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Beautifully lonely


Enjoying the view

And beautifully lonely...

Beautifully lonely

Past the 12k ly mark on my way to Void's Brink

So, still on my way to Void's Brink and I've just past the 12k ly mark from Sol. And just when I thought this part of the galaxy was really boring, I found a system with two earth like worlds that hadn't been discovered yet! And, within a few light years, two neutron stars :-) So, overcharging my FSD and jumping 200ly+ in a few minutes. If you don't hear from me again, I'm probably part of one of the stars ;-)

About to land, close to sunrise

It's getting hot in here...

Well, that was my first serious booboo... Didn't pay attention after scooping fuel and flew right at the star :-( Ended up with all my modules and hull down one or two percent of health. Been able to repair everything but the power plant. Even reboot/repair doesn't fix that, apparently. Very happy I took AFMUs and repair limpets with me on the journey :-)

A bit too close for comfort

The galaxy is.. well... a bit boring really.

8100 ly into my trip to Void's Brink. And I must say, I haven't encountered much exiting yet. Some Stellar Phenomena. That was cool. Never seen metal crystals the size of a town before! But for the rest, the most exiting were some water worlds, some even terraformable. The strange thing is, I jump into a lot of uninteresting systems where I am the first human to go there. But for almost all interesting systems (i.e. high exploration payout), someone has beaten me to it. It happens so often, that I can't help but thinking that something fishy is going on. Do they have some technology that allows them to scan for planets in nearby systems? I'll keep exploring... a little under 1800 ly to go to the 10k-ly-from-home-mark!

Entering the Outer Orion Spur. 41k ly to go...

I've left the Inner Orion Spur and just entered the Outer Orion Spur :-) 4200ly into my trip to Void's Brink, about 41k ly to go... Not too may shocking things along the way, but I do see changes in the galaxy around me. The systems have more and more distance between them, so the shortest jumps are now around 15-17ly. And I'm finding less and less systems that have been discovered by others. Maybe one in 8-10 systems now. So, I'm the first human to visit a lot of systems. The thought humbles me. Hoping to find some interresting new stuff in this next region of space. I'll let you all know!

Entering the Outer Orion Spur

Gone for a while... heading for Void's Brink

After a lot of exploration in and around the Orion Spur, I finally decided to go for the long haul. Bought myself an Anaconda, fitted it for exploration purposes, tuned it to 60ly jumps and picked a destination. It's Void's Brink or Chanoa QK-C d14-0, at the most northern point of the Perseus Arm tip. Distance? A little over 43k ly. Travel time? Well, let's just say I won't be there tomorrow. The fastest route costs me around 850 jumps; I guess there will be a lot more in the end. So: gone for a while!

O, I've brought FT limpets, so if you run out and I'm "around", let me know ;-)