Actualités galactiques

  • 21 mai 3307
  • Thargoids Pursue Aegis Megaship

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    The Alexandria megaship has jumped from Delphi to the HIP 16538 system, triggering a Thargoid attack.

    The megaship is carrying large quantities of Guardian artefacts, which were delivered as part of a research programme by Aegis.

    Captain Jacob Morales, commanding officer of the Alexandria, has broadcast an SOS:

    “This is an emergency! We scheduled a stopover in HIP 16538 for tritium refuelling en route to the Sol system, but Thargoid interceptors came swarming in within minutes. We require immediate assistance!”

    Admiral Aden Tanner, chief military liaison for Aegis, announced:

    “We believe that the Thargoids are reacting to the concentrated presence of Guardian technology stored within the Alexandria’s cargo holds. Not only has the attack placed its crew and the population of this system in danger, but we risk losing these extremely valuable research materials.”

    “Aegis is asking anti-xeno squadrons and independent pilots to help destroy all Thargoid vessels within HIP 16538 and protect the Alexandria.”

  • Hadrian Duval Allegations Declared ‘Inconclusive’

    Evidence that Imperator Hadrian Augustus Duval masterminded the NMLA terror campaign cannot be authenticated, according to ACT.

    Inspector Mara Klatt, one of ACT’s joint leaders, delivered this report:

    “We have rigorously analysed data provided by the Landgrave of Mudhrid that contains detailed instructions from Hadrian Duval. The content undoubtedly arranges the starport bombings, but its source is inconclusive. It now seems highly plausible that his identity was faked by the NMLA.”

    Hadrian Duval made an announcement via the Paresa News Network:

    “There can no longer be any doubt that the NMLA planted a false trail in order to incriminate us. They aim to slay every Duval and demolish Imperial traditions, a goal that the Federation is clearly happy to support.”

    “Lady Astrid and I are deeply grateful to the Nova Navy, and all the other pilots who helped to defend our honour.”

    The Federal Diplomatic Corps confirmed that the League of Mandu, which was defeated by Nova Imperium, will withdraw from the Paresa system but made no reference to ACT’s report.

    Praetor Leo Magnus, head of security for Nova Imperium and a former IISS officer, has been seconded to ACT. He will serve as a replacement for the deceased Captain Niamh Seutonia.

  • 20 mai 3307
  • Alliance Election Candidates Announce Community Drives

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    Prime Minister Edmund Mahon and Councillor Nakato Kaine have launched rival delivery initiatives in Alliance space.

    The two leading candidates for Alliance prime minister are attempting to gather public support, although the actual election will be determined by votes within the Assembly on the 27th of May.

    Every opinion poll suggests that Mahon’s victory is all but confirmed, which will grant him a second six-year term. However, the outcomes of these community drives will directly affect the successful candidate’s policies once in office.

    Prime Minister Mahon is focusing on increasing industrial materials to aid expansion. He has requested that shipments of ceramic composites, polymers and superconductors are delivered to Dublin Citadel in the Gateway system.

    Councillor Kaine aims to support local manufacturers in order to boost trade. She has asked for supplies of copper, micro-controllers and polymers to be delivered to Brett High in the Tionisla system.

    Whoever is most successful will run a second campaign the following week. Mahon will launch a tritium mining initiative, leading to the construction of new Alliance starports. Kaine will use void opal mining to help stimulate trade, increasing the availability of rare goods in Alliance-controlled systems.

  • 17 mai 3307
  • Alliance Unrest as Mahon and Kaine Clash

    The front-runner candidates in the Alliance election have stepped up their campaigns, amid widespread political and civil unrest.

    Prime Minister Edmund Mahon and Councillor Nakato Kaine are touring across the Alliance, gathering public support to sway the Assembly when it votes on the 27th of May.

    Attending a business sector conference on the planet Industry in the Zaonce system, Prime Minister Mahon stated:

    “We’ve heard a lot of reactionary rhetoric from Councillor Kaine, but it’s much easier to be critical than constructive. She has done little to secure the prosperity of our people and companies, which was my primary focus over the last six years.”

    At a protest march on New Caledonia in the Alkaid system, Councillor Kaine addressed the crowd:

    “Again, the Thargoids lash out at our presence. Again, we prop up the other superpowers. Again, we pump money into Aegis and Lakon but not our own economies. Nothing changes, unless Mahon is voted out and the Alliance takes a new direction!”

    Opinion polls suggest that Mahon has retained majority support, but with a narrower margin than in February when the election was originally scheduled. Many agree with Kaine that the Alliance should not have participated in the Galactic Summit, which led to the ‘Nine Martyrs’ bombings.

  • 14 mai 3307
  • Federal Citizens Approve Government Scrutiny

    The Proactive Detection Bureau, which monitors all civil communications in the Federation, has received a boost from the galactic community.

    President Hudson’s campaign for additional data proved so successful that the PDB has dramatically increased the range of its surveillance.

    Deputy Director Bethany Blake of the Federal Intelligence Agency announced:

    “We are now able to discreetly scan almost every private and public communications network used within Federal systems. As a result, arrest rates have soared and several organised crime rings have been dismantled.”

    Shadow President Winters’s efforts to distribute methods of blocking the PDB received considerable support, but failed to eclipse Hudson’s initiative. This was interpreted by the Federal government as a mandate from the citizens to continue its surveillance programme.

    Rhiannon Grady, director of the civil rights organisation Advocacy, told the media:

    “Since the vast majority of citizens will never receive a visit from the FIA for their activities, the public has no sense of what they have lost. But history teaches us how hard it is to regain freedoms once you’ve given them away. The Federation has taken a large step toward becoming an interstellar police state with little regard for the individual.”

  • 13 mai 3307
  • Nova Imperium Triumphs Over Federation

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    The conflict in the Paresa system has ended with Nova Imperium defeating the Federal-backed League of Mandu faction.

    Imperator Hadrian Augustus Duval had been targeted following accusations that he controlled the NMLA paramilitary group. He delivered a public address:

    “Our hard-earned victory brings great honour to all who fought against the Federation’s invasion. Their arrogance justifies our long-held belief that the Empire must stand apart from other superpowers, but Nova Imperium will continue to serve in the fight against terrorism. Memento Mordanticus!”

    Ambassador Catherine Carlisle of the Federal Diplomatic Corps made this statement:

    “Although we are grateful for their zeal in combatting the NMLA, our intermediaries at the League of Mandu have acted hastily and will soon depart from Imperial space.”

    Pilots who fought for Nova Imperium can now collect their rewards from Dyson City in the Paresa system.

    Pilots who fought for the League of Mandu can now collect their rewards from Harmony’s Shield in the Paresa system.

  • Mass Thargoid Strike – Emergency Declared

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    Thargoid forces have invaded the Delphi system and several systems in the California, Coalsack and Pleiades Nebulas.

    Huge numbers of Thargoid scouts and interceptors have appeared within multiple systems. Aegis has mobilised available defences, but also requested assistance from anti-xeno squadrons and independent pilots in combating the Thargoids.

    Shipments of Guardian artefacts were recently delivered to the Delphi system as part of an Aegis research programme. Professor Alba Tesreau has speculated that the Thargoids’ well-documented aversion to Guardian technology may be the reason why Delphi was targeted.

    Two starports recently constructed by the Kumo Crew syndicate – California Freeport in the HIP 18390 system and Fort Xeno in the HIP 62154 system – are among those seriously damaged by the assault. Archon Delaine, the syndicate’s warlord, announced:

    “I’m not going to let these filthy aliens tear down what we’ve only just built. We need to teach them a lesson that even they will understand!”

    All attacked stations have called upon the galactic community for help with rescuing their populations.

  • 11 mai 3307
  • Paresa Conflict Risks War Between Superpowers

    There are widespread fears that current hostilities in the Paresa system may force the Empire and Federation to declare full-scale war.

    The situation has been covered by mainstream media.

    The Imperial Herald: “Hadrian might be the black sheep of the Duval family, but should he die by Federation hands, honour would demand retribution. Already the Imperial Navy is mobilising in anticipation of the Emperor’s reaction.”

    The Federal Times: “The evidence that Nova Imperium orchestrated the starport bombings is credible, but the possibility of subterfuge remains. Could the NMLA really fake so many orders from Hadrian Duval to such a believable standard?”

    Eye on Achenar: “An attack against a Duval is an attack against us all, even if he does turn out to be a terrorist. How dare those Fednecks try to judge our criminals for us!”

    Sol Today: “Hundreds of thousands dead, half a million wounded… our people deserve retribution. But as usual, all the Imposers care about is pandering to their monarchy.”

    Paresa News Network: “The death toll is soaring as full-blown battles rage through our system. Paresans are terrified at facing conquest by the Federation. Can we rely on the Empire to save us?”

  • 10 mai 3307
  • Alliance Election Campaigns Resume

    The election of the Alliance prime minister will take place on the 27th of May, having been postponed due to the Galactic Summit.

    Vanya Driscoll, political correspondent for The Alliance Tribune, reported:

    “Prime Minister Edmund Mahon’s decision to postpone the election for three months caused enormous disruption and mass protests. This may have mortally wounded his campaign to be re-elected as head of government for a second six-year term.”

    “With hindsight it’s clear that Mahon was prioritising the Sirius Treaty, a detailed proposal to unite the superpowers against the Thargoids. Unfortunately, the Galactic Summit was prematurely halted by the ‘Nine Martyrs’ bombings before the treaty could be agreed.”

    “Although there are several candidates, Mahon’s only serious challenger is Councillor Nakato Kaine. She has been a vocal critic of his expansionist policies, and gained much public support for her focus on boosting trade between Alliance systems.”

    “Electoral votes will be cast by members of the Alliance Assembly, whose decisions reflect popular opinion in their constituencies. No previous prime minister has served more than a single term, so it remains to be seen whether Mahon will defy precedent or Kaine will follow the pattern of history.”

  • 7 mai 3307
  • The Voice of ‘Salvation’

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    The enigmatic ‘Salvation’ has sent a message to the Commanders he recently recruited to discover the Hesperus megaship.

    The vessel was found in the Perseus Dark Region KC-V C2-2 system, after ‘Salvation’ provided an access key to read its automated SOS. Pilots were then encouraged to deliver any surviving logs to Taurus Mining Ventures at the Hind Mine asteroid base in the T Tauri system.

    Patience Middleton, a representative of the corporation, announced:

    “‘Salvation’ has authorised us to offer two million credits or ten units of void opals for delivering the Hesperus’s logs. This contract ends on the 21st of May 3307, after which payments will not be available.”

    “We have been asked to relay the message below.”

    “‘This is Salvation. I call myself this as I cannot yet reveal my identity, but my scientific breakthroughs will literally save all of humanity. The Adamastor and the Hesperus were just the beginning, as I have always known. For my intrepid agents, there will be further work to come.’”

    Little is known about Taurus Mining Ventures, and ‘Salvation’ remains anonymous. Commanders are therefore being cautioned against undertaking tasks for a potentially criminal organisation.

  • 6 mai 3307
  • Federation Attacks Nova Imperium

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    Open warfare has begun in the Paresa system between Nova Imperium and the League of Mandu, a Federal faction.

    Imperator Hadrian Augustus Duval has been accused of masterminding the NMLA starport bombings, according to evidence provided to ACT.

    Admiral Natalia Lee, commanding the Harmony’s Shield megaship, declared:

    “The Empire refuses to arrest a Duval, even when he and his organisation are brutal terrorists. In the name of the hundreds of thousands of Federal citizens they murdered, we will enact justice.”

    Hadrian Duval made an announcement from Dyson City, the home station of Nova Imperium:

    “This invasion of Imperial space is based on false information. The Federation does not have the right to act as our judge, jury and executioner. I call upon the Empire to come to our defence, as stipulated in the Treaty of Paresa.”

    Nova Imperium is an isolationist group that believes in retaining Imperial traditions and severing all ties with other superpowers. Hadrian Duval is the illegitimate grandson of Emperor Hengist, whose heritage was officially acknowledged last November.

    ACT is currently working to verify claims that the Neo-Marlinist Order of Mudhrid aided the NMLA on Imperator Duval’s instructions.

  • Hudson Initiative Increases Federal Surveillance

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    President Zachary Hudson’s call for data deliveries has enhanced civilian surveillance within the Federation.

    His campaign received more data than a competing request from Shadow President Felicia Winters, which aimed to offer ways of protecting communications against interception by the Proactive Detection Bureau.

    For both initiatives, pilots delivered anomalous bulk scan data, exceptional scrambled emission data, specialised legacy firmware and unusual encrypted files.

    President Zachary Hudson hailed this show of public support for the Federal government:

    “Our citizens deserve security, and with their contributions to the PDB’s databases, we are now in a better position to protect them against terrorism.”

    Analysts predict that this outcome will boost security for systems that fall within Hudson’s personal sphere of influence. It is also expected that a loss of public support will reduce stability within systems where Winters has authority.

    Pilots who supported President Hudson can now collect their rewards from Gresley Dock in the Nanomam system.

    Pilots who supported Shadow President Winters can now collect their rewards from Ito Orbital in the Rhea system.

  • 3 mai 3307
  • Nova Imperium Targeted by Superpowers

    The isolationist group faces attack by both Federal and Imperial factions, after accusations that Imperator Hadrian Duval is the NMLA mastermind.

    The League of Mandu arrived in the Paresa system last week and quickly established a foothold. Admiral Natalia Lee, commanding the Harmony’s Shield megaship, announced:

    “Our purpose is to eliminate the terrorists who slaughtered so many Federal citizens. We advise the Empire to stand aside and allow us to deliver justice.”

    Magister Julius Halstrom of the Peraesii Empire Consulate declared:

    “In the name of the Emperor, we stand ready to purge the NMLA from the Paresa system – and the Federation too, unless they withdraw.”

    Hadrian Duval has broadcast a message via Paresa News Network:

    “The NMLA faked my identity when dealing with the Neo-Marlinist Order of Mudhrid, knowing the superpowers would do their work for them by killing another Duval. Nova Imperium will defend itself if necessary, but we are not responsible for any terrorist attacks.”

    ACT is still attempting to corroborate evidence provided by the Landgrave of Mudhrid. Praetor Leo Magnus, Nova Imperium’s security chief, is reportedly aiding their enquiries.

    The Senate has urgently requested direction from the Emperor, but Chancellor Blaine declared “Her Majesty cannot pass judgement upon a live investigation.”

  • 30 avril 3307
  • Kumo Crew Starports Open for Business

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    Five new starports constructed by Archon Delaine’s recent campaign have now become fully operational.

    The Orbis stations, which are run by the Kumo Council faction, are listed below:

    Kumo City in the Pegasi sector PN-T C3-14 system (Harma region)

    California Freeport in the HIP 18390 system (California Nebula)

    Crimson Exchange in the HIP 10792 system (Sothis region)

    Fort Xeno in the HIP 62154 system (Coalsack Nebula)

    Delaine Terminus in the Eol Prou PC-K c9-91 system (Colonia region)

    The starports will provide a full range of services, although their low populations bring concerns that they may be under-staffed. Additionally, security agencies in nearby systems expressed fears that since they are operated by the Kumo Crew syndicate, they are likely to harbour black markets and promote illegal activity.

    Arch-Corsair Kay Volantyne, a senior member of the Kumo Council, addressed this when she told The Pegasi Sentinel:

    “These starports exist solely to encourage trade, which is the lifeblood of our galaxy. Sometimes a little lifeblood can get spilled here and there, so I’m sure our new neighbours will welcome our protection, yes?”

    Other factions have appeared in the five systems, including subsidiaries of Sirius Corporation. Several newsfeeds have speculated about an ambiguous connection between the syndicate and the megacorp, whose financial support might explain how the Kumo Crew managed to extend so far beyond its territory.

  • 29 avril 3307
  • Guardian Artefacts Collected for Aegis Project

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    Aegis’s anti-xeno research programme has launched with the mass delivery of artefacts constructed by the Guardians.

    Many ancient caskets, orbs, relics, tablets, totems and urns were found in the ruins of the mysterious civilisation that collapsed over a million years ago. Pilots then transported these to the Delphi system for analysis.

    Professor Alba Tesreau made this announcement:

    “Everyone at Aegis is thankful for the impressive effort made by the galactic community. If we can gain new insights into Guardian technology from these samples, then funding and resources for our work may continue.”

    Aegis has agreed to pursue the development of weaponry and defences that might prove more effective against the Thargoids. However, as yet the research is in its early stages and there are no signs of imminent breakthroughs.

    Pilots who delivered Guardian artefacts can now collect their rewards from Aegis Research at the Alexandria megaship in the Delphi system.

  • Federal Leaders Launch Rival Data Requests

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    Data deliveries are required by competing initiatives to increase or decrease civilian surveillance in the Federation.

    President Zachary Hudson has asked the public to contribute to making the Proactive Detection Bureau more effective:

    “The PDB requires access to lesser-known comms channels where terrorists and criminals lurk. Supplying it with data from multiple sources will allow us to root out more potential threats.”

    To counter this campaign, Shadow President Felicia Winters aims to protect personal communications from being intercepted:

    “My duty is to help citizens preserve their constitutional right to privacy. If enough data can be gathered for baseline testing, we will distribute legal technology and techniques to secure against government intrusion.”

    Both campaigns require deliveries of the following data types: anomalous bulk scan data, exceptional scrambled emission data, specialised legacy firmware and unusual encrypted files.

    To support President Hudson, pilots should deliver data to Gresley Dock in the Nanomam system.

    To support Shadow President Winters, pilots should deliver data to Ito Orbital in the Rhea system.

    Political analysts believe that since Hudson and Winters are organising these projects personally, there may be repercussions for the security and stability of the systems where each has influence.

  • 28 avril 3307
  • Hadrian Duval Refutes NMLA Allegations

    ACT has confirmed receiving evidence that NMLA attacks were orchestrated by Imperator Hadrian Augustus Duval, who immediately denied the claim.

    Landgrave Delacroix of the Neo-Marlinist Order of Mudhrid provided details to ACT that the isolationist group Nova Imperium is at the heart of the NMLA. In response, Hadrian Duval made this statement:

    “These accusations are completely false. Our political stance is the exact opposite of Marlinism, since we believe in restoring the Empire’s traditions. Nova Imperium forces even fought against the terrorists in Mudhrid, as required by the Treaty of Paresa.”

    “As for Lady Astrid being a ‘top NMLA agent’, my wife has been a loyal Imperial Commander since she first piloted a ship.”

    Princess Aisling Duval has publicly decried the allegation and offered support to Hadrian Duval. However, Senator Zemina Torval told the Senate:

    “Should we be surprised that an extremist organisation performs extreme acts? That this arrogant boy who declares himself ‘Imperator’ should turn to violent rebellion once again? Enemies of the Empire must be punished, even those with Duval blood.”

    ACT is fully investigating the Landgrave’s evidence and has asked for patience, despite urgent demands for action from the Alliance, Empire and Federation.

  • 27 avril 3307
  • Galactic Mysteries: The Hesperus

    Francesca Wolfe of the Wallglass Investigations Agency examines the Hesperus megaship and the Dredger Clan that caused its recent discovery.

    “When the Adamastor derelict received a strange signal, smart money was on it originating from its sister ship, the Hesperus. Both were owned by Azimuth Biochemicals and had vanished 200 years ago.”

    “After a united effort to decode and trace the signal, independent pilots located the Hesperus in an asteroid belt around the second star of the Perseus Dark Region KC-V C2-2 system. Like the Adamastor, it was devoid of life – but not alone.”

    “Alongside it was a dredger, whose proximity had triggered the Hesperus’s mayday. This was a rare sighting of a Dredger Clan, one of the nomadic tribes that Gunnarson recently discussed.”

    “The Scriveners Clan was originally a fleet of research vessels for a long-forgotten academic consortium. Over centuries they became a self-sufficient society, constantly acquiring materials and information. They’re not aggressive, but shun outsiders and jealously guard their ‘Knowledge Core’. I’m fascinated by mentions of research-sergeants and lector-generals, suggesting their culture is a merger of scholastic and military.”

    “With the Hesperus claimed as salvage by the Scriveners and its drives stripped, all chance of learning more was lost. Luckily, four encoded data files had resisted upload, and a gap in the dredger’s antiquated firewalls allowed pilots to hack them.”

    “The decrypted logs have now been preserved for posterity in a nearby tourist beacon. They tell a disturbing story of corporate rivalry, murder and revenge, but also leave many unanswered questions...”

    “We know that survivors abandoned ship to continue searching for ‘alien artefacts’. Did they all die in space or did they find something? What did Azimuth’s probes detect back in 3113? And who the hell is ‘Salvation’, the shadowy figure who contacted pilots to find the Hesperus?”

  • 26 avril 3307
  • Neo-Marlinists Expose Hadrian Duval as NMLA Leader

    Imperator Hadrian Augustus Duval of Nova Imperium is the mastermind behind the NMLA, according to classified information leaked from within ACT.

    Independent journalist Flint ‘Firemaker’ Lafosse published the details on the Rewired network:

    “Hadrian Duval: the illegitimate embarrassment of the Imperial Family, or their secret terrorist nemesis? That’s the story being told by survivors from the Neo-Marlinist Order of Mudhrid, who gave up their secrets to save their own skins.”

    “According to my source, Landgrave Delacroix confessed to ACT that his faction transported enzyme bombs and Nova Imperium assassins to their targets on the direct orders of Hadrian Duval, who promised rewards and political power in return.”

    “Delacroix also revealed that Hadrian was converted to Neo-Marlinism a year ago by his consort Astrid Minerva, a top NMLA agent. She convinced him that becoming Emperor would be much easier if all the other Duvals were dead!”

    “As for the NMLA’s attempt on Hadrian’s life last October, that was faked in order to gain the Imperial Family’s trust. Just another false flag operation – which, as we truth-seekers know, can be found everywhere.”

    As yet this information has not been verified, and its source remains anonymous. There has been no comment from either ACT or Nova Imperium.

  • 23 avril 3307
  • Winters Claims Civilian Surveillance is Illegal

    Shadow President Felicia Winters has claimed that the Proactive Detection Bureau is unconstitutional as it violates the Federal Accord.

    In an address before Congress, she said:

    “The Federation’s constitution explicitly guarantees citizens the right to data security and privacy. The PDB tramples over this by raiding everyone’s personal communications, casting aside decency and dignity so that algorithms can probe into every aspect of our lives.”

    “Furthermore, if ACT’s hypothesis is correct and the NMLA is using an advanced dark-comms network, then the PDB’s existence is baseless and unjustifiable.”

    Vice President Jerome Archer responded:

    “The Domestic Counter-Terrorism Act is emergency legislation that temporarily suspends constitutional statutes, until we are satisfied that the terrorist threat has been negated.”

    “Following the PDB’s success in uncovering extremist groups, we are widening the search parameters to include other related criminal activity.”

    Opinion polls suggest that a slim majority of Federal citizens accept that some liberties must be sacrificed in return for increased security.

    However, according to the civil rights organisation Advocacy, the speed with which the PDB gained access to data hubs suggested that “The infrastructure was already in place – all the government needed was an opportunity to make it legal.”