Creación de mapas galácticos > Rutas > The Dead End's Circumnavigation Expedition

A trip around the galaxy, discovering and exploring the wonders the Milky Way has to offer.

The dead End's Circumnavigation Expedition

# System Coordinates Distance
#1 HIP 23759 (Witch Head Science Centre / HIP 23759 Geysers / Witch Head Nebula / Barnacle Sites - Witch Head Nebula) 359.84375 / -385.53125 / -718.375
#2 Crab Sector DL-Y d9 (Station X) 559.625 / -708.0625 / -6947.5625 6.240,73 Ly
#3 3 Geminorum 1996.3125 / 587.5625 / -14027.53125 7.339,53 Ly
#4 Spliehm HW-Y b55-0 15210.5 / 41.09375 / -12661.3125 13.295,86 Ly
#5 Angosk DL-P d5-0 (Distant Angosk) 22107.8125 / -15.40625 / -13375.75 6.934,45 Ly
#6 Hypau Aec IO-Z d13-0 (DSSA Explorer's Bar & Grill / Arms End) 26874.21875 / -18.6875 / -7473.59375 7.586,44 Ly
#7 Angosk OM-W d1-0 (Sepositus Beacon) 22183.28125 / -24.65625 / -13696.59375 7.792,99 Ly
#8 Lyed YJ-I d9-0 (Amundsen's Star) 11007.46875 / 44.84375 / -16899.75 11.626,00 Ly
#9 Hypuae Euq ZK-P d5-0 (Notus - The 'Southern' Meridian) 24.84375 / -16.96875 / -15940.15625 11.024,64 Ly
#10 Aicods KD-K d8-3 (Point Decision) -7684.75 / 13.46875 / -14373.46875 7.867,23 Ly
#11 Syroifoe CL-Y g1 (The Syroifoe Oasis) -15401.5625 / -31.6875 / -6562.59375 10.980,03 Ly
#12 HIP 117078 (PZ Cassiopeiae) -16367.90625 / 46.96875 / -7773.8125 1.551,47 Ly
#13 Spongou FA-A e2 (Spongou Nebula) -18345.625 / -15.46875 / -9967.59375 2.954,31 Ly
#14 Cyuefai BC-D d12-4 (Westpoint Ormand) -30697.34375 / 0.375 / -2.09375 15.870,62 Ly
#15 Cyuefoo LC-D d12-0 (Manifest Destiny - The Western Meridian) -33742.96875 / 53.5 / 26.46875 3.046,22 Ly
#16 Byaa Thoi EW-E d11-0 -35263.6875 / -15.40625 / 3744.4375 4.017,54 Ly
#17 Byaa Thoi GC-D d12-0 (Star One) -35413.03125 / -14.75 / 3821.46875 168,04 Ly
#18 Auzorts NR-N d6-0 -35014.71875 / -17.25 / 8465.59375 4.661,18 Ly
#19 Lyruewry BK-R d4-12 (Banded Azane) -32555.03125 / 73.65625 / 13480.46875 5.586,35 Ly
#20 Hypou Chreou RS-S c17-6 -31195.5625 / 27.9375 / 32975.65625 19.542,58 Ly
#21 Hypiae Brue DI-D c12-0 -38503.59375 / 17.78125 / 35296.5625 7.667,73 Ly
#22 Sphiesi HX-L d7-0 (Erikson's Star) -42213.8125 / -19.21875 / 35418.71875 3.712,41 Ly
#23 Flyae Proae IN-S e4-1 -34295.625 / -141.40625 / 40717.1875 9.528,19 Ly
#24 Footie AA-A g0 (Blue In The Black) -30620.1875 / 171.40625 / 51702.0625 11.587,67 Ly
#25 Oedgaf DL-Y g0 (Rimor Captionem) -31332.96875 / -71.90625 / 53801.4375 2.230,39 Ly
#26 Gria Bloae YE-A g0 -30171.375 / -37.84375 / 54126.5 1.206,70 Ly
#27 Exahn AZ-S d3-8 -13271.875 / 22.3125 / 58183.34375 17.379,72 Ly
#28 Chua Eop ZC-T c20-0 (Lone Star) -2869.59375 / -43.3125 / 58700.40625 10.415,33 Ly
#29 Beagle Point (DSSA Distant Worlds 'Endeavour') -1111.5625 / -134.21875 / 65269.75 6.801,12 Ly
#30 Cheae Eurl AA-A e0 (The Sublustris Beacon) 7632.3125 / 3.625 / 60397.75 10.010,53 Ly
#31 Hyphielia QH-K c22-0 (Silentium Shores) 12660.53125 / 97.125 / 57498.96875 5.804,71 Ly
#32 Praei Bre WO-R d4-3 18362.5625 / 165.53125 / 51831.84375 8.039,54 Ly
#33 Suvua FG-Y f0 (Alatar and Pallando) 22027.15625 / -6.6875 / 49216.5 4.505,43 Ly
#34 Hypaa Byio ZE-A g1 (The Hypaa Byio Buoy) 27969.21875 / -69 / 34973.65625 15.432,78 Ly
#35 Eembaitl DL-Y d13 (Ultima Centauri) 29456.5 / 110.78125 / 29782.0625 5.403,42 Ly
#36 Synookaea MX-L d7-0 29864.59375 / -19.90625 / 12376.90625 17.410,43 Ly
#37 Blea Airgh EI-B d13-1 35822.875 / 7.09375 / 15427.59375 6.693,92 Ly
#38 Ood Fleau ZJ-I d9-0 (Magellan's Star) 40503.8125 / 25.96875 / 17678 5.193,83 Ly
#39 Plae Eur DW-E d11-0 29961.40625 / -9.15625 / -50.4375 20.626,22 Ly
#40 Haffner 18 LSS 27 (Skull & Crossbones Nebula) 13388.4375 / 116.25 / -6775.625 17.885,95 Ly
#41 Achrende 50.90625 / -134.46875 / -67.5 14.931,56 Ly