Cartographie Galactique > Routes > Hugos High Road (Perseus Arm to Outer Arm Vacuus for Anaconda)

Longest jump: 87.99 lightyears.
Jumps on fumes: 5
Grade 1 boosted jumps: 13
Grade 2 boosted jumps: 0
Grade 3 boosted jumps: 0
Number of jumps: 88

When I was in the Outer Arm Vacuus I realized that I had to take a long detour back to the north-south meridian to be able to cross the gap to the Perseus Arm. I was too afraid to get stranded in the infinite void between these two arms.

Thus I've coded a python-tool which takes the EDSM data to find a route from a start- to an endpoint.

The tool was build to find a route which needs as few jumponium boosted jumps as possible. It takes of course just stars into account which were reported to EDSM.

However, this is meant for fearful travelers like myself, that want to know if a way can be found at all with the given ship in a region with low star density and how many boosted jumps are needed.

Hugos High Road now is a route which crosses the afore mentioned gap.

It was calculated with a typical budget-exploration Anaconda in mind. Coriolis
The Anaconda has a Guardian Frame Shift Drive Booster but just the FSD was engineered. This gives a (laden) jump range of 71.47 lightyears.

I don't claim that I have found this passage myself. Hence I provide the name(s) of the (EDSM) discoverer(s) of the stars of the route. However, this information is not always available in the nigthly dumps data. In this case I use the name found in the system description.

ATTENTION: Before a jump on fumes is needed, check if the star to be jumped to is actually scoopable! This information is not available for all stars in the EDSM data and just provided if it is.

# System Coordinates Distance
#1 Hypi Aewsy ZE-G c24-0 15015.90625 / -22.96875 / -7701.3125
#2 Hypi Aewsy WY-H c23-0 15073.4375 / -23.9375 / -7729.71875 64,17 Ly
#3 Hypi Aewsy NM-L c21-0 15054.4375 / -9.28125 / -7794.3125 68,91 Ly
#4 Hypi Aewsy JG-N c20-0 15039.6875 / -7.40625 / -7826.53125 35,48 Ly
#5 Hypi Aewsy EQ-G d10-0 14978.5 / -11.3125 / -7856.25 68,13 Ly
#6 Hypi Aewsy AF-R e4-0 14994.8125 / 1.21875 / -7919.3125 66,33 Ly
#7 Hypi Aewsy XN-S c17-0 15024.625 / 11.71875 / -7949.03125 43,38 Ly
#8 Hypi Aewsy TH-U c16-0 15046.375 / -11.6875 / -8003.90625 63,50 Ly
#9 Hypi Aewsy ZN-S c17-0 15097.65625 / -24.40625 / -7981.125 57,54 Ly
#10 Hypi Aewsy CK-I d9-0 15145.8125 / -18.71875 / -7940.6875 63,14 Ly
#11 Hypi Aewsy BO-S c17-0 15175.15625 / -19.71875 / -7982.09375 50,76 Ly
#12 Hypi Aewsy ZD-K d8-0 15226.15625 / -17.625 / -8011.15625 58,74 Ly
#13 Dryafo RT-O d7-1 15215.375 / -35.09375 / -8067.875 60,32 Ly
#14 Hypi Aewsy VX-L d7-0 15229.5 / -20.09375 / -8097.65625 36,21 Ly
#15 Hypi Aewsy VX-L d7-1 15275.34375 / 9.59375 / -8076.09375 58,72 Ly
#16 Hypao Aewsy EC-M d7-1 15300.09375 / 62.0625 / -8092.0625 60,17 Ly
#17 Hypao Aewsy GX-L d7-0 15334.28125 / 43.5625 / -8037.40625 67,07 Ly
#18 Hypao Aewsy JI-K d8-0 15376.53125 / 67.03125 / -8022.3125 50,63 Ly
#19 Hypao Aewsy FC-M d7-0 15384.0625 / 63.09375 / -8091.03125 69,24 Ly
#20 Hypao Aewsy DR-N d6-0 15429.21875 / 51.1875 / -8135.71875 64,64 Ly
#21 Hypao Aewsy CW-N d6-0 15462.65625 / 69.09375 / -8171.3125 52,02 Ly
#22 Hypao Aewsy AL-P d5-0 15515.5625 / 38.0625 / -8193.375 65,18 Ly
#23 Hypao Aewsy FR-N d6-0 15549.5 / -17.625 / -8183.9375 65,89 Ly
#24 Hypao Aewsy BL-P d5-1 15606.84375 / -14.40625 / -8201.09375 59,94 Ly
#25 Hypao Aewsy CL-P d5-1 15666.28125 / 17.3125 / -8222.625 70,73 Ly
#26 Hypao Aewsy DL-P d5-0 15697.25 / -22.28125 / -8254.5 59,52 Ly
#27 Hypao Aewsy ZE-R d4-0 15700.25 / -20.71875 / -8336.59375 82,16 Ly
#28 Hypao Aewsy UY-S d3-0 15675.25 / 7.40625 / -8410.9375 83,32 Ly
#29 Hypao Aewsy QS-U d2-0 15688.8125 / 53.9375 / -8484.375 87,99 Ly
#30 Hypao Aewsy RS-U d2-0 15708.09375 / -22.40625 / -8496.65625 79,69 Ly
#31 Hypoi Hypue II-Z d1-0 15673.90625 / -54.96875 / -8525.71875 55,44 Ly
#32 Hypoi Hypue NO-X d2-0 15698.59375 / -95.9375 / -8497.9375 55,31 Ly
#33 Hypoi Hypue PJ-X d2-0 15743.4375 / -154.40625 / -8494.1875 73,78 Ly
#34 Hypoi Hypue LD-Z d1-0 15717.75 / -159.21875 / -8554.53125 65,76 Ly
#35 Hypoi Hypue JI-Z d1-0 15705.46875 / -96.53125 / -8580.9375 69,12 Ly
#36 Hypoi Hypue FC-B d1-0 15760.15625 / -42.90625 / -8622.25 87,02 Ly
#37 Hypao Aewsy KG-Y d0 15781.15625 / -16.28125 / -8660.75 51,30 Ly
#38 Hypao Aewsy GA-A d0 15811.125 / -7.25 / -8722.71875 69,42 Ly
#39 Hypao Aewsy HA-A d0 15867.40625 / -22.9375 / -8740.46875 61,06 Ly
#40 Dryeae Ain PO-Z d13-0 15867.3125 / -24.84375 / -8817.84375 77,40 Ly
#41 Dryeae Ain LI-B d13-0 15857.5 / -18.28125 / -8899.84375 82,85 Ly
#42 Dryeae Ain GC-D d12-0 15828.90625 / -15.59375 / -8973.75 79,29 Ly
#43 Dryeae Ain HC-D d12-0 15857.6875 / -14.25 / -8973.28125 28,82 Ly
#44 Dryeae Ain DW-E d11-0 15856.125 / -14.25 / -9058.90625 85,64 Ly
#45 Dryeae Ain ZP-G d10-0 15869.46875 / -13.25 / -9144.5 86,63 Ly
#46 Dryeae Ain AQ-G d10-0 15942.0625 / -20.6875 / -9130.25 74,35 Ly
#47 Dryeae Ain WJ-I d9-0 16003.3125 / -13.84375 / -9155.3125 66,53 Ly
#48 Dryeae Ain XJ-I d9-0 16024 / -10.96875 / -9219.0625 67,08 Ly
#49 Dryeae Ain TD-K d8-0 16026.78125 / -12.90625 / -9299.90625 80,91 Ly
#50 Dryeae Ain UD-K d8-0 16103.5 / -11.21875 / -9295.9375 76,84 Ly
#51 Dryeae Ain QX-L d7-0 16151.375 / -24.96875 / -9311.59375 52,21 Ly
#52 Dryeae Ain RX-L d7-0 16176.75 / -12.1875 / -9378.125 72,34 Ly
#53 Gongau JN-Q d6-0 16201.78125 / -52.375 / -9419.84375 63,10 Ly
#54 Dryeae Ain NR-N d6-0 16178.46875 / -21.5625 / -9456.21875 53,07 Ly
#55 Gongau FH-S d5-0 16228.15625 / -50.78125 / -9495.5 69,75 Ly
#56 Gongau GH-S d5-0 16259.6875 / -100.25 / -9534.25 70,31 Ly
#57 Gongau EW-T d4-0 16295.65625 / -151.125 / -9565 69,48 Ly
#58 Gongau JC-S d5-0 16348.6875 / -170.75 / -9539.46875 62,04 Ly
#59 Gongau FW-T d4-0 16402.40625 / -170.78125 / -9586.5 71,40 Ly
#60 Gongau IR-T d4-0 16425.5 / -185.4375 / -9588.71875 27,44 Ly
#61 Gongau KC-S d5-0 16464.0625 / -157.9375 / -9543.90625 65,20 Ly
#62 Gongau LC-S d5-0 16506.28125 / -183.90625 / -9530.875 51,25 Ly
#63 Gongau NX-R d5-0 16537.09375 / -197.71875 / -9471.15625 68,60 Ly
#64 Gongau PI-Q d6-0 16569 / -155.09375 / -9421 73,15 Ly
#65 Gongo CT-O d7-0 16576.6875 / -96.90625 / -9383.90625 69,43 Ly
#66 Gongau RT-O d7-0 16506.96875 / -92 / -9373.09375 70,72 Ly
#67 Gongau MN-Q d6-0 16456.34375 / -64.75 / -9404.46875 65,50 Ly
#68 Dryeae Ain VX-L d7-0 16496.5 / -12.59375 / -9381.21875 69,81 Ly
#69 Dryeae Ain RR-N d6-0 16508.4375 / -10.09375 / -9453.28125 73,09 Ly
#70 Dryeae Ain NL-P d5-0 16549.40625 / 33.4375 / -9490.90625 70,63 Ly
#71 Dryeae Ain LQ-P d5-0 16509.28125 / 59.28125 / -9534.84375 64,87 Ly
#72 Dryeae Ain JF-R d4-1 16516.3125 / 54.96875 / -9598.0625 63,75 Ly
#73 Dryeae Ain DE-T d3-0 16528 / 68.21875 / -9663.5625 67,84 Ly
#74 Jongoo OD-T d3-0 16589.4375 / 65.84375 / -9701.15625 72,07 Ly
#75 Dryeae Ain FZ-S d3-1 16574.28125 / 0.53125 / -9704.4375 67,13 Ly
#76 Jongoo MS-U d2-1 16576.34375 / -13.75 / -9772.9375 70,00 Ly
#77 Dryeae Ain XM-W d1-0 16550.09375 / -1.46875 / -9827.5 61,78 Ly
#78 Dryeae Ain XM-W d1-1 16564.375 / 9.5 / -9853.4375 31,58 Ly
#79 Jongoo NS-U c2-0 16621.46875 / 0.96875 / -9894.1875 70,66 Ly
#80 Jongoo SY-S c3-0 16671.78125 / -2.84375 / -9851.4375 66,13 Ly
#81 Jongoo FG-Y d1 16724.84375 / -9.25 / -9868.6875 56,16 Ly
#82 Jongoo YE-R c4-0 16760.875 / -13.40625 / -9813.84375 65,75 Ly
#83 Jongoo PS-U d2-0 16819.5 / -14.4375 / -9777.625 68,92 Ly
#84 Jongoo FL-P c5-0 16855.53125 / -22.46875 / -9782.78125 37,27 Ly
#85 Jongoo KR-N c6-0 16896 / -19.34375 / -9739.8125 59,11 Ly
#86 Jongoo PX-L c7-0 16936.0625 / -20.1875 / -9703.1875 54,29 Ly
#87 Jongoo UY-S d3-1 16952.9375 / -9.6875 / -9687.53125 25,30 Ly
#88 Jongoo VY-S d3-1 17021.84375 / -15.84375 / -9677.59375 69,89 Ly