CMDR Pisodeuorrior profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
Addolorato [PIS-99]
(Alliance Challenger)
Member since:
29 Sep 2018
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
Systems discovered first:
31,058,187,118 Cr
Nice Things Down The Sagittarius Carina Arm

I've made the crossing from Tenebrae without nothing of note.

I'm now flying counter-clockwise along the Sagittarius-Carina Arm, with the idea of going back to Beagle Point first and to OEVASY-SG-Y D0 later.

On my last trip to the Abyss, that star wasn't yet reachable.

Anyway, I'm taking all my time, I'm not in a rush, and I've set my route to the nebula with the suggestive name of EOCK PRAO AA-A H31, which is right along the way, and about 1200 ly below the galactic plane.

In the meantime I stopped to top up my Germanium reserves. Right now I have about 40 FSD injections available, and I'd like to keep them above 50.

This system is quite interesting, and I don't mind the detour. I've even found this nice ringed Water World orbiting a ringed Brown Dwarf.

Ringed Water World Orbiting a Ringed Brown Dwarf

Crossing back to Hawking's Gap

I'm travelling back from Magellan's Star along the Perseus Arm.

I've discovered just one Water World and nothing else of note in more than 9000 light years.

This must be one the most uneventful stretches of galaxy I've ever seen, despite the fact that I'm pretty much retracing my steps.

The only difference is that for the way back I've chosen a route slightly closer to the edge of the arm facing the core, where the stars density is a bit lower.

It must be it, I guess.

Anyway, another 5000 light years or so and I'll be able to cross into the Sagittarius Carina Arm. The space between these two outer arms is completely empty, worse than the Abyss I think.

At Magellan's Star

I've just arrived at the Magellan's Star system.

Magellan's Star

I can't say I had planned this trip.

I set off a couple of weeks ago from Shinrarta Dezra with the idea of going down the Neutron Highway for a little bit, just to try out the experience After I arrived safely to Colonia I went to Sag A*, paid a visit to Explorer's Anchorage, continued East on a whim, and here I am.

This is the furthest point West of the Core (let's say arbitrary West), a starless black on one side and the distant arms of the galaxy on the other. I have to say, it must be because I'm more experienced as an explorer, but so far it's been a breeze.

No accidents yet, a part from a binary system that almost fried my cockpit and cost me a heat sink. Luckily I was ready with it this time.

Also the crossing through Hawking's gap was painless, nothing like the first time I crossed the Abyss and got stuck in it for two weeks. Sure, my Asp had half the jump range back then, but still.

Among the notable things I've discovered so far are a planetary nebula, 11 Eart Like planets, 18 Ammonia Worlds, 113 Water Worlds and many, many Notable Astronomiacal Phenomena.

In fact, the most remarkable thing of this part of the journey has been the welth of objects and notable phenomena I've found on the end of the Perseus Arm.

Notable Phenomena

I'd thought this far from the core it would have been more sterile and uneventful, when in fact the whole Tenebrae Region has been ripe with Water Worlds, Earth Like Worlds and Notable Phenomena.

I've found three of them right here, in the very last system this side of the galaxy, which was quite surprising.

I'll hang out in this system for a while, try and top up the materials I used for the three FSD injections it took to get here, and then set off again.

I've decided I'll do a full circumnavigation this time, travelling anticlockwise along the outer arms to the other three "edges" and then back to the bubble.