CMDR Mathew Child profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
lady jane [830126]
(Krait Phantom)
Member since:
14 Aug 2016
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
Systems discovered first:
2,862,975,350 Cr
Time to Depart.

l rewarded my little Krait to a fresh coat of paint and a little refit. I think she looks good with the body kit. slightly reconfigured her layout with the limited options here and got another half lightyear on to her jump range, which will always be useful. Time now to depart back to the bubble, via a suspected guardian site in the Empyrian Straits

Arrived at Explorers Anchorage

Departed Colonia 27/12/2018 and travelled to Explorers Anchorage, via Beagle Point and Sagittarius A*

Spent 308 days in space and gathered 67 pages of data, which took nearly an hour to cash in. Total Stars Scanned - 8,314 Total Planets Scanned - 40,492

Breakdown Body Scanned / 1st
O (Blue-White) Star 3 / 3 5,351 cr B (Blue-White) Star 48 / 44 84,868 cr B (Blue-White super giant) Star 1 / 0 3,139 cr A (Blue-White) Star 264 / 241 434,929 cr F (White) Star 614 / 538 1,045,946 cr F (White super giant) Star 1 / 0 2,922 cr G (White-Yellow) Star 543 / 471 938,468 cr K (Yellow-Orange) Star 1,992 / 1,778 3,408,948 cr K (Yellow-Orange giant) Star 3 / 1 7,046 cr M (Red dwarf) Star 3,300 / 2,942 5,629,472 cr M (Red giant) Star 17 / 15 28,923 cr M (Red super giant) Star 1 / 0 2,891 cr L (Brown dwarf) Star 860 / 788 1,342,295 cr T (Brown dwarf) Star 383 / 354 618,161 cr Y (Brown dwarf) Star 132 / 123 215,571 cr T Tauri Star 121 / 95 296,561 cr Herbig Ae/Be Star 2 / 1 2,802 cr Wolf-Rayet O Star 1 / 1 2,545 cr White Dwarf (D) Star 2 / 0 68,433 cr White Dwarf (DA) Star 6 / 5 184,259 cr White Dwarf (DAB) Star 1 / 1 34,051 cr White Dwarf (DQ) Star 1 / 0 34,101 cr White Dwarf (DC) Star 4 / 3 135,931 cr Neutron Star 12 / 9 626,361 cr Black Hole 2 / 1 63,303 cr Metal-rich body 419 / 376 33,845,634 cr High metal content world 9,413 / 8,515 1,851,524,859 cr Rocky body 4,978 / 4,730 40,720,941 cr Rocky Ice world 1,639 / 1,566 2,010,324 cr Icy body 19,697 / 18,907 24,399,224 cr Earth-like world 48 / 27 85,027,079 cr Water world 538 / 419 790,286,983 cr Water giant 24 / 24 41,800 cr Ammonia world 67 / 60 92,525,195 cr Gas giant with water-based life 353 / 337 756,994 cr Gas giant with ammonia-based life 217 / 203 400,593 cr Class I gas giant 1,908 / 1,808 18,259,884 cr Class II gas giant 385 / 365 29,772,456 cr Class III gas giant 724 / 689 1,810,831 cr Class IV gas giant 69 / 64 191,168 cr Class V gas giant 7 / 6 14,651 cr Helium-rich gas giant 6 / 5 14,501 cr

Arrived in Galactic Centre

still 106 jumps to go till Sag' A though

Sector Change

Just hoped over into Empyrean Straits, not much interest in the 1st system, One K & M Star and a gas giant. At this point however i think my plotted route will zig-zag across the border for a good few hops

Lasao UE-H d10-614

Interesting little system Contains a Ringed Earth-like world in orbit around a ringed Class IV gas giant. Technically it's not a moon as it's too far from the Gas giant, but for all intents it is.


so 4 days after saying it doesn't happen often I get another system where planet and moon are both terraformable

Weqeae XO-R d4-10 4 & 4a

go figure

\doesn't happen often

but in Greerae NN-T d3-87 there is a terraformable world who's moon is also terraformable

Across the divide (again)

Just reached the other side of the inter arm gap known as "the Torment" and entered the Eurus region of the Norma Arm.

Another bleak region of space with most systems again being just stars or if any planets they were mostly rocks.

I did find one system that was profitable with 5 HMC and an ELW

399 jumps left till Sag A

next waypoint reached

Arrived at Pria Free YE-Q D5-14 (Don't these names just roll off the tongue) Overall this legs took 150 jumps compared to the initial 152 Estimated, so on balance the navcomp recalculations between sessions do seem to be in the pilots favour. Total estimated exploration data is currently 2.23 billion

I have now decided I will go direct to Sagittarius A, which is just under 20k light years away or 496 Jumps

My God, it's full of stars!

Well not really but I've been in the outer rim for such a long time it's strange to see the black with so many bright spots again.