Cartographie Galactique > Routes > Exploring the Galactic East

In this expedition, we will venture to the farthest eastern reaches of the galaxy. The Expedition will begin in Anyanwu.

The voyage begins in Anyanwu on 30/7/3307.

# System Coordinates Distance
#1 Anyanwu 32.15625 / 23.09375 / 32.1875
#2 R Monocerotis (Hubble's Variable Nebula) 1210.3125 / 68.03125 / -2744.1875 3 016,34 Ly
#3 Haffner 18 LSS 27 (Skull & Crossbones Nebula) 13388.4375 / 116.25 / -6775.625 12 828,15 Ly
#4 Plae Thaa NH-V d2-9 (Nye's Bowtie) 17140.125 / 233.25 / -3366.125 5 070,85 Ly
#5 Plae Eur IC-D d12-0 (Pernicious - The 'Eastern' Meridian) 30017.21875 / -21.0625 / -11.78125 13 309,24 Ly
#6 Blaei Eun CF-E b39-0 (Gates Of Alighieri) 32820.3125 / -3.4375 / 4895.1875 5 651,19 Ly
#7 Ausain CO-S c17-2 (Fly By Ice) 38282.46875 / -4.5625 / 15091.5625 11 567,25 Ly
#8 Ood Fleau ZJ-I d9-0 (Magellan's Star) 40503.8125 / 25.96875 / 17678 3 409,54 Ly
#9 Chanoa QK-C d14-0 (Void's Brink) 39307.25 / -92.4375 / 19338.375 2 050,03 Ly
#10 Dryeou Flaae OM-W d1-4 (Pamplemousse) 37535.78125 / 34.5625 / 18347.09375 2 033,93 Ly
#11 Prea Aick MO-Z d13-2 (King Midas) 32320.25 / -12.59375 / 11724.78125 8 429,65 Ly
#12 Hyuedau LV-Y d34 (Malcolm's World) 20197.8125 / 284.21875 / -965.4375 17 552,30 Ly
#13 Gludgou QT-H d10-0 (The Gludgou Plates) 14839.03125 / 493.5 / -3954.40625 6 139,57 Ly
#14 Phrua Phoe QK-F d11-5 (Pharos X10) 14017.75 / -1029.5 / -3903.4375 1 731,08 Ly
#15 Eafoff LN-Q d6-0 (The Eafoff Anomoly) 8728.96875 / 1209.3125 / -5598.75 5 988,12 Ly
#16 Gludgooe PY-Z d13-2 (The Gludgooe Campfires) 4681.0625 / 208.21875 / -3685.59375 4 587,80 Ly
#17 Anyanwu 32.15625 / 23.09375 / 32.1875 5 955,54 Ly