Galactic News

  • 7 October 3307
  • Iniciativas paralelas del proyecto Colonia Bridge

    ALERTA de la Federación de Pilotos

    Las campañas de entrega en los sistemas de Alcor y Colonia pretenden mejorar los viajes a estas distantes colonias.

    Brewer Corporation subvenciona el proyecto Colonia Bridge. Recientemente esbozó los detalles en una rueda de prensa:

    "La región de Colonia tiene un gran potencial para negocios y viajeros, pero el largo viaje puede resultar prohibitivo. Brewer Corporation está invirtiendo en la infraestructura de transporte entre los sistemas centrales y Colonia, con el fin de hacer que recorrer esos miles de años luz sea más fácil.

    Se dispondrán hasta 30 meganaves atracables a lo largo de la ruta a Colonia, lo cual proporcionará un valioso respiro a los viajeros, además de recursos tales como el tritio. Las meganaves atracables deberían estar operativas para el 28 de octubre: esto señalará la compleción de la primera de tres fases que componen el proyecto Colonia Bridge. La meta es establecer meganaves atracables cada cuatrocientos o quinientos años luz desde los sistemas Alcor y Colonia.

    Para lograr esto, necesitamos grandes cantidades de compuestos cerámicos, componentes informáticos y unidades de enfriamiento térmico. Todo ello se podrá entregar en Macdonald Settlement, en el sistema Alcor, o en Jaques Station, en el sistema Colonia".

    Colonia Council financia parte de la iniciativa, dada la importancia de la misma. Por ello, en Jaques Station los requisitos de mercancías para meganaves se reducen.

    Brewer Corporation ha confirmado que además de ofrecer pago por los materiales, pedirá a los diez principales contribuyentes en Alcor y Colonia que proporcionen potenciales nombres para las nuevas meganaves. Las propuestas serán revisadas por la junta directiva de Brewer Corporation.

    Como incentivo añadido, habrá descuentos temporales cuando se compren y equipen portanaves tanto en Macdonald Settlement como en Jaques Station, según la contribución de los pilotos.

  • Twin Initiatives for Colonia Bridge Project

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    Delivery campaigns in the Alcor and Colonia systems aim to improve journeys to the distant colonies.

    The Colonia Bridge project is being funded by Brewer Corporation, which outlined the details in a press release:

    “The Colonia region has great potential for businesses and travellers, but the long voyage can be prohibitive. Brewer Corporation is investing in the transportation infrastructure between the core systems and Colonia, to make crossing those thousands of light years easier.”

    “Up to 30 dockable megaships will be placed along the route to Colonia, providing travellers with valuable respite and resources including tritium. These stationary megaships should be operational by the 28th of October, and will mark the completion of the first phase of the three-phase Colonia Bridge project. Its aim is to place dockable megaships every four to five hundred light years working out from the Alcor and Colonia systems.”

    “To achieve this, we require large quantities of ceramic composites, computer components and thermal cooling units. These can be delivered to either Macdonald Settlement in the Alcor system or Jaques Station in the Colonia system.”

    The Colonia Council is subsidising part of the initiative, due to the importance of this enterprise. As a consequence, the commodity requirements for the megaships at Jaques Station are reduced.

    Brewer Corporation has confirmed that as well as offering payment for the materials, it will ask the top ten contributors at Alcor and Colonia to submit potential names for the new megaships. Submissions will be subject to review by the Brewer Corporation board of directors.

    As an added incentive, there will be temporary discounts on purchasing and outfitting fleet carriers at both Macdonald Settlement and Jacques Station, based on pilots’ contributions.

  • 5 October 3307
  • An Undercover Report on Jokers’ Deck

    Francesca Wolfe of the Wallglass Investigations Agency provides an inside view of the Jokers’ Deck gambling circle.

    “Gunnarson’s intel was correct. The latest host is multi-billionaire investor Lexi October, the lady who rescued Supratech from bankruptcy. We’re in one of October Consortium’s disused warehouse complexes, which looks derelict on the outside but is a fabulous glittering palace within. I don’t actually know what planet I’m on, since all the servants – including me with my fake ID – were transported here in total secrecy.”

    “Jokers’ Deck is exactly what you’d expect of a luxury casino for the super-rich. Exquisite food, sumptuous clothes, and dozens of games from deadlock poker to Giant Verrix racing. Wagers are made using billion-credit chips, precious gemstones and even land deeds to an entire continent. And that’s not counting the VIP rooms that I can’t get into.”

    “I’ve served exotic drinks to several famous faces, such as Duchess Rouncival and Scorpio DeVorrow. I’ve seen Senator Leatrix talking earnestly to Ambassador Rochester about a princess they both know. Arch-Corsairs Trask and Volantyne from the Kumo Council are here, taking on Zachary Rackham at the roue mortelle tables. And there’s no mistaking the voice of Alliance megastar Xiona whenever she wins big.”

    “Oh, and who should walk in just now but… wait, I can hear an alarm. Looks like a security alert. Damn it, have they detected me? I should – ”

    The message was published by Erik Gunnarson, who added this coda:

    “I’ve heard nothing more from Wolfe since receiving this, and she didn’t check in at a scheduled rendezvous point. I’ve decided to share her report as a warning to Jokers’ Deck. If anything happens to her, just remember we know who you are.”

  • 4 October 3307
  • Ambassador Condemns Entrapment of Yuri Grom

    The Federal Diplomatic Corps has officially denounced President Hudson’s attempt to capture Yuri Grom in the Delta Pavonis system.

    The political conference was to determine whether the system’s ruling faction would ally with the EG Union or the Federation. It was abandoned when a Federal black ops team attempted to arrest Yuri Grom’s delegation, triggering a conflict in the system.

    Ambassador Delphine Dumont told The Federal Times:

    “We have no option but to state that our own government has violated the conventions of diplomatic immunity. This conference was established in good faith with all parties. We were not informed that any hostile act against EG Union was planned.”

    “I offer my personal apologies to Yuri Grom. Our negotiations were spirited but honest, and I genuinely felt that progress was being made.”

    This is the first time that the Federal Diplomatic Corps has distanced itself from the actions of a sitting president. Political observers believe that this is to maintain its reputation for integrity, especially in dealings with the Alliance and Empire.

    Public reaction in the Federation has been varied, with President Zachary Hudson being praised and criticised in equal measure. Insiders within his administration suggest that he is under enormous pressure to regain popularity, following the recent rebellion of several Federal systems.

  • 1 October 3307
  • Torval Loses Control of Mastopolos Mining

    Senator Zemina Torval has relinquished her long-held position as Mastopolos Mining’s majority shareholder.

    Official reports confirmed that the board of directors passed a resolution to remove Zemina Torval from their number. Over half of her shares were then sold, thereby drastically reducing her personal influence on the corporation.

    An anonymous insider gave a statement to The Imperial Herald:

    “Gabriella Mastopolos made it crystal clear to the other shareholders that it was time to topple Zemina Torval from her perch. But what surprised them was Torval’s lack of resistance to this pressure… almost as if she had been planning to step down all along.”

    “I’ve heard that every credit made by selling the shares went straight into the subsidiary that her daughter is running. So maybe all her eggs are going into that basket?”

    In related news Constantia Torval, operations director for Torval-Mastopolos Mining, made an announcement:

    “I am proud to announce that the people of LTT 198 have elected Torval-Mastopolos Mining to replace LTT 198 State Ltd as their controlling authority. Permits to gain entry to the system can be earned via the Pride of Bitterwood megaship, which remains in the nearby EGM 559 system.”

  • 30 September 3307
  • Saud Kruger Receives Exploration Data

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    Enormous amounts of data on Earth-like worlds has been collected for a campaign by shipbuilding firm Saud Kruger.

    The data is highly valuable to the corporation’s subsidiary, Astrogator Tours, which runs holiday cruises across the galaxy and is seeking new locations.

    The initiative was declared a success by CEO Stanislav Kruger:

    “Not only have we received data about highly promising systems, but many creative Commanders provided imagery guaranteed to entice adventure-seekers to these new worlds. We are deeply grateful to all pilots who took part.”

    Vistaenis Incorporated, Saud Kruger’s partner in this initiative, is now offering payment for the exploration data at Youll Port in the Vistaenis system.

    Tourist beacons will be added to the most suitable systems by Thursday the 28th of October, which will record for posterity the names of the pilots who submitted the most compelling images.

    As a result of the initiative, a discount of 15% will be applied to sales of all Dolphin, Orca and Beluga Liner ships from the 1st of October, alongside a reduction in cost for the luxury-class cabins which can be installed in any of Saud Kruger’s vessels.

  • Ataque federal a Yuri Grom

    ALERTA de la Federación de Pilotos

    La conferencia política de Delta Pavonis ha dado pie a un conflicto entre EG Union y Delta Pavonis Galactic Interstellar.

    Yuri Grom, el gobernador de EG Union, lanzó este mensaje:

    "¡Esta conferencia no era más que una trampa! Un escuadrón armado de agentes federales de paisano detuvo a mi delegación. El sacrificio de mis leales guardias nos permitió escapar de Kessler City, únicamente para ver cómo nuestras naves estaban siendo atacadas. La Federación ha declarado la guerra: ¡responderé con la misma moneda!".

    El presidente Zachary Hudson emitió una declaración oficial:

    "Yuri Grom es un traidor y una peligrosa amenaza para la seguridad de la Federación. No podemos ignorar ninguna oportunidad de eliminar a este tirano despiadado".

    Delta Pavonis Galactic Interstellar ha solicitado auxiliares federales que apoyen en combate a sus fuerzas. En contrapartida, EG Union ha convocado a los "aliados de Yuri Grom y enemigos de la Federación".

    El gran duque Simion Petrescu, anfitrión de la conferencia política, ha rechazado las afirmaciones de que su facción trabajó en secreto con la Federación para tender una trampa a Yuri Grom. El Cuerpo Diplomático Federal no ha comentado todavía su papel en estos eventos.

  • Yuri Grom Targeted by Federal Strike

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    The Delta Pavonis political conference has erupted into conflict between EG Union and Delta Pavonis Galactic Interstellar.

    Yuri Grom, the ruler of EG Union, broadcast this message:

    “This conference was nothing more than a trap! My delegation was apprehended at gunpoint by a squad of undercover Federal agents. Sacrifices made by my loyal guards enabled us to escape from Kessler City, only to find our ships under attack. The Federation has declared war – I will respond in kind!”

    President Zachary Hudson gave an official statement:

    “Yuri Grom is a traitor and a dangerous threat to Federal security. We cannot ignore any opportunity to eliminate this ruthless tyrant.”

    Delta Pavonis Galactic Interstellar has asked for Federal auxiliaries to provide combat support to its forces. In return, the EG Union called for help from “allies of Yuri Grom and enemies of the Federation”.

    Grand Duke Simion Petrescu, the host of the political conference, has rejected claims that his faction was secretly working with the Federation to entrap Yuri Grom. The Federal Diplomatic Corps has not yet commented on its role in these events.

  • 29 September 3307
  • Galactic Mysteries: Jokers' Deck

    Erik Gunnarson of the Wallglass Investigations Agency discusses the secretive gambling circle attended by the galaxy’s wealthiest players.

    “Casinos and gaming hubs have always been popular, tempting people to risk their credits for the chance to score a lucrative win. But where do the billionaires and trillionaires go to enjoy that buzz?”

    “Jokers’ Deck is a highly exclusive gambling event attended only by the rich and powerful. Nobody knows who runs it, only that it’s held in a different location each time. Its attendees are guaranteed – and can afford – total anonymity.”

    “There was one exception. In 3305, Wallglass was hired to find the heiress Lady Talitha Ambrose, after she vanished along with her family’s fortune. I was part of the team that discovered she had gambled away 300 billion credits at Jokers’ Deck in a high-stakes game of deadlock poker. Their security was so tight that we never learned much more.”

    “This year I’ve been tracking several rumours, such as Jokers’ Deck being present at the Galactic Summit and inviting political leaders to settle their differences at the roue mortelle table. But thanks to some costly bribes – which hopefully I can claim back as expenses – I’ve finally got a solid lead.”

    “My partner, Francesca Wolfe, and I should have more to reveal soon. With a little luck we will gain a unique insight into this most privileged of gambling dens. Assuming we play our cards right...”

  • 27 September 3307
  • Salvation: Friend or Foe?

    The anonymous Salvation commands much support in the galactic community, but a resistance movement has emerged to sabotage his efforts.

    Vox Galactica featured a special report from freelance journalist Alexei Keel:

    “In his self-proclaimed war against the Thargoids, Salvation recently scored a major victory by eliminating their forces from the Cornsar system. But the ongoing mystery around the identity of this ‘man of science’, as well as his controversial methods, have led to a backlash."

    “To deliver vital components for his mysterious anti-xeno weapon, Salvation once again recruited independent pilots, directly messaging those who had performed tasks for him before. However, this time a counter-initiative was formed by those who did not trust his motivations. It was also supported by believers in non-aggression against the Thargoids, and others who feared that the weapon might endanger Cornsar’s population.”

    “Their actions involved acquiring the components, which were disguised as basic medicines, but destroying rather than delivering them. Whether or not this partial blockade impacted the weapon’s effectiveness remains unknown, but it acted as a substantial opposition to Salvation’s scheme.”

    “Aegis is investigating the Cornsar incident, but with faith in that organisation at an all-time low, individual Commanders are now taking matters into their own hands. Time will tell if Salvation’s ambition to replace Aegis is a noble goal, or if we are replacing the devil we know with a darker demon.”

  • 24 September 3307
  • Progress Between Federation and Yuri Grom

    Negotiations between the Federation and self-styled dictator Yuri Grom are underway to determine the Delta Pavonis system’s allegiance.

    Political correspondent Conrad Sterling published an update for Vox Galactica:

    “In recent years, Yuri Grom has developed a degree of mystique. He was one of the few leaders not to attend the Galactic Summit, and news from within his dominion was scarce. But now he is visibly relishing the opportunity to confront Federal representatives under the protection of diplomatic immunity.”

    “Initial exchanges were belligerent as both sides argued over who would be the most beneficial partner. This was to be expected since Delta Pavonis is one of the Federation’s founding systems, and it would be a significant coup for EG Union to establish a presence so close to Sol.”

    “What was unexpected was the mutual respect that gradually developed between Yuri Grom and Ambassador Delphine Dumont. Her charming manner clearly appealed to the dictator, even bringing forth his thunderous laughter on occasion.”

    “A deal is now being discussed that would allow the Autocracy of Delta Pavonis to have trade and political ties with both parties while remaining independent. Perhaps the Federation has learned some lessons from the recent rebellion, and perhaps Yuri Grom’s hatred of the superpower he once served is finally abating.”

  • 23 September 3307
  • Saud Kruger Seeks New Holiday Worlds

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    An initiative to gather data on potential tourist destinations has been launched by shipbuilding corporation Saud Kruger.

    The luxury passenger ship manufacturer aims to identify new Earth-like planets that would be attractive to holidaymakers. These trips will be managed by its subsidiary, Astrogator Tours.

    CEO Stanislav Kruger announced the campaign to the press:

    “We are keen to acquire data on Earth-like worlds, to assess their suitability as destinations for future holidaymakers seeking the adventure of a lifetime. However, all exploration data is valuable and will earn generous payments.”

    “In addition, our marketing department is keen to receive images of eye-catching sights found within unpopulated systems containing Earth-like worlds, to spot the most potentially exciting additions to the Astrogator Tours catalogue.”

    Vistaenis Incorporated has agreed to organise the initiative on behalf of Saud Kruger. Contributing pilots are invited to deliver exploration data to Youll Port in the Vistaenis system. They can also submit their most compelling images by Thursday the 30th of September.

    By Thursday the 28th of October, the most suitable locations will receive tourist beacons and credit the Commander for their submission where appropriate.

    If successful, Saud Kruger’s Dolphin, Orca and Beluga Liner ships will be reduced in price for one week from Friday the 1st of October, with the percentage dependent on the volume of data received. There will also be a discount on the luxury-class cabins used by these crafts to transport VIP passengers.

  • 22 September 3307
  • Salvation Takes Credit for Repelling Thargoids

    The anonymous ‘man of science’ Salvation has claimed responsibility for the Thargoids’ unexplained departure from the Cornsar system.

    Salvation had predicted their attack, but his claim was discounted by Aegis and other authorities. After a few days the Thargoid vessels fled abruptly, leaving behind wreckages across the system.

    The following message was transmitted on public channels:

    “This is Salvation. The Thargoid invasion of Cornsar has now been repulsed, thanks to prototype anti-xeno weaponry that I have been developing for some time. I have achieved what Aegis could not – an effective deterrent against the alien threat.”

    “Refinement of this weapon is at a critical stage, so I cannot reveal any details. I only regret that my warning was not heeded in time to save everyone on the two starports.”

    “This triumph was only possible thanks to those loyal pilots who answered my call. Rewards will shortly be available from the Bright Sentinel megaship in the Mbooni system.”

    Salvation’s identity and capabilities remain unknown, but he has established a reputation as a rival to Aegis. He is also knowledgeable about Azimuth Biochemicals, a research company connected to the earliest recorded encounters with Guardian and Thargoid artefacts.

  • 21 September 3307
  • An Heir for Hadrian Duval

    Lady Astrid Minerva-Duval, wife of Hadrian Augustus Duval, has confirmed that she is expecting a child in December.

    The story was broken by the Paresa News Network:

    “Lady Astrid was visibly overjoyed as she told us of her pregnancy, and of Hadrian’s excitement at being a father. Her only complaint was that she’s no longer allowed to fly support missions for Nova Imperium. Once a Commander, always a Commander!”

    Mainstream media channels also commented on the news.

    The Imperial Herald: “This has caused tangible ripples of unease in the Senate. Since neither Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval nor Princess Aisling Duval have heirs, Hadrian’s claim to the throne will be strengthened if he alone ensures that the Duval bloodline continues.”

    Eye on Achenar: “Who cares about the spawn of Emperor Hengist’s illegitimate grandson? The NMLA may have assassinated much of the Imperial Family, but this outcast boy is still a footnote in their noble history.”

    Vox Galactica: “Despite his unofficial status, Hadrian Duval has many silent supporters within the Empire. His isolationist stance appeals to nostalgic citizens, as does returning to the tradition of male Emperors. Should Hadrian have a son, he may feel empowered to seek his birthright more forcefully.”

  • 20 September 3307
  • Thargoids Vanish from Cornsar System

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    The Thargoid vessels attacking the Cornsar system have unexpectedly departed from the region.

    For the last four days, independent pilots and local security forces have been in combat against the alien ships. Although some were destroyed in battle, the remainder have abruptly withdrawn back into hyperspace.

    The starports Chadwick Port and Ito Market sustained heavy damage during the assault, leaving thousands dead and wounded. Evacuation efforts are still underway to rescue the survivors from both stations.

    Marshal Noah Sharrow, the ruler of Cornsar, made this statement:

    “We cannot say why the Thargoids have gone, only that we are grateful they have. I thank all the brave pilots who fought valiantly to defend our people.”

    Sightings of crashed Thargoid vessels on planetary bodies in the Cornsar system have been confirmed by Aegis observation teams. As yet there are no official explanations.

  • 17 September 3307
  • Delta Pavonis Hosts Political Conference

    Delegations from the Federation and the dictator Yuri Grom are meeting to determine the Delta Pavonis system’s future.

    Both are on a diplomatic mission to convince its controlling faction to either swear allegiance to Yuri Grom or become a Federal member state. Delta Pavonis was one of the original signatories of the Federal Accord in 2242, but has recently been governed by an independent autocracy.

    Yuri Grom himself is present, having arrived on the megaship Indomitable. Grom was once a respected admiral in the Federal Navy, before defecting with huge numbers of ships and followers. They established the independent EG Union, which he presides over as a military dictatorship.

    The rival delegation is led by Ambassador Delphine Dumont of the Federal Diplomatic Corps. They were transported on the Freedom’s Foundation megaship courtesy of Delta Pavonis Galactic Interstellar, which formerly controlled the system. The ambassador invited newsfeeds to witness her initial introduction to Yuri Grom, who seemed slightly taken aback by her warm greeting.

    Grand Duke Simion Petrescu, ruler of the Autocracy of Delta Pavonis, told attending journalists:

    “The conference will take place in Kessler City on Reagan’s Legacy, where our distinguished guests will enjoy our famous hospitality. I look forward to learning more about their respective proposals.”

    This is the first time that the Federation has diplomatically engaged with Yuri Grom. Political observers noted that this tactful approach may be due to several Federal factions recently declaring independence.

  • 16 September 3307
  • Pharma Giant Victorious in the Haithis System

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    The Haithis Purple Dynamic Group has fought off the Kumo Council assault, securing the completion of Neomedical Industries’ onionhead project.

    The pharmaceutical corporation had received deliveries to Haithis to begin producing onionhead gamma strain for medicinal purposes. In response, the Kumo Crew syndicate attacked Neomedical’s corporate partner but failed to achieve its objectives.

    Neomedical Industries confirmed that investment in its project to mass-produce onionhead gamma strain has increased following the conflict’s resolution. The news was eagerly received in many Alliance and independent systems, which have expressed interest in the new healthcare treatment.

    Olwyn Kendrick, CEO of Neomedical Industries, told the media:

    “We owe a huge debt to the galactic community for defending our operation. Large-scale manufacture of onionhead gamma strain can now commence. We will soon be able to improve the quality of life for millions of people.”

    The Haithis Purple Dynamic Group is offering rewards to its supporters from Crippen Port in the Haithis system.

  • Thargoid Strike Follows Salvation’s Prediction

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    The Cornsar system has been attacked by Thargoid forces, causing severe damage to two starports.

    Direct assaults against Chadwick Port and Ito Market stations have resulted in over ten thousand casualties. Local reports state that Thargoid vessels have also appeared elsewhere throughout the system, placing millions more lives at risk.

    The anonymous figure known as Salvation recently warned that Cornsar was in imminent danger of being invaded, having been alerted by his new xeno-detection network. Aegis could not verify Salvation’s claim and saw no evidence of any Thargoid presence.

    The system’s ruler, Marshal Noah Sharrow of the Allied Cornsar Constitution Party, transmitted this message:

    “This is a call to any pilots in the vicinity of Cornsar. We urgently need ships to defend our people from the Thargoids, and to rescue civilians trapped within Chadwick Port and Ito Market. This is a grave emergency!”

    Aegis has released a brief statement:

    “We can confirm there is a Thargoid presence in the Cornsar system. Unfortunately most of our operations and personnel remain suspended due to the public inquiry, so we cannot contribute to any anti-xeno efforts.”

    There has been no further communication from Salvation, despite his accurate prediction of the attack.

  • 14 September 3307
  • Salvation Warns of Thargoid Strike

    The anonymous figure known as Salvation claims that Thargoid forces will shortly launch an assault in the Cornsar system.

    The following message was received by all major newsfeeds:

    “This is Salvation. Authorities in the Cornsar system must evacuate the local population immediately. I believe a Thargoid invasion of the system is imminent.”

    “I became aware of this danger while developing a new interstellar xeno-detection network, which will be far superior to Eagle Eye. Although the network is not fully complete, we cannot dismiss this report as a false reading. Cornsar must act now.”

    Carter Armstrong, a chief administrator with Aegis, delivered an official statement:

    “Aegis cannot validate this claim. There is no indication of a Thargoid presence in the vicinity, and Cornsar is too far from their known territories to be a viable target. As most of our operations are suspended due to the public inquiry, we cannot dedicate any resources to investigate further.”

    There was also a response from Marshal Noah Sharrow, who governs the Cornsar system on behalf of the Allied Cornsar Constitution Party:

    “We have no interest in the games of one-upmanship between Aegis and Salvation. Nor do we believe for a moment that the Thargoids would go out of their way to harass us.”

  • 13 September 3307
  • Rebellion Spreads Through the Federation

    A further seven Federal factions have severed ties with the superpower in protest against government monitoring of communications.

    These latest secessions have been undertaken by minor factions that do not control any systems, including Unktock Free, United Posenoi League and Progressive Party of Inggale.

    Political journalist Sofia Trevino reported for The Federal Times:

    “Eight factions had previously declared independence from the Federation, and now an even greater number forms the third wave of rebellion. It’s clear that their populations feel empowered to take a stand against losing their constitutional rights of privacy.”

    “Vice President Archer shrugged off this latest development, maintaining that ‘the Proactive Detection Bureau performs a vital security role in these troubled times’. Since none of these latest factions currently govern a system, he may also believe that resistance to the PDB is on the wane.”

    “Although these events have only impacted a small part of Federal territory, they remain an embarrassment for President Hudson’s administration. Shadow President Winters continues to implore Congress to repeal the Domestic Counter-Terrorism Act, but she has also taken political criticism since many feel her rhetoric inspired these factions to secede.”