CMDR Aldarion 3TwoAlpha profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
honest tuck [AL-27A]
(Asp Explorer)
Member since:
30 Oct 2018
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
Systems discovered first:
27,157,189,051 Cr
3rd and 4th First Limpets

The following rescues with the honor of the first limpet were successfully carried out today at the systems:


Cannon Crater - Pleiades Sector JC-U B3-2

This small body, which may be considered as a dwarf planet, revolves with its companion in a binary gravitational system around their gravitational centre, which is placed somewhere between these two bodies.

Both of the bodies are not spheric in shape: Both bodies are not perfectly round (elliptical or like a globe) but provoke the association of a potato due to their potato-like shapes.

The system reminds me on the Pluto-Charon system in the solar system; never the less the parts of this binary dwarf system in Pleiades Sector JC-U B3-2 are rocky bodies.

The detailed Surface probing detects 20 Thargoid Signal Sources, 17 Geological Features and 1 human signal for the body with the Cannon Crater; The Tharg-Signals are emissions from the so-called Barnacles.

Getting out a brand new T9

Tonight I made myself a gift: I got a Type 9 Transporter at Jameson and brought it out for the first time: I did some engineering, e.g. at Farseer INC and other engineering locations to improve its capabilities.

Since months I was considering to rebuy a T9 again; I really do love the ship's design and enjoy its unique way of flying - disapproving of its average reputation of course.

Combats at Fuelum

During midth of DEC I did numerous combat fights in the CZ spaned all over Fuelum system to support TFRM.

Arrival in the proximity of Wolf-Rayet Star NSV 1056

This Wolf-Rayet Star is emmiting a strong violet light inside the visible band of the RF-Spectrum. I produced a bunch of beautiful screenshots.

I did travel here not only to carry out a VIP-Tourist Mission for the FR's Travel Agency but for exploration interests as well.

2nd "First Limpet"

I rescued a German client, CMD Zweihand. My second "First Limpet". FR CMD PeopleAreStrange and CMD Soli K were members of this rescue as well and the rescue was streamed by the client.

First Limpet

Since weeks I carry out Rescue missions for the FR.

Today I fiered my first "First Limpet". There are plenty of well experienced and well trained rats, who normally are much faster at the clients than I am. But I got quicker when applying Wing Nav Lock and navigation, which allows to reach the winged client with full speed SC and drop off. If there are no instancing problems, it works.

This is the normal procedure applyed by most of the FR. Befor there were a few situations during instancing problems, when I was the only rat with in-game coms to the client and I was wondering if that was due to my manually drop out procedure with the clients; on the other hand this procedure left me to slow compared to the other rats.

The client in this case was Russion, CMD named WhiteSmokers.

Wolf-Rayet-Star nested in its cloud formed by materials of the once ejected outer layers CSI+47-2-21046

Destination is the Wolf-Rayet-Star CSI+47-2-21046, which is has a very good visibility from 3.67ly away. From this distance the cloud encapsulating the Wolf-Rayet fully fills the navigation circle at the center of the Beluga's HUD (Heads Up Display).

Arriving at the Wolf-Rayet CSI+47-21046

Arrival at 02:04:40 (approx) - game time.

This Woplf-Rayet has a measures mass of 0.7109 solar masses and is aged 10.914 billion years: So it is nearly 11 billion years old, which is very old in comparison to the age of the solar system with its 4.5 billion years of age and the age of the visible universe of approx 14 billion years.

Its density compared to the suns density is approximately 4 times less since this Wolf-Rayet has 3.6795 solar radii.

There is a star catalogue ID given in-game: 201.192 - probably this is a real catalogue number.

Wolf-Rayet NGC 7026

Today and the day before I carried out a VIP Tourist Mission for TFRM. Acouple of thousand light years to the destination and a slightly different route back.

I used the Beluga Liner. This expedition and mission is one of the last missions carried out using the "old" scan mechanics since there will be some changes with the upcoming 3.3 update.

On the route back I landed the Beluga on an icy planet, NGC 7026 B6-0 1A over night.

There I was able to gather beautiful and very interesting screenshots of a very bizzare landscape.