor. I will immediately undertake my own investigation into the matter, and root out any staff who are not truly loyal to the Empire.”

    Popularity polls have shown a dramatic fall for the so-called ‘People’s Princess’ as the Imperial Herald revealed more details of the alleged interactions with the terrorist group.

    Patron Damon Clarke remains unavailable for comment. A security officer based in Clarke’s home system revealed, anonymously, that Clarke’s whereabouts are unknown.

  • 18 September 3301
  • Imperial Internal Security Service Issues another Appeal

    In a repeat of the events of last month, the Imperial Internal Security Service – the organisation responsible for domestic security throughout the Empire – has issued a second public appeal for exploration data. This time, however, the IISS is being explicitly clear about the reasons for the request. In a statement to the media, Agent Cope of the IISS said:

    “It is clear to us that the insurgent organisation Emperor’s Dawn represents a significant threat to the Empire, and it is therefore essential that its ability to inflict harm on Imperial assets and citizens be neutralised as quickly as possible. To this end, the IISS has authorised the Cemiess Empire Party to reimburse any pilots providing reliable exploration data. This data will be used to locate bases belonging to Emperor’s Dawn.”

    Independent pilots interested in participating in this effort should deliver exploration data to Mackenzie Relay in the Cemiess system.

  • A Week in Powerplay

    Edmund Mahon has led the Alliance to prosperity this week, surpassing all other major powers. New interstellar agreements have extended the Alliance’s areas of governance, while diligent legislative reports allowed the Prime Minister to effectively withstand attempts to undermine his authority. The Alliance now looks forward to a period of unprecedented prosperity.

    Zachary Hudson’s fleets weathered a massive storm this week, while successfully beating back the highest levels opposition the Federation’s President has seen. As defensive fleets executed their orders with diligence, offensive task forces pressed on the pain points of the Federation’s rivals. Hudson has made it clear that challenges to his authority will not be tolerated.

    Felicia Winters has consistently proven her ability to defy the odds, and this week was no exception. Withstanding the established norm of heavy opposition, the Shadow President’s couriers busied themselves with the distribution of aid packages throughout her sphere of influence. Her people now stand ready to extend Federation aid to additional systems.

    Aisling Duval’s publicity machine suffered minor setbacks late this week, resulting in a drop in standing. Sources close to the ‘People’s Princess’ have pledged to organise media blitzes in thousands of systems. It remains to be seen whether the lost standing will be recovered, although her supporters are, as always, optimistic.

    Arissa Lavigny-Duval’s hard stance against crime was rejected by seven control systems this week, representing roughly 10% of systems previously governed by the senator. Five additional control systems are petitioning for an end to Senator Lavigny-Duval’s administration. The loss of these systems may prove to be a double-edged sword, however, as their maintenance has historically required a disproportionate amount of administrative effort.

    Lee Yong-Rui’s Sirius Corp spent its assets with prudence this week, making deals in several systems. Negotiations are still pending, but the prospect of further acquisitions has noticeably driven up the company’s stocks in financial markets, and shrewd investors would do well to take heed.

    Denton Patreus perfectly balanced yet another weekly budget, leaving him with insufficient capital to expand or prepare any systems this week. Having experienced relatively low opposition in his own territory, Patreus focused his efforts on destroying Emperor’s Dawn. With analysts predicting that the conflict will last at least another week, the absence of distractions such as subjugating additional systems may allow the senator to effectively stamp out the traitorous elements within his territory.

    Zemina Torval’s enterprises have shown promising signs of economic recovery. The shrewd businesswoman has expanded her control in Imperial space for the first time in weeks. Careful planning has ensured that Senator Torval now rests on a comfortable cushion of command capital, and wise preparation and expansion may allow her to rise further in standing.

    Pranav Antal has built up his standing this week through his characteristic peaceful approach, standing in stark contrast to his neighbour in the Pegasi Sector. Utopia and the Simguru rejoiced this week as the Miki system joined the commune. Utopia’s holdings now match those of Senator Torval.

    Archon Delaine’s excursions into Imperial territory contributed to the turmoil now faced by Arissa Lavigny-Duval and Aisling Duval. The successes of the expeditionary fleets came at the cost of expanding his dominion. Ever the opportunist, Archon Delaine now stands poised to overthrow neglected Federation systems bordering the Pegasi Sector.

    Commander Corrigendum

  • GalNet Weekly Conflict Report

    This weekly transmission lists some of the systems currently in conflict around the galaxy, based on the latest data (*).

    Here are 10 of the 13,336 minor factions involved in a civil war:

    • LHS 140 Jet Universal Company

    • Chamuluma Purple Energy Dev

    • Chamuluma Empire Party

    • Tsimshis Nationalists

    • Tsimshis Gold Public Inc

    • Hannonner Ltd

    • United Hannonner Republic Party

    • Jingones allied

    • Purple State Organisation

    • Triteia Crimson Council

    Civil wars involve conflict between minor factions in the same system over ownership of major assets such as starports. During civil wars, only combat missions and activities help bring the conflict to a resolution. Security, development level and standard of living indicators all drop for the duration of the civil war.

    Here are 10 of the 2,579 minor factions at war:

    • Mendindui Systems

    • Independent Pichanto Alliance

    • Napia Organisation

    • Wiknatanja Corporation

    • Syndicate of Silvantzin

    • Republic Party of Kou Mantes

    • Revolutionary Hu Jini Progressive Party

    • Frey Free

    • LTT 12360 Corporation

    • Koria Spiritual Mission

    Wars occur when a minor faction invades another star system. For the duration of the conflict, wealth, security and standard of living are all severely impacted. Combat missions and activities determine who wins the war. If no winner emerges, the war ends in a ceasefire.

    * Data is correct at time of publishing.

  • Hutton Mug Appeal Successful

    A few weeks ago, the novelties manufacturer BlipMagnet announced the release of the Hutton Mug – a commemorative beaker sporting the words “I made it to Hutton Orbital”. The item was designed to appeal to those completing the epic journey to Hutton Orbital, which lies approximately 0.22 light years from the nearest star. The concept proved highly appealing, and thousands of independent pilots made the trek to Hutton Orbital to deliver scrap materials for BlipMagnet’s first batch. Following the success of this event, the director of BlipMagnet, Chase Fulbright, released a statement:

    “You guys are awesome! I was so psyched by your response to our appeal. The good news is we’ve got more than enough material for our next run – the bad news is there are a few infrastructure issues we need to address before we can start production. So I apologise in advance for the wait, but rest assured that your Hutton mugs are coming, and as soon as they’re ready we’ll let you know. Peace out!”

  • Did Aisling Duval Know About Emperor’s Dawn?

    In a devastating exposé released earlier today, the Imperial Herald has published details of alleged links between the secretive group backing Princess Aisling Duval and some of the funding sources for the Emperor’s Dawn insurgency. While a direct connection between Princess Aisling and the insurgency is not alleged, there does appear to be a connection to senior members of the Princess’s inner council.

    Most notable of these is the patron and industrialist Damon Clarke. The Herald has found evidence that D and C Shipping, Inc., one of Clarke’s companies, apparently funded and organised weapon shipments to people now known to be members of Emperor’s Dawn three years ago.

    It is not known at this time whether there has been any recent contact between Clarke’s company and these individuals, or how this relates to the assassination of Emperor Hengist Duval. Patron Damon Clarke was unavailable for comment, but a spokesman for the company said:

    “We are an interstellar shipping company, making thousands of shipments for clients each day. We are approved to transport weapons where such shipments are legal, and we occasionally do so. We do not comment on individual transactions. If a former client later became a terrorist, that is certainly abhorrent, but it is hardly the fault of D and C Shipping, Inc.”

  • 17 September 3301
  • Kumo Operation to Hit Aisling Duval

    Ever the opportunists, Kumo Crew commanders have swept across a number of systems controlled by Arissa Lavigny-Duval in the last seven days. They penetrated deeper than in any previous skirmish, and elevated the level of danger faced by Imperial citizens as a result of the Pegasi Pirate War.

    With turmoil affecting billions of Imperial citizens and sweeping them into the ongoing saga, Commanders and tacticians have begun to realise that the conflict has taken on a new dimension. Leaked intelligence indicates that as the week draws to a close, Archon will focus his attention on planets and stations pledged to Aisling Duval.

    With Kumo Crew attacks imminent, the Empire must decide how to best fortify its strongholds against further incursion while trying to stem their enemy’s momentum. What was once thought of as a simple operation now draws on the strength and resources of a thousand worlds.

    Commander Mikalus

  • GalNet Focus on Democracy

    This weekly roundup highlights some of the minor factions pursuing the dream of democratic freedom by holding elections (*).

    Here are 10 of the 2,067 minor factions holding elections:

    • HR 2848 Crimson Life Industry

    • HR 2848 and Co

    • Baal Guardians of Tradition

    • Wiljanherbi Order

    • Traditional Wiljanherbi League

    • Freedom Party of Calugen

    • Justice Party of Calugen

    • Law Party of Tachmetae

    • Tachmetae Order

    • Turdetani Gold Public Inc

    Elections occur when two minor factions of a similar political structure resolve a conflict over ownership and influence within a system.

    * Data is correct at time of publishing.