CMDR Nordmarken profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
(Diamondback Explorer)
Member since:
6 Jul 2019
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
Systems discovered first:

Last region on my exploration run. Now I'm 19513 ly from Sol and a little bit more than 420 jumps away.

Vulcan gate

By entering Vulcan gate I have one unvisited region left on my way back home, Temple. After that there are ten regions in the galaxy I have yet to visit.


As I enter the Orion-Cygnus region I find a system with a water planet.

Two more regions

Outer and Inner Orion-Perseus Conflux cleared. Three more regions planned before going back to the bubble.

Perseus Arm

The galactic core glows stronger as I've entered Perseus Arm.

Aquilas Halo

After visiting a few systems in this fringe region I continue towars the core and the surrounding regions.

The Void

From here I will plot my route to Aquilas Halo. The computer cant do it straight away. The trip must be done in several parts.

The Outer arm

Entered the edge of the Outer arm on my way to the Void.

Another region

Entered the Conduit. Plan to visit ten other regions on my way back home.

The journey continues

Entered the Outer Scutum-Centaurus Arm. Have now plotted a route to the Conduit.