CMDR Rigel Chiokis profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
uss chaser [rc-i]
(Type-7 Transporter)
Member since:
1 Jan 2020
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Systems discovered first:
871,866,870 Cr
July 21, 2020

This is an out-of-character entry (in other words, I'm not pretending to be a starship commander, just posting as a player).

There have been several videos on Youtube this past week, pushing the narrative that due to a bug in the most recent patch, mining is DEAD! There's nothing left!!! There's no tritium in the galaxy! Thousands of carriers are stranded all over the black!!

It's just hype (for views?), scare mongering, trolling or out and out whining. Whatever their reasons, it's bull. Yes, the tritium supply in the galaxy was inadvertantly reduced; it was a bug and mistake. Frontier will fix it soon.

I am currently 5720 LY from Sol and I am having no difficulties finding tritium. I jump my carrier pretty much once per day and rarely let the tank drop below 90% full.

Just today, I took my mining ship to the system I reported yesterday, targeted the 1 single hotspot on the first of the three planets with hotspots and got busy. In 50 to 55 minutes, I had fired off all 96 missiles in my SSDM launcher and had 117 tons of tritium in the cargo hold. But I need 180 to bring it back to full, so I synthesized a fresh load of missiles and I will contine mining. Once I get back and fill the tank, it'll be time for my next jump.

I have been finding many rocks with 1 to 4 surface deposits, 1 to 4 sub-surface deposits or a mix of the two. Despite their claims that low temperature diamonds are busted as well, I keep passing over LTD sdd's because... they aren't fuel so why bother? I've also been finding core deposits of anything and everything (but tritium; I don't care as I didn't bring a core mining tool).

So ignore the hype, it just isn't true. Yes, the tritium supply has been reduced but it exists. I have noticed there's almost no tritium available as laser mining, but then, who cares? Laser mining is a silly way to refuel a 1,000 ton tank!

If there are carriers stranded with no fuel, then I would chalk it up to the bad luck of jumping into an area with no hotspots.

I think most of this hype on Youtube really amounts to "waaaah! I can't mine 'the egg' using the fighter reset glitch no more, waaaah! Mining is dead!" One video claiming mining was dead was posted by a guy who created a video on how find and exploit "the egg", so to hear him call "mining dead" is clearly suspect.

Carry on commanders! The tritium is out there. It might take you 10 minutes longer to find it and maybe an extra hour to fill your tank, but you will.

July 20 3306 Carrier Report

So far, Callbase Capricorn has made 34 jumps covering 10,743.76 LY. I would like to thank my captain Vada Galloway for bringing the carrier safely through this trip and managing the crew and civilians with skill and compassion.

July 20 3306 Tritium Report

My explorations in the Rosette Sector yielded the results I was expecting; every system I jumped to was previously explored. Nebulae are popular! I did get several first to map tags though.

Including Rosette Sector FC-L b8-1 8. If you plan to jump a carrier out here, this is one system I managed to find with a tritium hotspot. It's a small icy body with a ring.


Col 107 Sector WH-V b18-2 is the system to aim for if you are jumping your carrier beyond the Rosette Nebula.

Planet 2 1 tritium hotspot

4 x 3 tritium hotspots

5 x 2 tritium hotspots

7 x 2 tritium hotspots

July 19 3306

Today I was mining in Col 107 Sector PV-R b48-0 at planet 11, a gas giant. The tritium hotspot was right on the inner edge of the ring and I saw this beautiful vista out of my window:

Gas Giant and Moons

After filling the tank on Callbase Capricorn, I ordered the bridge to jump us into the Rosette Nebula.

We arrived in Rosette Sector GW-W d1-18 without incident. This is a trinary star system consisting of an F class and two K class stars, no other bodies. This system is roughly the centre of the nebula. A quick check shows the southern edge is just under 80 light years away, so not a huge nebula.

We will be spending some time here exploring systems.

July 18 3306 Tritium Discovered

After scanning another 4 to 6 systems, I came upon Col 107 Sector PV-R b48-0 11, an icy body with a ring, which has a tritium hotspot.

Tomorrow, I will bring Miner 49er over to collect fuel for the carrier.

July 18 3306 Col 107 Sector NE-G d11-44

After the carrier finished its jump, I launched my scout ship, Nebula Asp, and started scouting nearby systems for tritium hotspots.

Acknowledgement: Cmdr. The Hunting Owl was first to discover this system.

The system in the title was the second one I arrived at, 13 bodies total and only 2 do not have a ring.

2 x high metal content (second one has 1 x rocky body satellite) 7 x gas giant with rings (first one has 1 x rocky body satellite) 1 x high metal content with ring (which is the furthest body from the star, interestingly enough)

I am now going to scan those worlds looking for hotspots and will update this report later.

Supplemental: Hotspots (system total)

  • 17 x Monazite
  • 11 x Serendibite
  • 7 x Musgravite
  • 6 x Alexandrite
  • 6 x Benitoite
  • 6 x Painite
  • 4 x Platinum
  • 2 x Rhodplumsite

Sadly, no tritium.

Next system!

July 18 3306

News report from the bubble are talking about a sudden tritium shortage. I guess that's what happens when you flood space with more than 11,000 new fleet carriers.

Today I was able to bring my carrier back up to a full tank, with some left over to put into storage, in just under two hours. So I think the reports about carriers being stranded out in the black are just media hype. Yesterday it only took me 10 minutes to find a hotspot for the mining trip today. I am currently 4,850 LY from home base (Jameson Memorial).

The carrier's next jump is set for Col 107 Sector NK-T b47-5, still moving towards the Rosette Nebula. That sucker is further out than I thought!

While Callbase Capricorn's crew is spooling up the FSD, I'm headed down to Alice's Restaurant in the retail section to get some lunch.

July 17 3306


Phroea Phio PK-U b36-4 9, an icy body, has a ring with 9 hotspots:

1 x tritium 1 x bromelite 3 x grandidierite 2 x void opal 2 x low temperature diamonds

July 17 3306

I've been sitting in Slegeae QE-l b0 for four days now. I spent two days mining, took a day off then finished the mining today. I now have the carrier at full fuel capacity with 28 tons sitting in cargo.

The Callbase Capricorn has been set to jump and I'm just waiting for everything to spool up. We are jumping to Phroea Phio QK-U b36-0. The stars are a little more spread out in that area, so I selected this one as it has about 5 to 8 other stars nearby. One of those systems is bound to have a ringed planet!

July 13 3306

I'm up, I'm dressed, had my first coffee and the Imperial Eagle Eagle Two is on the landing pad, ready to go. Time to get to work!

Day 2 and the Search For Fuel continues!

Supplemental: 16:06 hrs ship time.

The fourth system I entered today and JACKPOT! Cmdr. Genpatsu was the original discoverer of this system.

Slegeae QE-L b0 has a total of 27 bodies; 1 star, 4 gas giants, 22 icy bodies and asteroids cluster. The radius of the system is only 1,128 LS, so everything is close together. All four gas giants have rings and most of the icy bodies are littered with geological sites. This is literally a miner's haven. You could spend weeks here and not exhaust the resources.

Now, off to scan those rings for tritium hotspots.

Supplemental: 16:22 hrs ship time.

Slegeae QE-L b0 2 has two tritium hot spots. Mark this one your map commanders if you plan to bring a carrier out this way. Note: they do not overlap.

Supplemental: 16:37 hrs ship time.

Slegeae QE-L b0 4 has no hotspots at all.