Noticias galácticas

  • 28 de octubre de 3307
  • Thargoid Fleets Invade Nebula Systems

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    Several inhabited systems in the Pleiades and Witch Head Nebulas have come under attack by large numbers of Thargoid ships.

    An emergency has been declared by the authorities in multiple systems including Asterope, Shenve and Onoros. Thargoid vessels have again targeted starports, with casualties estimated in the many thousands.

    Increased Thargoid activity has also been reported in the California and Coalsack Nebulas. Independent pilots and anti-xeno squadrons are moving to defend the invaded systems and evacuate survivors from damaged starports.

    Aegis is not currently able to assist, as the operational shutdown enforced by the public inquiry has led to many ships and pilots being withdrawn from service. Admiral Aden Tanner, chief military liaison to Aegis, commented:

    “Many of us in Aegis are frustrated that the Baumann Report has tied our hands. I am also convinced that these Thargoids are reacting aggressively to the weapon of mass destruction that Salvation deployed in the Cornsar system. Not only should we be fighting the alien threat, but Salvation must be prevented from escalating the war.”

    The Taurus Mining Ventures megaship Bright Sentinel has moved to the Merope system at Salvation’s request. Reports indicate that tech brokers on board are offering a Guardian-hybrid plasma charger as well as material cost discounts to support the anti-xeno effort.

  • Resources Boost for Torval Mining Ltd

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    Vital materials have been delivered to the EGM 559 system to sustain Senator Zemina Torval’s new corporation.

    The megaship Pride of Bitterwood received multiple shipments of geological equipment, microbial furnaces and mineral extractors. These will be transferred to Torval Orbital in the LTT 198 system, supplying the starport acting as the primary base of operations for Torval's new venture.

    Operations director Constantia Torval announced the campaign’s conclusion:

    “All of us here at Torval Mining Ltd are pleased with the contributions. These supplies will ensure that we meet our first year’s targets and continue providing high-quality services to our customers in the Empire.”

    Torval Mining Ltd was originally a subsidiary of Mastopolos Mining, but became autonomous following a rift between Zemina Torval and her cousins in the Mastopolos family. The two corporations are now commercial rivals in the Empire’s industrial mining market.

    The megaships Champion of Commerce and The House Ascendant have recently jumped to the Laguz and 21 Eridani systems, respectively. These vessels represent part of the corporate fleet recently purchased by Torval Mining Ltd.

  • 26 de octubre de 3307
  • Allianz und Marlinisten wenden sich der Flüchtlingskrise zu

    Die Marlinistenkolonien haben politischen Flüchtlingen, die in den Allianzraum gezogen sind, Hilfe angeboten.

    Letztes Jahr haben die Sicherheitskräfte des Imperiums angefangen, Anhänger des Marlinismus als Verdächtige im Zusammenhang mit der NMLA festzunehmen. Viele prorepublikanische Bürger des Imperiums flohen in die Föderation, einige zogen jedoch in Richtung Allianz.

    Die Situation wurde von Hauptkonsul Kayode Tau vom Marlinistischen Konsulat hervorgehoben:

    "Nach einer verzweifelten Reise, bei der es ums Überleben ging, sind nun über eine Millionen Marlinisten im Allianzterritorium verstreut. Die meisten sind in kleinen Gruppen verteilt und müssen ohne Grundlegende Güter in Verwahrlosung auskommen. Einige Allianz-Systeme haben ihnen Bürgerschaft angeboten, andere jedoch versuchen, sie als illegale Immigranten auszuweisen.

    Das Imperium wünscht die Wiedereinbürgerung dieser Menschen, was für viele harte Verhöre und für andere lebenslange Verfolgung bedeutet. Ich hoffe darauf, mit der Allianz eine Alternative aushandeln zu können – Transport zu den Marlinistenkolonien. Dort werden sie in die demokratische Gesellschaft, die von Gleichgesinnten aufgebaut wurde, mit offenen Armen aufgenommen."

    Botschafter Elijah Beck, Vorsitzender des Amtes für Diplomatie der Allianz, sagte einem Treffen mit Hauptkonsul Tau zu, um nach Lösungen zu suchen. Das Imperiale Diplomatiekorps hat eine Einladung zu dieser Diskussion offiziell abgelehnt.

  • Alliance and Marlinists Address Refugee Crisis

    The Marlinist Colonies have offered to provide help for political refugees who sought sanctuary in Alliance space.

    In 3306, the Empire’s security forces began arresting followers of Marlinism, suspecting them of being linked to the NMLA. Many pro-republican Imperial citizens fled to the Federation, but some set course for the Alliance instead.

    The situation has been highlighted by Prime Consul Kayode Tau of the Marlinist Consulate:

    “Having made a desperate journey for survival, over a million Marlinists are now dispersed across Alliance territory. Most are clustered in small groups, lacking basic supplies and facing extreme deprivation. Some Alliance systems have offered citizenship, but others are attempting to expel them as illegal immigrants.”

    “The Empire wishes to repatriate these people, which means harsh interrogation for some and lifelong persecution for others. I hope to negotiate with the Alliance to arrange an alternative – transportation to the Marlinist Colonies. There they will be welcomed into the democratic society established by their brethren.”

    Ambassador Elijah Beck, head of the Alliance Office of Diplomatic Relations, has agreed to meet with Prime Consul Tau to examine solutions. The Imperial Diplomatic Corps officially refused an invitation to join this discussion.

  • 25 de octubre de 3307
  • Senators Offer to Protect Hadrian Duval

    The recent NMLA attack in the Paresa system has encouraged the Imperial Senate to reach out to Imperator Hadrian Duval.

    An official pronouncement was made by Senator Caspian Leopold:

    “A majority of us believe that preserving the Duval bloodline is paramount for the future of the Empire. Hadrian Duval is not officially a member of the Imperial Family but he is the grandson of Emperor Hengist, meaning his as-yet unborn child is also of royal lineage.”

    “The NMLA has already murdered many Duvals, including Prince Harold. Indeed, Hadrian himself barely survived an assassination attempt last year. It’s clear that the Empire can provide greater security than he currently has, and it is our duty to do so.”

    “Therefore, we propose making both Hadrian and Lady Astrid wards of the Senate. They will be placed under the highest level of protection, at least until this grave threat has abated.”

    Imperator Hadrian Duval is currently holding discussions with a delegation from the Senate. Political observers believe that their proposal may be conditional on him severing ties with Nova Imperium, an isolationist organisation that was once outlawed in the Empire.

    Independent newsfeeds have speculated that since the NMLA’s terror campaign began, Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval has been under similar senatorial protection and performing her duties from a secure location.

  • 22 de octubre de 3307
  • Scriveners-Clan leistet Orion University Widerstand

    Der raumfahrende, an Bord eines uralten Dredgers lebende Stamm hat der Orion University die Übernahme ihres Schiffs verweigert.

    Vox Galactica veröffentlichte einen Augenzeugenbericht vom freischaffenden Reporter Casey Kilpatrick im System Oochost PC-C c29-0:

    "Nachdem der Scriveners Clan gefunden wurde, dauerte es nicht lange bis die Orion University da war. Ihr Megaschiff, die Scientia Aeterna, setzte den Hyperantrieb des Dredgers mit Hilfe einer Serie von Admin-Codes außer Betrieb. Diese hatte man aus den Universitätsarchiven zusammen mit den Beweisen, dass das Schiff, welches im Jahr 3088 als Dredger J-403 in Betrieb genommen wurde, ihr Eigentum ist.

    Auch wenn sie nicht in der Lage sind, zu entkommen, haben die Scriveners sich entschieden, sich zur Wehr zu setzen. Alle Kommunikationsanfragen wurden vollkommen ignoriert. Ich habe gesehen, wie verschiedene Schiffe versuchten, am Dredger zu docken, nur um auf geschlossene Luftschleusen oder eine elektrifizierte Hülle zu stoßen.

    Es scheint klar, dass diese Leute nicht willens sind, ihre Heimat nur aufgrund jahrhundertealter Gesetze aufzugeben. Es ist auch offensichtlich, dass die Orion University an mehr interessiert ist, als nur ihr verlorenes Eigentum wiederzugewinnen ...

    Die Scriveners besitzen etwas, das sie als 'Wissensbasis' bezeichnen. Dieser enthält alles, was diese Gelehrtengesellschaft während ihrer langen Reise gelernt hat. Welche Entdeckungen diese Datenbank wohl enthält? Und wie weit die Universität wohl gehen wird, um diese in ihre Finger zu kriegen?"

  • Scriveners Clan Resists Orion University

    The spacefaring tribe that lives aboard an ancient dredger has refused to allow Orion University to take possession of the vessel.

    Vox Galactica published an eye-witness account by freelance reporter Casey Kilpatrick from the Oochost PC-C c29-0 system:

    “Once the Scriveners Clan was found, it wasn’t long before Orion University arrived. Their megaship, Scientia Aeterna, remotely disabled the dredger’s hyperdrive using a series of override codes. These had been unearthed from the university’s archives, along with evidence that the ship – commissioned in 3088 as Dredger J-403 – legally belongs to them.”

    “Despite being unable to escape, the Scriveners have made a stand. All requests to communicate were roundly ignored. I’ve watched several craft try to dock with the dredger, only to be met with sealed airlocks and an electrified hull.”

    “It’s clear that these people are unwilling to give up their home simply because of centuries-old legislation. But it’s also apparent that Orion University is interested in more than just reclaiming lost property…”

    “The Scriveners possess something that they refer to as a Knowledge Core, which contains everything that this scholarly society has learned during its long voyage. What discoveries might this database contain? And how far will the university go to get their hands on it?”

  • 21 de octubre de 3307
  • Torval Mining Ltd Requests Resources

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    Senator Zemina Torval’s new corporation requires deliveries of commodities to its megaship in the EGM 559 system.

    Constantia Torval, the senator’s daughter and operations director of the company, provided details of the initiative:

    “Now that we are a fully independent business, additional resources are urgently needed to continue providing services to the Empire. My goal is to ensure that the Torval name remains synonymous with efficiency and dedication.”

    “Shipments of geological equipment, microbial furnaces and mineral extractors can be delivered to the megaship Pride of Bitterwood in the EGM 559 system. From there, they will be transferred to our headquarters at Torval Orbital in LTT 198.”

    The Pride of Bitterwood is part of a corporate fleet recently purchased by Torval Mining Ltd. Most are currently in the LTT 198 system being outfitted for mining and transport operations. Business analysts believe that these megaships were funded by Zemina Torval after selling the majority of her shares in Mastopolos Mining.

  • 20 de octubre de 3307
  • Federal Agents Crush Jupiter Division Extremists

    A pro-corporatist group planning a series of terror attacks has been shut down by the Federal Intelligence Agency.

    An update on the operation was delivered by Deputy Director Bethany Blake, who runs the Proactive Detection Bureau:

    “Special forces have now arrested the organisers of the underground organisation called Jupiter’s Wrath. This was a collection of citizens radicalised by Jupiter Rochester into believing that they could replace democratically elected leaders with corporate overlords.”

    “This successful operation was only possible thanks to information provided by the PDB. Without this surveillance network, we would be entirely unaware of Jupiter’s Wrath and many leading politicians may have lost their lives.”

    “Our analysts are now updating the PDB’s algorithms to highlight citizens who are at risk of radicalisation. We will prevent domestic terrorism by identifying those being corrupted by hostile ideologies.”

    In response, Congressman Bai Zheng was quoted in The Federal Times:

    “This is an unnerving development in the PDB’s evolution. It’s also what many of us in Congress feared. We are not targeting people who have committed a crime, but people whose personal opinions are unpalatable to the government.”

  • 19 de octubre de 3307
  • Jokers’ Deck Hunts the Winking Cat

    Francesca Wolfe of the Wallglass Investigations Agency has sent a final report from her infiltration of the secretive gambling circle.

    “The bad news is that Jokers’ Deck security caught up with me as I was trying to sneak onboard a ship to get off-planet. The good news is that they didn’t gun me down, or even threaten to press charges. Instead, they offered me a job!”

    “Lexi October, the current host, was surprisingly gracious. Turns out she’s a fan of the Galactic Mysteries pieces that Gunnarson and I run, but more importantly, she believes we could give her what she really wants – the Winking Cat.”

    “She explained that the Joker playing card that was stolen is hugely symbolic to the group, having belonged to its original founder. She also assured me that Jokers’ Deck is extremely private but not criminal. Its members sign legal waivers, and there is a strict honour code to ensure all bets are paid.”

    “So, Lexi October wants to hire us to track down the infamous Winking Cat thief and retrieve the ceremonial playing card. This may also be a way for her to save face with her fellow super-rich gamblers, who are understandably unhappy about the exposure.”

    Erik Gunnarson, Wolfe’s detective partner, added:

    “It’s a huge relief that Wolfe is safe, but what has she got us into now? Will we really be able to catch the Winking Cat? I wouldn’t bet on it.”

  • 18 de octubre de 3307
  • Scriveners Clan Dredger Located

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    The dredger inhabited by the nomadic Scriveners Clan has been found within the Oochost PC-C c29-0 system.

    Independent pilots conducted a search for the vessel in response to a request from Orion University, which claims that the Dredger-class bulk cruiser is its commercial property.

    Vice Chancellor Leland Pettigrew announced the operation’s success:

    “Congratulations to the pilots who managed to locate Dredger J-403. The university will shortly dispatch a megaship to take ownership and arrange repatriation for its current occupants.”

    The dredger is currently orbiting an ice world in the Oochost PC-C c29-0 system. It is believed to be collecting raw material from planetary rings to sustain its onboard systems, a design feature that allows it to remain self-sufficient indefinitely.

    There has been no communication with the Scriveners Clan, the spacefaring tribe descended from an academic institute that was later absorbed into Orion University. It is known that they shun contact with all outsiders to protect their Knowledge Core, a repository of research conducted over the past two centuries.

  • 15 de octubre de 3307
  • NMLA Aims to ‘Extinguish the Duval Line’

    The Neo-Marlinist Liberation Army has taken responsibility for the attack on Dyson City starport in the Paresa system.

    The primary targets were Imperator Hadrian Duval and his wife Lady Astrid Minerva-Duval, who is pregnant with his child. Although they survived, the bombing left many thousands dead and injured.

    The following message was sent across NMLA propaganda channels:

    “As long as a single Duval is left alive, the Republic of Achenar cannot be rebuilt. It is our duty to extinguish that entire line and free our people from Imperial oppression.”

    Praetor Leo Magnus gave a statement on behalf of ACT:

    “It is significant that this latest broadcast is not from Theta Seven, the NMLA’s mouthpiece and de facto leader. We believe that Theta Group – the team of weaponsmiths that built the caustic enzyme bombs – has split in two.”

    “According to the communications we intercepted, Theta Seven and half of his followers went into hiding after the attacks against the Marlinist Colonies in July. The others continued their terror campaign and were responsible for this latest atrocity. ACT is currently pursuing leads and hopes to learn more soon.”

    Nova Imperium has repeated a call for pilots to help rescue survivors from Dyson City in the Paresa system.

  • 14 de octubre de 3307
  • Colonia Bridge Project Receives Deliveries

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    Twin initiatives in the Alcor and Colonia systems have procured materials to construct new dockable megaships.

    Brewer Corporation made an announcement regarding its Colonia Bridge project:

    “A positive response has led to generous shipments of ceramic composites, computer components and thermal cooling units being received. As a result, Brewer Corporation can now commence work on enhancing the transportation infrastructure between the core systems and the Colonia region.”

    “Thanks to the dedication of the galactic community, 30 dockable megaships will be placed along the Colonia Bridge route by the 28th of October. These will serve as stationary ports, providing vital facilities for travellers. Planning is already underway for the second phase of this project, placing further megaships every four to five hundred light years working out from the Alcor and Colonia systems.”

    “Payment for contributing pilots is now available at Macdonald Settlement in the Alcor system and Jaques Station in the Colonia system. Both starports also offer a temporary discount on purchasing and outfitting to owners of our Drake-class Carriers.”

    Brewer Corporation will soon be reaching out to the top ten pilots from both the Alcor and Colonia initiatives, to provide naming suggestions for the dockable megaships being placed on the route to Colonia. Submissions will be subject to review by the Brewer Corporation board of directors.

  • Orion University Searches for Dredger

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    Rewards are being offered by Orion University to locate the Scriveners Clan dredger, which it claims as its legal property.

    The self-sustaining Dredger-class bulk cruiser was launched two centuries ago by an academic institute that was later absorbed by the university. Since then the dredger has become the home for a nomadic tribe called the Scriveners Clan, which refuses contact with all outsiders.

    Vice Chancellor Leland Pettigrew told the media:

    “Orion University is willing to reward pilots who can pinpoint the dredger’s current location. We believe it is still within 500 light years of the Perseus Dark Region KC-V c2-2 system.”

    “Pilots who are interested in helping should first dock at Ring Mine station in the 2MASS J03291977+3124572 system, to automatically sign up to the search operation. Our associates at the starport, Deep Space Mining, will provide further information including details of the reward.”

  • Terrorist Attack at Hadrian Duval’s HQ

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    Explosions have struck Dyson City starport in the Paresa system, home of Hadrian Duval’s organisation Nova Imperium.

    The starport suffered severe structural damage plus the corrosive effects of caustic enzymes, characteristic of the customised weapons used by the NMLA. Initial reports state that over fifteen thousand people have been killed and a similar number injured.

    The following statement was issued by Praetor Leo Magnus, the former head of security for Nova Imperium who was seconded to ACT:

    “Shortly before this attack, my team intercepted a communication between suspected Neo-Marlinist supporters. This referred to an imminent attempt to kill Imperator Hadrian Duval, Lady Astrid Minerva-Duval and their unborn child.”

    “I immediately ordered the Praetorian Guard to move the Imperator’s family off-station, which was achieved minutes before the bombs detonated. I am pleased to report that they survived this brutal attack, but unfortunately the remaining population could not have been evacuated in time.”

    A state of emergency has been declared in the Paresa system, with an urgent request for independent pilots to assist with rescuing survivors from Dyson City starport.

    The Empire confirmed that as per the Treaty of Paresa, it will provide military and medical support to Nova Imperium. ACT is performing investigations to learn more about the attack.

  • 13 de octubre de 3307
  • Federal Terrorist Network Exposed

    The Proactive Detection Bureau has been instrumental in identifying violent corporatist extremists within the Federation.

    Deputy Director Bethany Blake of the Federal Intelligence Agency gave a statement to the media:

    “In recent weeks, our surveillance algorithms flagged a series of coded communications for investigation. We found that a network of radicalised citizens were discussing plans to assassinate members of Congress and leading political figures.”

    “This movement, which calls itself Jupiter’s Wrath, is inspired by Jupiter Rochester’s failed attempt to enable corporations to directly rule the Federation. Their goal was to enact revenge on those who they consider to be the ‘enemies of Jupiter Division’.”

    “Using data intercepted by the Proactive Detection Bureau, FIA agents performed a series of coordinated strikes in several Federal systems. Over a thousand armed extremists were arrested before they could act. We are currently working to identify the remaining Jupiter’s Wrath members.”

    Vice President Jerome Archer claimed that this was further validation of the Domestic Counter-Terrorism Act, which permitted the PDB to be established. However, Shadow President Felicia Winters commented:

    “I commend the FIA for performing their duties. But I also question the timing of this operation, coming so soon after President Hudson’s appallingly reckless attempt to capture Yuri Grom. To me it seems calculated to show his administration in a positive light, while ignoring the violation of citizens’ privacy.”

  • Orion University Claims Ownership of Dredger

    The ancient spacefaring home of the Scriveners Clan is the legal property of Orion University, according to newfound historical records.

    The Scriveners Clan is a nomadic tribe travelling onboard a self-sufficient Dredger-class bulk cruiser. Their society is descended from an academic organisation that sent out a research fleet two centuries ago. Unlike some dredger clans, they refuse to have any contact with outsiders.

    Vice Chancellor Leland Pettigrew of Orion University made this statement:

    “In the year 3088, Dredger J-403 was commissioned for an exploration mission by an academic institute named Scrivener College. This was absorbed into our university in 3125. Documents detailing these facts were recently discovered in our archives and verified by the courts.”

    “Therefore the dredger, including all of its contents, is legally owned by Orion University. Naturally we bear no ill will toward its current populace, but the vessel they inhabit has always been our commercial property.”

    The Scriveners Clan dredger was last seen in the Perseus Dark Region KC-V c2-2 system, where it was salvaging the Hesperus megaship. On the 9th of July it made a hyperspace jump to an unknown destination within 500 light years.

    Orion University is the largest independent educational institution in the core systems, rivalled only by the Imperial Science Academy and Olympus Village University.

  • 12 de octubre de 3307
  • Jokers’ Deck Hit by Art Thief

    The secretive gambling circle of the super-rich has been raided by the notorious criminal known only as the Winking Cat.

    The information was revealed by Francesca Wolfe of the Wallglass Investigations Agency, who infiltrated the event. Her report, which was relayed from an unidentified location, has been published by her fellow detective Erik Gunnarson.

    “I’m not sure this will reach Gunnarson, but I must try. After the security alert the staff started getting their IDs checked, which might have revealed mine to be fake. I managed to slip out of the warehouse and into an abandoned industrial district. I still don’t know what planet I’m on, but I’ve found an old comms transmitter to send this message.”

    “Before I escaped, I learned what had caused the alert. There was a VIP ceremony involving the group’s most precious possession: an ancient Joker playing card. Apparently this has been passed between senior members of Jokers’ Deck for centuries, always held by the current host. But when Lexi October publicly unveiled the card, she found it had been replaced by one showing a different graphic – a winking cat.”

    “It’s two years since we’ve heard from the galaxy’s greatest larcenist, but there’s no doubt that only the Winking Cat’s legendary skills could have circumvented their security systems. I’m fascinated that a battered scrap of card has greater value than any of the billion-credit items being wagered here.”

    “Guards are searching for the thief now. I hope I can get off-world before they find me instead. They’re armed to the teeth and not in the mood to talk…”

  • 8 de octubre de 3307
  • Corporate Split between Mastopolos and Torval

    Senator Zemina Torval’s company Torval-Mastopolos Mining has become fully independent from its parent corporation.

    The former subsidiary of Mastopolos Mining has officially rebranded itself as Torval Mining Ltd. Zemina Torval is listed as its CEO, with her eldest daughter remaining as operations director. The starport Torval Orbital in the LTT 198 system serves as the company’s headquarters.

    Business correspondent Anton Lagorio reported for The Imperial Herald:

    “Although Torval Mining Ltd is now an independent company, shares are legally transferable between it and Mastopolos Mining. This has allowed loyal supporters of both Zemina Torval and Gabriella Mastopolos to flock to each other’s banner. As a result, Torval Mining Ltd has acquired many ships, staff and resources from its former parent.”

    “There have been assurances that the split was amicable and in line with Imperial traditions of honourable conduct. Constantia Torval has promised customers that mining and transportation services would be maintained to the same high standard.”

    “Speculation continues over what caused this unexpected rift between the Torval and Mastopolos families. It seems that Zemina Torval is focusing on providing benefits for her own children and grandchildren, rather than her cousins on the Mastopolos side, but the reason for this change of heart remains unclear.”

  • 7 de octubre de 3307
  • Yuri Grom Victorious Against Federation

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    The battle between Delta Pavonis Galactic Interstellar and EG Union has concluded successfully for Yuri Grom’s forces.

    Freelance war correspondent Karleen Troy reported via Vox Galactica:

    “For the past week, the Delta Pavonis system has been aflame with ship-to-ship engagements. But despite a fierce effort from Federal auxiliaries, EG Union was able to muster superior numbers.”

    “Eventually the Federal flagship, Freedom’s Foundation, was boarded. I picked up comms chatter that described intense fighting before EG Union soldiers overran Federal troops. Since then I’ve learned that Yuri Grom has agreed to let the surviving crewmembers leave, but is claiming the megaship as ‘spoils of war’.”

    The following message was sent by Yuri Grom on public channels:

    “President Hudson has revealed his true nature as the corrupt heart of the Federation’s rotting carcass. This treachery will not be forgotten.”

    Pilots who supported Yuri Grom can collect their rewards from the Indomitable megaship. Delta Pavonis Galactic Interstellar confirmed that although the Freedom’s Foundation is now under EG Union control, reimbursement for all Commanders who fought for Delta Pavonis Galactic Interstellar will be processed remotely by the 9th of October 3307.