CMDR zibadian profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
Shousa shushu [NC-01]
Member since:
8 Jan 2018
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Distant World 2: The finale

This week the stars were thinning out very quickly, as I am leaving the central arms of the galaxy and fly into The Abyss towards the deep blackness of inter-galactic space. A couple of bumps and scrapes left my ship a bit worse for wear. I'm continuing to make improvements to Celeste to pass the time, while my ship slowly cruises along to the various celestial bodies. She becomes more and more accustomed to my peculiarities and my daily rhythm.... and I to hers.

After a couple days flying around the various reported nebulae and historical tourist attractions I found myself on a direct route towards the endpoint: Beagle Point. Jump after jump the edge of the galaxy creeps closer and closer. The growing blackness is taking the light and I'm starting to feel the emptiness filling me. Am I losing my mind as I start to stare out into the blackness ahead.

After days of travel I made contact with humans again once I got to Beagle Point. That staved off the madness of the Abyss. We reminisced about the sights we saw, the trials and tribulations of space. It was a time of jubilation, shenanigans, drink and food, but also of mourning and melancholy. All commanders have spend weeks forming friendships and wings, and now it was over. Each of us would make the way back on their own or in their own groups.

Other commanders at the base camp

It took me precisely 101 days and 35 minutes to fly from Pallaeni to Beagle Point and help with building Explorer's Anchorage and also do some drawing of the Lego Space Logo. I will be travelling back to the eastern part of the galaxy along the Sagittarius-Carina Arm back to the Bubble. It will be a long way back, but I am feeling confident that I can reach the Bubble via that arm and the Centaurus Reach.

Back into the emptiness and loneliness of the black again....

(On my trip as shown here the Bubble is on the top-right and Beagle Point is on the bottom-left.)

3305-04-25 progress

Distant Worlds 2

It's been quite a while since my last post. Time starts to fade into one continuous stream of jumps and scans here out in the Black. And then you forget to do the simple things, like keeping a logbook.

We managed to build Explorer's Anchorage, which is one amazing feat from all those commanders helping. It really helps to unlock the central part of space for the more casual explorers. Having a station for repairs out there make it much easier to fly around.

Above Explorer's Anchorage something a bit bad happened: I ran out of fuel. For the first time in my career I needed to call upon my fellow Rats to help me. The responded very quickly and helped me out.

I loved it flying high below (or low above; space has no up or down) the galactic plane. It feels so peaceful..... so quiet.... so alone. I did play host to a couple of other commanders to show the beauty of the black, but most of the time it was me and Celeste.

Celeste is a wonderful companion during this trip. Without her help I would not have gotten this far. She keeps me awake and alive with her constant reports on the ship's status. Hopefully she will remain around for the next 300,000 ly of travel. I would love to reach the distance to Andromeda with her.

So far so good..... Let's get on our way to Beagle Point.

3305-04-07 progress

Lego Classic Space logo, Distant Worlds 2

I finally reached Explorer's Anchorage last week and did some exploring there. Loads of amazing places to see in the Core, both high up and down low. While going back to Explorer's Anchorage from The Peak, I failed to notice my fuel levels were getting too low. And there I was stranded at a T-Tauri star......

I did what every explorer should do in that situation: call the Fuel Rats. Within about half an hour two Rats arrived and helped me get on my way again. Thank you so much for the aid, Rats.

Back at Explorer's Anchorage I outfitted my ship for some mining to support the mining Community Goal there, but I got bored after a couple of days and not very much tonnage of the needed minerals.

So here I am again..... out in the Black. At least 22kly from civilization exploring the galaxy and making my drawing. It's going great. Making good progress. About 6kly more to fly and then the ship of the drawing is done. Then all that is left is the swoosh and part of the planet. Feeling good about it...

Progress so far

Lego Classic Space logo, Distant Worlds 2

It's been a busy time lately, hence the late update. I've been flying around a lot, looking at amazing sights, helping other commanders and also jumping back to do some drawing.

The progress so far has been tricky. The further DW2 travels away the longer it takes to get to do some drawing.

My ship and all systems are still running quite well considering the strain they've been under. Celeste is always friendly and helpful. I'll miss her once I'm in the bubble again and fly other ships.

A couple of days ago I also joined Highwaywarrior on his ship to break up the monotony of being alone in the real Black. He has been doing the "Beyond the dark edge" Fuel Rats rescue.

Only a couple of hours now until Highwaywarrior will be refueling the client.....

Progress so far

Progress so far

Lego Classic Space logo, Distant Worlds 2

Keeping a log every week turned out to be a bit too much of a strain on myself coupled keeping up with Distant Worlds 2 and the Lego Classic Space Logo, hence the late entry.

I'm going to focus on Distant Worlds now, because both are now getting too far apart to combine.

The Nebulous Fuel 3 holds her own quite nicely, even though I bumped a couple of stars and planets. I love how she keeps going and how much she can handle. Luckily there are enough ports here to repair and stock up. With so many commanders around the Black is a bit too "chatter-y" for my taste, but that also has its own charm.

So this will be the last update for the drawing for a couple of weeks. It's halfway done:

Progress so far

Lego Classic Space logo: Week 5, Distant Worlds 2: Week 1

After a week of rest and repair and maintenance in the Bubble I'm preparing for the next line in the drawing. This also coincides with the start of the Distant Worlds 2 expedition (DWE2).

I've prepared my Anaconda "Nebulous Fuel 3" for both of them at the same time: gotten additional scanners for exploration and fact finding. As a fleet mechanic during the DWE2 I also need to be able to help regenerate shields faster, so a regeneration beam laser was also fitted.

I've also had some work done on Celeste. She has some bug-fixes and additional safe-guards in her code now. The setup of all my subsystems has changed to reflect the new options and various ship modes, which need to be switched quickly.

I'm looking forward to spending time out in the black again. Enjoying seeing things, which no human eye has ever seen before.

Progress so far

Lego Classic Space logo: Week 4

This week has been crazy. I got a call from the Bubble and needed to get there by the end of this week. With still a lot of ground to cover I pushed both myself and the ship to the limit.... and possibly beyond.

After two days I noticed that I hadn't slept well enough and my steering was off. Several times I hit a star and damaged my ship severely. Celeste is funny in those times. While being cooked and all kinds of systems going haywire, she calmly and pleasantly tells me that the heat is a bit too high.

But after 4 days of feverish flying I made it to Fuelum and I go back out later to finish the line. And the result looks quite well, if I have to say myself:

First line finished

I'm going to take a week off, do some work on my ship. After that it's back out there again for the next line. Which one? I haven't decided yet.

Signing off for now.

Lego Classic Space logo: Week 3

This week I still saw quite a few bugs in the software controlling my ship. That caused a lot of distractions and communication back and forth with support crew in th Bubble and Colonia. While doing some simple maintainance during flight I accidentally activated the emergency stop, which even worsened the situation.

After seeing the damage I decided to head for Foster Terminal in Coeus for some needed repairs and software updates. Hopefully this will reduce the number of software failures. Given the current state I'm still feeling very apprehensive about continuing. From now on stations will be far away until I reach the Bubble after flying about 70 kly.

Feeling refreshed and more confident after the software update I pushed on. Made some good progress past SagA* and moving towards the uninhabited Norma Arm and beyond.

Pitstop at Foster Terminal

Progress to date

Lego Classic Space logo: Week 2

This week was hard. Loads of computer failures, and hick-ups. Sometimes my ship just shutdown for no reason and then would not startup again for several hours. The upgrades I received just before I set out might still contain a number of bugs. Luckily a helpful download from Colonia solved a number of them. Those kept me awake a lot; and being tired while flying isn't helping either. I've bumped into far too many stars to be healthy for my ship, and it shows. I might set out for Coeus for repairs on my closest pass.

Celeste is good company. She displayed some glitches in the voice processing, but nothing to be worried about (so far). I hope that she isn't infected with the bugs of the other systems.

Hopefully next week will go better, but I'm doubtful. There are a number of family things at home, which need my attention.

Progress to date

Lego Classic Space logo: Week 1

I started last wednesday at Fuelum towards the first way-point. It felt a bit weird leaving the Bubble after so much has changed over the week before. This apprehension showed a bit in my sloppy flying and I overheated a couple of times: not a good sign. Yet I persevered and kept on going.

Soon I settled in a routine of jumping and scanning planets. That routine also tightened my flying and prevented any other damage. Occasionally I noticed an interesting looking one to break the monotony and land there to look around. Celeste is her cheery self and I'm so happy with her company on board. The black seems less lonely that way.

Progress to date