CMDR WIBS3667 profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
(Type-10 Defender)
Member since:
6 Jan 2018
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
Systems discovered first:
12,759,810,293 Cr
Engima Expedition - Done

27,660.33 ly, 668 Jumps, Estimated game time: 23 hours, 0 minutes Average jump distance: 41.66 ly 366 systems discovered first including AW, WW, ELW and white dwarf

WP 16 Colonia - Dove Enigma

Arrived, picking up a ringed AW on the way

WP15 Vihara Gate

can't believe I'm at WP15 already....need to push on to Colonia by Sunday AM so that I'm ready for the evening meet up

Journey to the Crux

Massive problems with connection today on the way to the next WP. Constant crashes meaning that I'm having to jump and jump without scanning. Changing to an open connection seems to have improved things a bit but still having some problems.

*Guardians Mission

Guardians site well worth a stop...must come back and do the Guardians Mission

Long drag between WP10 and 11 #EngimaExepdition

71 jumps....jesus. Loads of systems that I'm only barely scanning and unless its something obviously unusual its not getting a DSS might have to take time on the way back to founders for a more detailed look