CMDR Nariek Yengid profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
(Krait Phantom)
Member since:
8 Jul 2019
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
Systems discovered first:
Back out into the void

So after a few days back in the bubble the feeling of being oh so close to getting my elite explorer status was too great to ignore, I bought a new asp exporer to kit out for a little journey, just a few thousand ly's again, gathering enough data to bring back that should get me to that status. When I am done with this trip which will be within the next couple of days and I return to inhabited space I will focus more on guardian tech and finding what I need to get one of the fine people that know how to use and create the tech from the resourses to engineer me some modules I could do with, primarily a fsd booster as I want to make the trip to colonia and beyond a little quicker than I could do just now

Silly pirate meets thir end

Minding my own business doing a little planet mapping and chilling then boom I get an interdiction, I had no cargo so I knew if I let them scan they would just move on, but then they would do it again and again if not stopped so as soon as I submitted to the interdiction I targeted and deployed weapons got turned so they were in my sight and started hitting with my two class 3 beam lasers expecting them to damage the shields and follow up with two class 2 plasma cannons but it seemed there shields were super tough and took a while to get them to drop, I noticed on my dashboard that there ship had a little circle with a plus sign I don't know what that means yet I will need to find out and try get whatever it is, must have been something to re-enforce shields because they were in a phantom, same as me and I have good shields but theirs were better. After battling for several minutes I had got them down to around 34% hull left and went in to finish them but they kicked in their fsd and jumped, luckily I had a wake scanner with me for once and gave chase into the next system but as soon as I won the interdiction they started to jump, this seemed odd as there's usually the fsd cooldown but no he got away so I followed again managing to fire a couple of volleys before they escaped again, I was not letting them away though and eventually after a few jumps and playing cat and mouse they stood and fought, giving me a good battle I ended up about 60% hull myself after I finished them off but most modules were above 90% and fully fuctional, went for repairs then sat back and put my feet up with a glass of leesti juice and fell asleep, lets see what today brings

Didnt quite make elite

When I got back to the bubble I was 99% sure I had done enough to finally get my elite explorers status and entry to shinrata but its not to be yet, I made a health 60 odd million but only went from 54% pioneer to 87% so still got a bit more exploring to do, got my name on lots more planets though which I enjoy. As yet I am unsure wether to go on a little trip or just head to colonia I could even stay in the bubble for now and destroy some pirates that are hounding traders around Upaniklis just now, when I know what im going to do I will update the log

Heading back to the bubble

I have spent the last few days heading away from the bubble a few thousand ly's and down below the galactic plane until I couldn't find stars close enough to jump to which is around 118ly's with synthesis. I had only planned to stay in the void a few days anyway as I should get to elite status for my exploration with what ive gathered I was at 57% pioneer so if I don't get to elite I will be surprised, once ive sold my data I will spend some time in and around the bubble unlocking engineers then I will prepare for a trip to Colonia and tick that of my list whilst trying to get access to the engineer there

Fun with a furmahole

Found some water ice furmaholes on a planet im on, some streaming high into the sky, I drove over one in my srv and was propelled up around 130 metres luckily its a low gravity world so the journey back down was pretty cool I only took a percent or so hull damage so I had another few goes seeing how far I could get but its time to pack up and leave, the exploration must go on

7 Hellium rich gas giants in one system

In all my time traveling and exploring our galaxy there was one planet type I had never found until today the helium rich gas giants then I find 7 all in one system with around 46 other planets and moons, came as a nice little surprise. The system is NGC 2546 Sector II-A d14-35

Expedition to Guardians sites

The first day I left earth on way to flight training I learned from the transport operatives of the ancient and extinct race called the Guardians and that there were wonders left behind by them, lots of which we still cant understand but some have been taken apart, reverse engineered and mixed with our own tech to create highly advanced propulsion, weapons and other modules the engineers can make for us. Since that first day I have hoped that on my travels I would come across some of these sites or tech, I have travelled a fair amount, landed on numerous beautiful planets whilst hunting resources but never found anything Guardian in nature so instead of hoping for a lucky find during my travels I will instead focus on finding the sites. I expect to be flying back and forth across the bubble and outside it possibly so I will be using my Asp explorer for the good jump range and sturdiness. I hope to follow up this days log with a positive report about my search and return safely soon.

Heading to Witch Head

Have managed to get my FSD upgraded by one of the engineers to extend the range a bit so the journey requires at least a few less jumps. There have been reports of plenty of thargoid barnacles in the Witch Head nebula region which I am needing some of so I will be leaving soon and will report anything unusual or noteworthy on the way.

Thargoids taught me a lesson

10-July-3305 I started out a few weeks ago now, mostly exploring and earning credits through missions, during these I have been attacked and survived most, the ones I didn't I at least put up a fight but today was my first encounter with the Thargoids, I found a non-human signal through the FSS which said Low Level 3 threat so I was confident I could at least get away if I was getting bettered n live to learn and fight another day but I was out-classed by 2 ships using weapons ive never heard about till now, they got something through my shields, a caustic substance that started dissolving away my hull, if I was closer to a station I might have made it back but I was around 360,000LS away, I think I got around 10,000ls from the attack site when the substance breached to much of my hull and the ship went in a glorious ball of plasma. I am going to stick to mostly exploring now until I get a better combat rank and engineer upgrades before I take on the Thargoids again, I advise any other new pilots to do the same, Until next time