CMDR Aldarion 3TwoAlpha profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
honest tuck [AL-27A]
(Asp Explorer)
Member since:
30 Oct 2018
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
Systems discovered first:
27,157,189,051 Cr
Distant Worlds Expedition (DW2): Conflux Abandond Settlements - Waypoint 3.

Distant Worlds Expedition (DW2): Conflux Abandond Settlements - Waypoint 3.

Returning from Hawkings Gap Region I headed towards the Distant World's Expedition Waypoint number 3.

Staying over night, I was able to get a beautiful view of the area the next morning, when the site got some light from its close star, a Brown Dwarf.

Planet QEAJO BE-F B39-0 1 (Hawking's Gap)

Planet QEAJO BE-F B39-0 1 (Hawking's Gap) 31st JAN 3305

A rocky World close to its star, which is a yellow orange star, bathing the daytime side of its first planet into orange light. Surface temperature might be high, so molten rock can be found in plenty of locations.

Twice, I landed on this planet at different locations; the second touch down was done at a geologigal site.

I found this interesting planet on my way back from the Dynasty Mission camp sites, where I did visit Alpha-, Beta-, Gamma- and Delta-Camps in their different systems:

  1. PLAA AEC IZ-N C20-1 (moon A1A) for Alpha
  2. PLAA AEC XZ-Z B41-0 (planet 1, an icy world) for Beta
  3. PLAA AEC TTB B41-3A (planet B2) for Gamma
  4. PLAA AEC RY-B B41-1 (planet 2B) for Delta

A beautiful scrrenshot of this orange bathed world can be seen using the following link: [(]

Visiting Dynasty Delta Camp Site and meeting fellow commanders

Starting from the Eagle Nebula (Inner Orion Spur) I wanted to meet with my fellow commanders Sandmaster and Skywayter at the Dynasty Mission target systems in the middle of the Hawkings Gap (Region).

After approaching PLAA AEC RY-B B41-1 2 B - the moon, where the Dynasty Mission Team constructed Delta Camp - and dropping out from gliding through orbital cruise, I got a clear view of the area: Dynasty Delta Camp is located inside a canyon and I was presented with a beautiful, interesting view of the whole area on the day side of this moon. Both, Sky and Sand, already placed their two Condas close to the camp, which I easily could see on the radar image produced by the related small holopgram at the bottom of my vessel's Heads Up Display (HUD).

We met at Delta Camp on 29th JAN 3305 (approx 18:53hrs).

Sky and Sand usually do travel much faster with their Condas then I do with the Beluga. When I joined them at Delta Camp, both already had investigated the three other camp sites.

All four Camp Sites can be found using the following GalMap-References:

  1. PLAA AEC IZ-N C20-1 (moon A1A) for Alpha
  2. PLAA AEC XZ-Z B41-0 (planet 1, an icy world) for Beta
  3. PLAA AEC TTB B41-3A (planet B2) for Gamma
  4. PLAA AEC RY-B B41-1 (planet 2B) for Delta

So soon they started leaving; I decided to stay longer and check out the place before investigating the other three Dynasty Camps I did not know, then.

Very close to Delta Camp a surface signal source can be found, which is caused by a geological site (Geological Site #8): Turned out it is a Lava Field. From my landing area at Delta Camp I drove the SRV through the canyon in which Delta Camp was erected to investigate the geological site. This ride took just a few minutes each way - there and back.

The Zurara and a Long Way Back

26.01.3305 – 17:53 Following my exploration route towards the Bubble Nebula, I discovered one Earthlike ( PHOI AM JL-P D-5-14 4) - - and one Ammonia World (HYPIAE AIM CR-U B58-0 2) plus a few Waterworlds. As well, I did land on an icy planet called SYREASIAE JS-W C40 1 A. This is an icy world of a mostly white surface with the typical high albedo, where there are engraved valleys filled with bright orange-pink ice. These valleys are spread over the whole small planet surface. Re-entering Elysian Shore from the Formidine Rift took place via a route through Syreadia VB-G B17-0.

At 22:58 the Bubble Nebula, which seems like an enormous soap bubble, came into sight very clearly from some hundreds of light-years away: from the system HEGODIA QD-K DB-79. Before I reached this system it appeared like a small speck. See the close-up of the structure (from outside):

While approaching the Bubble Nebula it constantly grew until I finally jumped right into it dropping of at BUBBLE SECTOR GW-W C1-B (23:15):

Finally, at 27th JAn 3305 - 02:43, I touched down at Medusa’s Rock Mining Outpost (CRECENT SECTOR GW-W C1-B), a place inside a reddish nebula I already visited twice before.

Medusa's Rock is an Astroid Base' located at the orbit around an earth-like world; correctly it should be called 'Moon Base' due to the fact, the rock in the orbit containing the station is a small moon to the world it is hovering above.

Here I finished this part of my journey before heading back towards the Eagle Nebula at the Inner Orion Spur Region the following day.

26.01.3305 – 14:30 Taking off and travelling to see The Zurara

I took off my night place, PHOI AESCS WN-x 28-0 1, at 14:30 heading towards The Zurara. I had to do 44 more jumps all together with some exploration (scanning and probing) of Formidine Rift locations.

16:18 I arrived at The Zurara, scanned all seven beacons and inspected the entire place (of course including the mandatory screenshots). I left The Zurara at 17:08, heading back through The Formidine Rift towards the Alysian Shore: My next main waypoint was the Bubble Nebula located at the BUBBLE Sector PD-S B4-4.

Some impressions from the Zurara Mega Ship:

First Landing Site in The Formidine Rift

26.01.3305 – 02:39 While Skywayter visited The Zurara, I landed the Beluga on the surface of PHOI AESCS WN-x 28-0 1, a relatively small body with some bizarre mountains. I left the ship here over night.

Meeting CMD Skywayter and a journey through Elysian Shore

25.01.3305 12:35

When I logged in, I was alone due to the meeting time, which was set 25 minutes later. At 12:50 CMD Skywayter logged in and our both ships – an Anaconda and a Beluga – were placed nicly right to each other: a successful meeting. We decided to go the longer route, finally meeting at BASE CAMP (SOUL Sector EL-Y D 7). Our route included a meeting point at IC 1805 Sector AV-O C6-5 as well; this sector is 4824ly away from CSI+47-21046, the meeting point the afternoon before. BASE CAMP was even further away but in vincity of Base Camp, there is a Black Hole, located at IC 1805 Sector DQ-Y.

Black Holes are outstanding objects. Hovering above the event Horizon space becomes distorted so I was able to see my ships thruster trails at the rear while watching ahead. Space is that much bent, that one is able to see the space at the front and the back the same time: light is travelling 360 degrees from back to front. As well the Black Hole has a blue accretion disc, which, for the same reasons, appears like a sphere from my vantage point.

After a few hours of break we took off, left BASE CAMP and travelled towards The Formidine Rift. During an hour, I set the pace and we travelled together. But space travel in the Elite-Universe has a lot to do with the personal rhythm of procedures, dictated by the capabilities of the ship. We decided to go both with our own pace, Skywayter ahead, I were following.

Turned out, the navigation through the Formidine Rift is tricky due to the lower density of stars and less Neutrons. My last 44 jumps were carried out without any Neutron Stars as waypoints. I still carried out some exploration: Most objects I scanned were discovered by different commanders in the past: not too many possible waypoint and routes out here.

Meeting-Point Arrival - CSI+47-21046

Commander Skywayter with his Conda does have more than 77ly jump range. So he arrived early at our meeting point, the only planet at CSI+47-21046; he posted his landing coordinates, which were -42.7962 / 46.3794.

I traversed the Inner Orion Spur, still exploring so it took me a good part of the night to arrive at the meeting point.

25.01.3305 – approx 04:25 CMD Skywayter was logged out of the game, so I could not see him. I landed at -42.7963 / 46.3774, which should be a place next to his Anaconda. When I touched down, this site was the day site of the planet.

Exploration at the border of Inner Orion


On this exploration path leading from the Inner Orion Spur into the Elysian Shore I did gather system data and probe data. As well I landed on some interesting sites, such as some Geological Surface Signal on NYUEAJAA AI-Q D6-250 A 1. Orbital Flight Entry approximately at 14:17.

On exploring I talked with CMD Skywayter, fellow Fuel Rat. He intended to seek out the ZURARA. So I was thinking hard, if I shall go all the way to The FORMIDINE RIFT. This would mean to travel through a hole quadrant (one way) and back.

Anyway, exploration can be done anywhere. We planned a meeting point at the Wolf-Rhyet Star I visited some time ago. There is a planet inside the Sphere surrounding the former core of the star at CSI+47-21046, which became the WR-Star.

To me this meant to go all the way through the Inner Orion Spur due to the fact the meeting point is located not too far from Elysian Shore. We had two routes through Elysian Shore, a longer passing a Black Hole and the last outpost into this direction at SOUL Sector EL-Y D 7 and a more direct route through Elysian Shore Area right into The Formidine Rift – the next day we would follow the longer route.

Exploration and another visit to Rohini

Due to the early closure of the mining CG I decided to jump back to my Beluga Liner for some exploring. Not too far from Omega Mining, there is the Rohini System, an independent system with a star port over an earthlike world. As well there is a bulk Cargo ship located within this system

24.01.3305 – 02:15 Arrival at EUDAMAEON ANCHORAGE Third time I made a visit to this system and its main star port, an Ocellus Station. I passed here to drop the gathered exploration data, ship maintenance and because I wished to see this place again. As well I stayed in this safe place during night. For the coming day I do plan further exploration towards the border of the Inner Orion Spur, possibly swinging in on the next waypoint for the DWE 3305, when this target will be released.